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Everything posted by theboyangel

  1. Bloody knew it! have to say, one of my favourite nights at Villa Park was against Ajax. At least Southgate might come and watch the game now (but only for Henderson!)
  2. Are we sure he was shot but instead injured himself with an electric drill
  3. Let’s hope so - they should’ve been banned from the competition due to their fans.
  4. Just stumbled across this and it’s pretty amazing. Never heard of them but their new album is out tomorrow and I’ll be checking it out for sure.
  5. I’m actually quite enjoying their ‘quieter’ musings and think they drift into and away from the more angsty Idles sound of old. The album is getting better with each listen for me Certainly looking forward to seeing them live later in the year.
  6. Have also been playing Idles - Tangk and BRJ (which I agree gets better with each play). also got Ty Segall - Three Bells, Sprints - Letter To Self and the new Grandaddy - Blu Wav on rotation
  7. out on March 7th. Will probably watch too!
  8. Yep. The Iron Claw is a fascinating watch with a very very good (and clearly committed) cast. I have little to no interest or knowledge of wrestling but loved the film.
  9. Yes, regardless of regional rivalries you never want to see anyone ill. Hopefully a speedy recovery for Mowbray
  10. I imagine the dressing room will rally around the player and further strengthen their belief that Beale is an absolute no mark stealing a living this will not end well for Beale
  11. I don’t learn and should know better. I’ve always been fairly lucky with hangovers as rarely have them - nowadays I just get really jaded, although last night was a mix of red wine and IPA (which I hardly ever drink) so a little fuzzy today. The first Guinness of the day is a struggle for sure.
  12. Back in Sutton for the weekend - caught up with some mates last night in Boldmere and stupidly stayed out until 3 am… already in Sutton meeting another mate before ‘drinking in town’ with guys I joined my job with 28 years ago for our annual reunion. I already know it’ll get messy!
  13. That guy just isn’t funny…
  14. Brilliant and welcome news, however we have to be realistic as to when he will be match ready and hope that the intensified training schedule won’t aggravate his injury.
  15. Extraordinary times, as I've had 2 cinema trips in 3 days. First off was Argyle on Monday night. A much toned down version of The Kingsman to accommodate a younger (wider and more profitable) audience. It was a little bit hit and miss in places but overall an okay action/comedy. My biggest gripe was the latest Beatles song being repeatedly woven into the soundtrack... Tonight was The Iron Claw, which was well worth the watch. I appreciate some rasslin' aficionados will point out some factual errors in the film timeline but the story of the Von Erich curse was very well acted by the main seven actors and helped along with some terrifically bad haircuts and 80s outfits.
  16. I’ve got a bunch of old tickets up in the loft somewhere. I know I’ve got a Foo Fighters ticket for £7 at Leeds Cockpit for Dave Grohls first tour, post-Nirvana definitely a good handful of tickets from Eddies too!
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