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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. Small things like that always happen in manager games, it's one of the reasons why I never have the patience to play out a manager season for more than 1.5 seasons. I always save before something like that and then reload if it goes sour. It's the only way to counter the cheating bastard computer.
  2. Yes please. I'd happily swap Sidders' 50k a week for N'Zogbia's 50k a week.
  3. Ace!!! Lol Sorry I weren't about. Went to a poker game. I'll be about tomorrow at some point
  4. How can we be a team if one of us don't have a headset?
  5. Quarry Bonk lol. We'm proper Black Country mukka.
  6. **** you Reverend! (Never thought I'd say THAT!)
  7. Y'am lucky I'm in a forgiving mood, RDR :winkold:
  8. I'd have loved to have seen Prince William do that.
  9. Ridiculous! If a manager did that IRL he'd be lynched! Brought for £15m and sold 1 season later for £1m. Crazy.
  10. I hope the country backlashes against Birmingham City if we miss out now.
  11. They're just waiting for the last minute bribes to go through.
  12. I play on 360. Usually with a group of chums on demolition. Lord Of The Yam Add me.
  13. I put 7. I'm pretty happy. Took a point away for being single, a point away for it being crap weather, and took a point away because my TV broke last night so I have to move my 360 downstairs again! Other than that I'm dandy. Going out with my mates again, parties coming up, talking to some people I haven't spoke to in a while, been talking to a new girl who seems quite nice.
  14. David Haye has more personality than all of them. Plus he basically finished off (Fr)Audley.
  15. Currently watching Supernatural season 6. It's ace. <3
  16. Double XP this weekend (360 - not sure about PS3)
  17. You're not lolling at the Cowboys now, are ya? :winkold:
  18. Going with the missus? £300.00 will be ample. Going with the lads? Double it.
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