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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. We are not the sty dwellers but the mighty Villans! What was in Randy's five year plan? To finish 9th? I didn't think so? Spuds and Everton have both acheived CL spots and have not spent as much money as us. Why not dream! With a good manager we could achieve top 4 and once you are in it? The 5 year plan was going well, then City came along and basically purchased 4th place. Spurs have a good manager and made some great buys (I don't know where they get all their money from). At this moment in time I'll be happy to just not decline back to a mid-table side. 5th-8th is our level at the moment.
  2. I actually think that Houllier will come out and say he isn't returning. His wife will obviously want him to think about his health and I believe he'll make the right choice. He won't force Randy to make the choice. That said, I think he will stay on in some capacity (maybe sort out our scouting network and use some of his contacts), but he won't be in the dugout come August.
  3. This whole super-injunction bollocks I don't give a shit if a footballer cheats on his missus (allegedly). Joe Bloggs down the road did it, no-one is trying to out him in the National Papers. Report on something worthwhile and stop acting like you're a gossip magazine for 15 year old girls.
  4. Great post Alec. We need more like that. I wouldn't be against Hughes in the dugout come August.
  5. This. I had it for all of a week then deleted my account.
  6. Damn it D_L, I was waiting for the opportunity to make that joke! :x 8)
  7. who's charisma Agbonlahor?? :S I think she was in Buffy.
  8. No. If we're going to stick with Houllier the board need to be 100% sure of this and stick with his throughout the season. see I'm a pro GH type, and I disagree with you here, I support GH being given the opportunity of a full pre-season to institute his changes, and after then if its not working, ( about Nov / Dec, ) then make a change. There would be no excuses left, and we would have provided ample support. Very rarely does sacking a manager halfway through the season change anything. Whoever we start with should finish the season imo. I don't want to be one of those clubs who panic at the first sign of trouble and have a high manager turnover.
  9. No. If we're going to stick with Houllier the board need to be 100% sure of this and stick with his throughout the season.
  10. Might have been mentioned previously.. People on the treadmill walking at high speed on an incline who have to hold on to the top of the treadmill for dear life. Also people walking at a snails pace who are on there for 45minutes not even breaking a sweat. You can do that shit outside for free. Stop hogging the machines.
  11. I love all the AC games. I'm with you, AC1 was phenomenal when it came out. It showed amazing graphics and a fantastic game play system. Yes, it was repetitive and it got a lot of criticism for it, but it then took on board the criticism and built on it to make a better game. Brotherhood so far is the best of the bunch which means that they have improved on each instalment up to now, I have every faith that Revelations is going to be epic!
  12. Very much this. I've been using both feet since I was little and I'm efficient with both now. Started out with simple exercises against a wall and just developed from there.
  13. Number 2 is like my ideal woman (looks wise). I love her. Reckon I can pretend to have a kid to get her to come over?
  14. Another solid performance from DJ. But I really REALLY wish he had a right foot sometimes.
  15. Paignton. Pubs, restaurants, there's a zoo, some shops n stuff, the beach / boats, pier... Nice weekend away
  16. Too easy. Like your Mum. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH! Sorry.
  17. I had everyone survive. I did everyone's side missions when I could though and got everyone loyal. I also didn't pussyfoot about when I could go through the Relay so I managed to save Kelly and the Dr etc... Legion - Vents Garrus - Team Leader (both times) Mordin - Escort Jack - Forcefield Finished the boss off with Miranda and Samara. Also upgraded the ship to it's potential which probably helped.
  18. Is that because there is not one? *twizzles moustache*
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