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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Marlon Harewood moves to China to play in not the top division.. but the second division.. :shock:
  2. Can someone who has AVTV please watch the interview and tell us what he has to say? He looks ecstatic! More importantly... That man has a camera for a head!
  3. I really like that training top.
  4. Its only £19m that we want and I bet liverpool will pay it. LINK EDIT: Another link HERE It's only that article that speculates we have "slapped" a £19M price tag on him. Oh, and a "source close to Villa" saying we have made it clear what the price is. He told Press Association Sport: 'My agent had a meeting with the club - just one meeting - and he just felt it was the right time not to sign my contract Agents. **** leaches the lot of them. He's looking for a bigger payout himself.
  5. A random text from a girl you like asking how your day is 8)
  6. I actually tried this with Ashley Young. I listed him from the very start of the season. 19m rated. Not one bid at all. Totally shocked me. I agree with your analysis though. That list needs to be worked out, especially the scouting. I found loads of gems in the previous FIFA games through scouting countries (helped a lot when in league 2/1 and working my way up).
  7. Just tell her that you're 'Atkins Approved'
  8. Woke up to a mass of texts from the ex. After last night she basically convinced herself that we were getting back together, so after an hour of catching up and saying how great I looked the convo eventually got onto the 'good' bits of our relationship... The sex. Playing with her hair, looking all sexy etc... It took ALL of my restraint to not commit and end up doing her there and then on the couch which I know she wanted. So the texts were basically apologising for getting the wrong end of the stick, could we be **** buddies, she still wants to hang out... So the meet up helped me loads (get closure) and I won't be doing the FB thing as that has potential to make things very complicated, I wouldn't mind hanging out but I don't want her to keep thinking we're getting back together. Best to cut all contact now?
  9. The ex is coming round tonight for a drink and catch up. Not seen her since we broke up 8 months ago. *thinkwithheadnotwithdick thinkwithheadnotwithdick*
  10. Never heard of him before that. Is he the new Letterman or something? I made a topic about him a few weeks back but no-one responded at all. OT: A few of his 'skits' from his show. How he gets all the celebrities in to do them is beyond me. The Hottie Body Hump Club though.... HHHNNNNGGGGG
  11. I reckon the picture is real, as in he is posing for a photo with Carroll and the woman. However, I believe the scarf is shopped in. His left hand could be holding a bottle of lager, it just looks a bit off to me.
  12. Game of Thrones was indeed awesome. I bloody hate it when things finish and I have to wait another 9 months for the next series though!
  13. C'mon Randy, bring Laursen back as manager and Mellberg as his number 2. Let them sort this shit out.
  14. Because everyone knows that if you talk to someone, you HAVE to hire them. FFS, the press are a bunch of **** words removed and they aren't happy unless they're spouting drivel 24/7. They're the ones to blame for this mass panic amongst Villa fans and the laughter from opposition fans. I seriously wouldn't give a toss if all news outlets disappeared.
  15. Actually going for a drink with the ex next Thursday. She text last night thanking me for dropping her post off earlier in the week (yup, still getting that little bit of post come through 8 months later). Had a text chat and we said we'd meet up for a catch up. I think we're both OK with it, be nice to see how everyone is on her side, they were ALMOST my family. Plus we ended the relationship maturely so there aren't any bad feelings or anything. Should be a nice evening.
  16. Well I've seen a picture, but that's it (online dating site). And pictures aren't really the best to go off, so technically it's a blind date. She seems nice though, but I've made sure to tell my family where I'm going and at what time so if I don't come into work on Friday morning they'll know where to start the search
  17. Got a date Thursday. Kind of a blind date. Meh, see how it goes.
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