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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Say, "Entschuldigung, ich bin ein Inselaffe"
  2. Let's see. I've complained to the ICO anyway.
  3. Do click through and look at the subsequent tweets:
  4. YoUr RonG about teh MandalOriANZ. Its rubish. Agree on the most recent fillums.
  5. I keep getting emails from Nationwide, who I no longer bank with. This is me in the online chat:
  6. Most of the newer stuff is absolute formulaic crap for me, and I include the Mandalorian in that. But Rogue One (film) and Andor (TV series) are absolutely top notch: much more adult, much less pandering to kids and marketing committees. On the assumption that hasn't persuaded you Rob, Rogue One has Felicity Jones in it, and Andor has Adria Arjona and Genevieve O'Reilly.
  7. I would like to apologise: I meant to post this in the boring thread, because it is very boring indeed. And I was bored.
  8. Re the targeting of this restaurant... We are often told that Russian missiles aren't accurate and can't hit anything more specific than 'that city over there - ish', so which is it? They fired at the city and just happened to hit a restaurant, or they targeted the restaurant. Russian armed forces obviously scumbags whichever it is, but the media can't have it both ways.
  9. I had vegan chicken in breadcrumb burger things for lunch. Tasted OK. Dreading the farts. I didn't buy them myself FWIW.
  10. What I'm not seeing mentioned anywhere yet is money, and the role it played and is playing in the relationship between Prigozhin and Putin. Putin bankrolled Wagner initially. Is he still paying for it? To what extent have Prigozhin's 'investments' in Africa and Syria been able to give him an income? Armies are expensive to maintain in peacetime. Being in an active war is a huge cost multiplier. Another thing to consider is where does Wagner get its supplies from? I'm talking about bullets, shells, tickets etc. From what I've read it comes from Russian authorities (of whatever form). Fuel, food etc he can just buy anywhere, but the military stuff has to come mainly from the Russian armed forces. I suppose what I'm wondering is how 'independent' Wagner is, and maybe there's a mismatch between reality and Prigozhin's perception.
  11. I'd like to see the Ukrainians making a big push on their "I want to live" program, so that all the Russians in Ukraine surrender without a fight. Everybody wins.
  12. Er, Bud Light? That is, and has never been, right. Unless it's a way to get people to leave immediately of course.
  13. Just need to get Wanksy in. Works like a charm in the UK.
  14. For those of you who would like a more comprehensive read about Mr Johnson, try "The Little Black Book of Lying Boris Johnson" available from Byline here. They have a few more Little Black Books available too. Actually, all their books are good and useful.
  15. Both @Davkaus and @sidcow get the Anthony seal of Pratchett approval. Edit: and @Chindie who posted at the same time as me.
  16. Looking at pictures of the sub that's gone missing. I wouldn't even go on that thing in drydock. Heath Robinson eat your heart out.
  17. I presume you're all over this @bickster?
  18. Whenever I read "Rogues Gallery", in my head I always say "Galerie des Rouges"
  19. Watched Medusa Deluxe on Sunday. Very good. Funny, stressful, arty. Odd. Breathless almost. Cracking script. Many excellent performances. One average one. And shot in 4:3 for some reason. Strong recommend.
  20. Out of those four pictures Mike, in which one do you think you look most like Jeremy Corbyn?
  21. Here is tweet number one of a thread about Johnson. Each tweet stands by itself, but I just kept going and reading the next one. I urge you to do the same.
  22. Yeah, steel innit. Actually, wassit. It's all gone now.
  23. Hitchin beer festival today. My local one in the East End happens in November in a big, freezing hall. The Hitchin one is at the rugby club, outside on the grass. In the sun. And I saw ABBA Voyage last night as a late birthday present. Very, very good. Amazing visuals and sound quality.
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