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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. XD Epic. I just like having someone to come home to after a day at work. I'm enjoying living my own life at the moment, but I do feel more at home in a relationship.
  2. Yeah, if it's not sorted then you'll end up doing something that will be a whole lot worse than talking about it lol.
  3. Talk to your missus about it. Tell her that he pissing you off. It's nothing to do with you not trusting her, just the lack of respect he is showing you AND your girlfriend. You need to nip it in the bud sooner rather than later. I'm still single. Been 7 months now and it's starting to get me down. Went to a one of my mates parties on Saturday round her house, everyone there was a couple. Although we all mingled and stuff a part of me still felt like a third wheel, then when we all left I was the one who went home alone. *forever alone jpeg* Suppose I'm just feeling lonely at the moment.
  4. Yeah, you've got to say fair play to him really. Although it's good to get communication from the club, I'm not sure the official statement was the best idea really.......makes it look like Martinez was the number 1 option. It REALLY doesn't. "ensured him of a position high on our short list of potential new managers"
  5. Kevin is wicked. I love his accent lol. He stays calm all of the time too which makes people rage even more!
  6. Obviously Hitzlsperger is coming back to the Villa, but in a managerial capacity
  7. Totally agree.... Exemplorary handling of pressure too. Contrast his behaviour in the lead up to Survival Sunday with blabber mouth Holloway. Quiet, dignified and when the game came, looked to attack and get the 3 points. Could do a lot worse.... If he gets the job, he has my full support. il actually be delighted if he gets it. Theres a freshness about him and cant understand why anyone wouldnt want him I remember his first game for Wigan at VP. Watching him on the touchline, he looked calm and assured. Just had the right look about him as he directed things from the touchline. Quite the contrary of O'Neill who didn't seem to have a plan b and was just barking out instructions and stamping his feet He looks like he belongs on the cover of Football Manager.
  8. Agreed Julie. Yes, to some it may be classed as a backwards step, but we need to basically build the team up from scratch again after the people we have seen leave this season and last. We could have a young manager with his own philosophy, and he will have time to implement this into the existing squad whilst getting players who he thinks will slot in well with it. If it is Martinez, I won't be judging him on next season. I'll give him chance to build his squad and if 3 years down the line we haven't gone anywhere then it's time to look at what he has done / is doing. I reckon Makoun will be an important part of his team next year.
  9. Blimey... the radio stations this morning have been swamped with Villa fans protesting about McClaren. Nearly all of them saying if it is him then they won't renew their season tickets. It's only speculation!! Talk about jumping the gun a bit.
  10. Bloody hell that was quick. I quite liked the idea of Jol being here.
  11. Unless the club making the offer goes public with it (cheap tactic imo) why would the player even know about it? Offer is made Rejected I doubt Randy would try to unsettle his own player who he wants to stay but telling him that a club has tried to buy him but he said no.
  12. Clubs can try, but the board won't allow any clubs to talk to DJ whilst we don't have a man at the helm, so it's pointless arguing about it.
  13. Oh boy where do I start. First I guess I should say I see you didn't actually mean your previous posts when you said you weren't going to continue to 'reason' with me. Sadly. Next I suggest you purchase a dictionary and you take a little time to look up the meaning of the word 'objective'. I'm perfectly capable of being objective which is why I've said Downing may well leave and that he may well leave to join you. What I'm disputing is your frankly daft claim that we may see some form of opportunity in selling him at a time we have no manager and that an offer of £4m above what we paid for the player will be enough to tempt us. This despite the fact he has 2 years remaining on his contract. No lack of objectivity there. What I'm perhaps lacking is the pair of rather large blinkers you appear to be wearing that make you think its still the 1980's and that Liverpool are the biggest game in town, well it ain't the 80's are you aren't. Further you have previously tried to bully us in to flogging you Barry and you were sent packing yet you are now trying to suggest you might in some way pressure us into taking your offer for Downing while it remains on the table. And you want to try and lecture me about objectivity? Believe me there is nothing hard to understand in what you have posted, I need no help understanding it. I understand it perfectly well which is why I'm responding to it and being critical of your underlying belief that we might actually be willing to entertain this offer. Sure Liverpool are free to bid for whoever they want and had you come on here and talked about that I wouldn't have had a problem with it. What I have a problem with is this talk of window of opportunity and trying to push a deal through as if Villa are but bystanders or a club that will be pushed around by Liverpool when we have already proven we won't. Now I'm not sure I could make that any more simple to understand for you, so I don't think I need tell you what you can do with your offer of help. Mate, you're arguing with yourself. Very little of anything you just posted has anything to do with me. You are really are struggling here. Forget Aston Villa and Liverpool. Think Club A and Club B. Be objective. Just try. Club A has no manager and a player refusing to sign a new contract. Do you not understand how Club B could sense an opportunity there? If there isn't one, then there isn't one. But there's only one way Club B will find out, isn't there? Now just get your head around that very basic logic and leave me alone will you. Downing isn't refusing to sign a contract though. He's simply waiting to see how things unfold regarding the manager situation. Then he'll sit down with him and make a decision then.
  14. Can we change the title to; Downing: Best Yet To Come... Just not with Villa.
  15. He has never done a good job either. A draw specialist. :yawn: Funnily enough that's how I feel about your posts lately. :yawn:
  16. LOL Good one. Might wanna take a look at that chip on your shoulder. Show me on the doll where Mark Hughes touched you..
  17. Nobody is denying the fact he is good for Fulham.. Without being disrespectful to them but I consider Villa to be a very big club and a very big catch for a top manager. Our facilities and backing are top notch.. Villa Park is a great stadium and we amongst the top clubs in England when it comes to the managerial package we can offer.. We really should be aiming alot higher than Mark Hughes or David Moyes. Instead of looking at us in Premiership terms...Look at us in European terms instead. Then ask the ask the question...If we want to rule Europe once again what must we do? I dont think appointing Mark Hughes is getting us on the ladder of such goal..We need to broaden our search and options...Its vital we get the right man that can transform us into a modern day "European" team...Not just a team to get by in the Premiership. Before we look in European terms, we HAVE to concentrate on the English Premier League to qualify. Then sink? Im talking about building the modern day European style team now..Not in 4 years time when Hughes has spent 100m to get us a top 6 finish and a LC.. Go out and appoint the manager now that will modernise us into a side that can compete in Europe.. Blimey, Man United are the best team in the Premiership yet were made to look like a division 2 side v Barca..AND THATS MAN UNITED! Do you seriouslY think whilst the rest of Europe moves forward we have the time to watse arsing about with backward tactics? We need to make that move NOW! And you seriously think you can get all this in one season? It's a building process. Man City have spent crap loads the last few seasons and have only just managed to break the Top 4. We have a long way to go.
  18. You make it seem like we have some divine right to have a Manager with a horde of trophies and medals in his cabinet? We're a mid-table club. To expect us to bring in a 'winner' when we are in the state we are currently in is laughable in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to get Ancelotti and Wilkins in for example, but if we got Hughes who is still a young manager I wouldn't grumble. I think he's ideal for us at the moment. What has Moyes won? Who mentioned Moyes?
  19. You make it seem like we have some divine right to have a Manager with a horde of trophies and medals in his cabinet? We're a mid-table club. To expect us to bring in a 'winner' when we are in the state we are currently in is laughable in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to get Ancelotti and Wilkins in for example, but if we got Hughes who is still a young manager I wouldn't grumble. I think he's ideal for us at the moment.
  20. This is the same Wenger who is being slated by his fans?
  21. Big Sam to West Ham. Phew. That's one off the list.
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