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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Enjoy it whilst it lasts mate. Season 1 was pretty epic.
  2. ClubHotel Riu Ocho Rios That be my destination, mon'
  3. This gave me chills when I saw it live (well, on TV)
  4. Raw is War was the best. I found my favourite bits Austin Saves the Day Austin Saves the Day III Don't make it like they used to, do they?
  5. Yes, thats why I 'ripped it off' :-D
  6. Yes, I've ripped off the Venga Boys song, but still. Just booked myself a holiday! Mate and his missus (also mate) are getting married there October next year, asked if I could come, so this morning I went to Thompson and booked it up! This is seriously out of character for me lol. 2 weeks all inclusive. So excited. Only 18 months to go
  7. I hope that bike had a ticket! Cradley isn't so bad. Granted I don't use it often, but for a short journey into Snow Hill it's alreet.
  8. I've been loving life since breaking up with my ex-fiancé. We broke up in November (some of you may remember the topic). This year I've started playing 2 hours of football on a Monday night down GOALs, I'm gyming 3 times a week at Haden Hill with my mate Al (and seeing massive benefits of doing so, I'll be an Adonis in no time) and I've joined a Wednesday night Bowling League down the Dudley Bowlplex. I'm going out more, doing more stuff and I've hardly touched my 360 or Laptop in weeks and weeks. Feeling fitter, feeling more energetic and generally loving life at the moment. I feel like a new man. Seriously, getting out there and doing stuff is the way forward, it keeps your mind busy and keeps you active. I also haven't smoked since New Years Eve. Double bonus.
  9. Either that or she was just passing and did it anyway
  10. I drove passed one of my ex's houses last night and had the experience of seeing her noshing off a taxi driver just round the corner from it. Talk about a lucky escape. Wonder how many times she did that whilst we were going out.
  11. I guess Bin Laden shouldn't have used his real address on the Playstation Network. Stupid sod.
  12. Get rid of Beye with his 40k a week and add that to Young's pay packet.
  13. People moaning on a forum that something doesn't deserve it's own topic.
  14. When I used to watch it I'd say the 'Attitude' era was by far the best. The Corporation, The Ministry, DX, the Corporate Ministry etc.. Was aces. I'll never forget the Stephanie McMahon Storyline where she was marrying Test, but the Ministry abducted her and went to 'sacrifice' her in the ring. Shamrock came down and tried to help, couldn't. Big Show came down, got battered. Then Austin's music hit and he cleared the ring. I marked out proper.
  15. Best thing Petrov has done all day. Why not bring Super Marc on? **** Pires!!
  16. This officiating is seriously pissing me off. It's gonna come back to bite us in the ass on 87minutes
  17. How has Colochinni not been booked yet? I'm beginning to see some kind of bias with the officials
  18. This DLC is the worst of them I'm afraid. You go in solo and it's here that combat really seems 'off' without a team. Really bad plot too. They went out with a whimper to say this is the final DLC.
  19. Well, it's been just over 4 months since I split from my ex-fiancée. Things are going OK. Playing football once a week, bowling twice a week (league on Wednesday), gyming once or twice a week, quit smoking (90 days now, booyah) and I've got my apartment back to how it was. Spoke to her, probably twice. Once at Christmas via text (just a happy Xmas) and once about 3 weeks ago (just thanking me for dropping her post off). Other than that haven't heard from her. So yeah, I'm doing more fun stuff, seeing my mates more and getting fitter. Can't grumble at that.
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