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Everything posted by nepal_villan

  1. French International Gomis signs with Swansea of a free. Would have been a good pick-up for us.
  2. Great to see our players excelling at the World Cup.
  3. From a branding perspective I just can't see RedBull taking over the club. If Hull City can't even add Tigers to their name, no shot RedBull will be able to rebrand the club as they please. All their properties have identical colors and the RedBull name features prominently.
  4. Too philanthropic. Would not burn cash on "soccer" club.
  5. Think one guy with loads of cash and a massive ego would be preferable to a consortium.
  6. While I like Lerner, not sure I agree. He'll probably just sell it to the highest bidder to cover as much of his losses as possible. If he was going to make a tidy profit then I could see him being more selective about the new owners.
  7. I really like these ones. Color combo is soothing to the eyes. I'd go with the one in the middle but with Aston Villa instead of Prepared.
  8. Right on. There were choices for the club name 1) Aston Villa 2) Aston Villa FC 3) Aston Villa Football Club 4) AVFC and the three choices for the name in full split the vote and as a result AVFC had the highest votes at like 35%. And thus we got AVFC on the badge.
  9. The only way to grow a fan base in Asia is by winning or signing a player from that region (but even that will not work for countries like Japan and Korea where the novelty of having a player in Europe no longer exists).
  10. I've refused to purchase any Villa gear since the new logo. Hope it changes immediately after the new owners come in. I've had two kids since then who I'm dying to purchase kits for.
  11. Definitely looks like new ownership is on its way. This will be good, Villa needs a fresh start. I wish Lerner the best, think he's a good guy who just played the wrong hands.
  12. Needs to put men on the post during corner kicks. Both Spurs and City burned us on corners.
  13. Spurs scored on us in similar fashion with no one on the posts. infuriating!!!!
  14. Guzan would have saved both goals. Can't stand when teams dont put players on the posts during corners.
  15. Like a few others have mentioned, think the squad is built. Here on out we need to bring in match winners. I'd like to see us go for 2 big signings (£10-15M range) each summer.
  16. Team looks solid. Not going to complain too much as I feel we got a few calls against Arsenal, so these things even out over time.
  17. I dont get it if it is Spurs. What do they offer that we don't? London and Europa League? Can't imagine wages being that high there and in terms of size of the club and fanbase it's pretty much similar.
  18. Barry handed in a transfer request when Liverpool wanted him and played another quality year for us. Hope something similar happens.
  19. Time for someone to start FC Villa of Aston. Unless you're a fan of one of the 10-12 top clubs in Europe, supporting a club is no longer fun. Like others have said, I don't sell Benteke for a penny less than £35m.
  20. Great story and welcome to the fraternity! I remember my first ever trip to Birmingham and Villa Park and both the club and supporters went out of their way to make it a special visit. Certainly, not something I could see any of the glamour clubs replicating. I recently wrote a blog post about foreign clubs developing a fanbase in Asia. It has a few Villa references. It's a bit on the negative side, so makes a perfect read for the Villa faithful!
  21. I feel we are making the type of signings Celtic and Rangers make. Now we'll know whether those two sides could cut it in the BPL if they were ever invited
  22. Excited about this signing. Feel we still need one more CB.
  23. From what SublimeFCG wrote I see parallels to Gareth Barry. Anyone else?
  24. I asked some Dutch people last summer why they always seem able to speak English. The answer was twofold. "Because no-one else can speak Dutch" and "We learn it in school". The second answer being a consequence of the first They are taught English as a compulsory language/subject from when they're in primary school. I love Holland, great country. I believe they learn English side by side with Dutch. They also have to do 4 years of German and French.
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