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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. Frank Skinner is my comedy hero, along with Ricky Gervais.
  2. Just gone through this thread to count the thumbs, there are 59 as of this post. The vast majority of thumbs were given out by a giant rastafarian man with a name which happens to be a pallindrome. DDID is the 2nd most thumb giver, then Spoony. AVFCforever91 is 4th. I'll keep an eye on proceedings fellas, don't worry.
  3. Made sense to me, I grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I also know snowboard talk, I grew up playing cool borders & cool borders 2. YAGGGGGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I just used " " for the first time in the Villatalk Meme Thread. Go check it out.
  5. Where is Mooney? I hope he's not one of those fellas who works hard all his life, retires and then the day after drops dead from bad aids or summat.
  6. Yeah, that kinda of stuff is why the behaviour management stuff is the only testing part of PE lessons. When I first started, I threatened to make a kid sit out for not doing it properly. After realising that's what he wanted, I took his break time off him. He soon started doing it properly. It's about each individual child. Sometimes as well it's better to praise people to get the behaviour you want. In my Y2 class, I make a big deal out of praising those with good manners rather than scolding those with none* *Boring thread invasion YEAH That's good. One of my PE teachers faced a similar problem so said "you can either do it properly, or go and pick litter up around the astro turf, I'll get you a bag and then at the end of lesson you can show me how much you've picked up, if it's not enough, you can come and do it on lunch as well." He did what he was told, silly prick.
  7. I don't agree that's it's almost completely about the women. I go to a lot of effort for Valentines Day. My boyfriend and I are moving in together in a few months & I've had a graphic designer make a house filled with lots of words that mean something to us & I've printed it and had it framed. It's about everyone making an effort. I can imagine you presenting that to him while he's watching TV, and him not taking his eyes off the TV, and just saying "yeah, that's lovely love.." before changing channels and never thinking or looking at it again. You should have got him a big picture of your boobies.
  8. I remember my mates saying there was porn with horses. I didn't believe them. So I "yahoo'd" (Or Lycos'd) Horse Porn and low and behold - there were pictures of women making love with horses. My older brother used to rib me about that for a little while, because I didn't know you could delete history I think I did the same with scat porn too - none of the above is remotely interesting to me, I just had to see if they were real. One was a royal family member. Buts that's all I can say That is proper boring of you, You can watch Downton anytime and you can masturbate whenever you like aswell.. Poor old Harry
  9. Only if EA were publishing it.
  10. So... make the maps bigger? Have a fight in a broken down city, that you could add to the destruction? If DICE got their hands on it, I'd be saying "it's gonna be brilliant", but they don't even mention map evolution, which to me, just means it's going to be boring.
  11. I think the "bits and bobs" of the game look better than the actual game - if you catch my drift. It looks very cool jumping around on walls and catapulting yourself into a suit, but the suit combat looks a bit boring and so did the run and gun combat. It's presentation is really good - but I still don't think it'll be as much fun as it looks - particularly with only 8 vs 8 or whatever it is - the gaming community are past those numbers now - look at BF's and planetside/Dayz
  12. good salmon, lemon, dill, salt and pepper are your friends. make sure you don't eat starchy pasta!
  13. Ok, for a bit more detail for the OP. We sold a 08 Vauxhall Corsa - If we sold it private - we'd have got about £3,000, maybe £3,250? We got £2,600 for it from webuyanycar after they quoted up £2,900. The car itself was in okay condition - apart from when the Air conditioning was on, it made a really weird noise when pulling off in 1st gear. And the engine light was on because of it. We called them, booked an appointment the next day at a time of our convenience, and I took it in. They have a little tick sheet which when they look at the car body (a pretty detailed inspection to be honest) they look for little scratches or bumps (individually listed). The guy told me that our car had less than 5 of each - which is the first bracket (1-5), so it was listed as very good condition. They then turn the engine on, floor the pedal to make sure there's no black smoke coming out the back and then look inside the car. They look in the boot for your wheel etc. They then drive it back and forward on their car park, and check the gears go into gear nicely. So, we had a couple of bumps and a couple of scratches - all general wear and tear - and I they knocked off £300 for them, which I thought was fine. You can pay £40 to have the money in your bank by the next day, or you can wait for 5 working days and it'll be there. Fill in a couple of forms, give them your cars V14 (I think), sign a couple of items and bob's your uncle - car sold. Took about 1 hour from start to finish - The guys were nice, professional and respectful. I thought they gave a solid service. Yeah, I suppose the extra £400 would have been nice, but I've sold a car privately before and had problems with time wasters and people that want to test drive it and arse around for an hour - so i suppose the speed of service was definitely worth that difference. Hope that helps
  14. I've used it, they were great actually, despite my skepticism. The money they offered me was what I'd have expected.
  15. lapal_fan

    GTA 5

    I laughed when me and kiwi were just making random noises at each other
  16. I thought he was between the ages of 51 and 53.
  17. Well as I can't possibly lose against all these BETA's, I'll agree Trekka... I'm obviously going to win... convincingly, because I'm the best person/thing in the entire world and nobody disagrees with me, ever. *I may or may not believe these claims.
  18. Don't hate the gamer, hate the playa Ajax
  19. Always go for your main competition StefanAVFC 10 Xela 11 Heal Tonyh 11 Villaajax 10 8pints 8 Hurt Morpheus 10 CarewsEyebrowDesigner 10 Lapal_fan 10 Dont_do_it_Doug 10 Stevo985 10 amidoingthisright?
  20. It's all about attention. These people want to be the next Jackass, Tom Green, SKY don't they? It's the new 15 minutes of fame.
  21. I've had an olympian quote me, I've made it in life :D :D
  22. I've emailed The Sun what you said, I'm sure they'll put a positive spin on it
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