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Everything posted by sidcow

  1. I think you missed the irony in my Post!
  2. 6th place? RDM out NOW!!! we should have got in Moyes, only man for the job with his recent successes.
  3. I expect he doesn't like it up him either!
  4. Not so much missing but looking forward to the significant improvement in my eyesight next year. I assume this will happen anyway as it only seems to be fans of PL teams who need the table printed in extra large letters.
  5. How about Deadly Doug style Preeemiership
  6. By the look of previous fit and proper person tests it's probably the kid they have in on work experience before he leaves school for college who will do it
  7. I would rather the player who stayed at home perhaps getting in some extra fitness sessions respecting his health and body and team paying him absolutely obscene amounts of money in order for him to perform as a top class athlete in the best physical condition he can be. And yes they do exist but we seem over and over again to sign unprofessional morons about whom we say "oh well they are footballers we can't expect them to be angels" despite the fact we are paying them 100 times more than your average Olympic athlete who is young and full of life but treats his body like a temple because he is driven and wants to be the best. I for one pray the days of signing Dubai party boys are over.
  8. Stop getting excited about new directors you lot. I don't believe a word of this takeover malarkey. It's just a ruse to sell additional tickets IMHO
  9. Looks tons better to me. Much cleaner and actually appears properly on mobile devices like someone said these are now the most common way the site will be accessed so it should be mobile first. That said I havent looked at this on a computer yet. It still obviously needs to look right and work properly on a computer as well.
  10. Same here only to be interrupted by 90 minutes of football. Briar rose to the Lord clifden to the Olde white Rose in bilston to the great Western. Repeat on way home except for the Briar rose. This time remember to not send highly insulting text messages to your mother in law as she is next to your wolves supporting mate in your phone
  11. I wonder if Leicester regret him signing for us instead of them?
  12. Thank God he's made it through the wilderness now.
  13. And judging by the horrendous Disney Channel shows my daughter watches do they all constantly shout and scream at each other?
  14. My brother in law is a sales rep for a company who sell labeling machines. He has been to many production lines where all the items come out from the same starting point then some are diverted left for the branded label and some diverted right for the supermarket label. Not all are like this but he confirms it is very common
  15. No this is, I'm afraid, utter nonsense. Claptrap you might even say. . But that is just my opinion of course which is different to yours.
  16. It's nuts. My wife will only buy nurafen and when I tell her the 36p supermarket own brand IS EXACTLY THE SAME she says it isn't and still spends £2 on the brand. I don't understand it.
  17. I think we also have to bear in mind that when he was sacked by Chelsea they were third in the Premier League table, and only four points behind then leaders Manchester City who they were due to play at home the following week so had the potential to go just 1 point off the lead in the PL. It's fair to say he was sacked by Chelsea for failing to get out of the Champions League group stages and that's harsh bearing in mind he won it for them the previous season.
  18. So it's 33.33 / 33.33 /33.33 then?
  19. Thing is I don't think this is a moral issue. If anything is immorral it's the ffp rules themselves which are set up to keep the rich clubs rich and keep the smaller clubs down and in their place whilst disguising themselves as a way of protecting clubs. We are actually fighting unfair rules trying to beat the system which is loaded against us succeeding. That sounds to me a far better fight to fight rather than lying down and saying oh well never mind.
  20. But isn't this where ffp is just ludicrous. What was wrong with the old. Days where a rich owner would say "I am very rich, it's my club that I own so I am going to pump loads of my money into my club that I own" Ffp has created this environment where clubs and owners have to be sneakey and put cash in by hidden means. It's all a bit silly really. . What's to stop someone at a Xia connected company saying something like "I really love that boardroom table, I would love to buy it, how does £100m sound?" They could even do it via eBay just to complete the illusion with some fake bids from some other Xia companies. It's all just so silly really and should be got rid off. . It's all a sham anyway
  21. Saw some Iron Maiden beer for sale today in Tesco. Weird
  22. On Sunday I am going to watch my 11 year old daughter who is a very talented sprinter run a relay in front of several thousand people at the Alexander stadium before the diamond league athletics meet begins. Proud as punch!
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