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Everything posted by picicata

  1. Have to win this, this lot are utter shit
  2. Have we managed a shot on target yet?
  3. It's cos they've got a great manager.. wish we had one (I'm jesting)
  4. It's the trajectory of the performances that's worrying me
  5. He has improved all those things, the only thing he hasn't improved are the performances. Our best form under Gerrard so far was right at the beginning, unfortunately the more time he's getting with our squad the worse we look. We have him now and like all Villa fans I hope he is a success. I just don't think he will be.
  6. We have to win this one. No excuses.
  7. Really? Newcastle didn't make every one of our players play like a dog!
  8. What if the way Gerrard is asking them play is something that won't work in this league? He could play any formation, any how when managing Rangers as they had better players than the vast majority of teams. They could play rubbish but still win, similar to Man Utd against Brighton last night, because they had much better individuals. Gerrard no longer has that luxury. I'm unconvinced by this 4321 formation, it limits us in attack and makes us weaker in defence I think every single player, bar Ramsey and Martinez, have been suggested as candidates for being sold but I refuse to believe that these players cannot be coached to better results if they are used correctly. There would appear to be quite some interest in players that we are deeming 'not good enough' which suggests that other teams also feel we are using them badly.
  9. In fairness I did over simplify, however Watford are the worst team in the league . Should we lose and/or perform badly following on from recent results and performances then it will start looking like a pattern rather than just one of those things that happens sometimes.
  10. Who ever we sign this summer will be new, shiny and exciting. And then by next summer they'll be shit and in need of moving on. In the meantime we will have truly made that 11th position our own. Get in!
  11. Yep, Watford are the worst team in the league so if Gerrard can't manage us to a win then it's time to seriously worry
  12. The formation is causing us problems. Having all six players Infront of the defence occupying such a small area of the pitch when we have possession at the back is making it incredibly easy to mark them out the game. This forces the centre back in possession to either go long or try to break through the lines by running with the ball. Out of possession we have two massive channels down our sides to exploit, which we can only close by pulling out midfielders and disrupting our shape. Gerrard needs to find a way to use all the pitch as currently we are ignoring a third of it and it is hurting us in both attack and defence
  13. I'm not suggesting we change manager. We chose an inexperienced, tactically naive man for our manager and that is the bed in which we must lie. Signing a whole host of of new players in the summer won't do shit.
  14. Yep, think you're correct. We will finish 14th/15th
  15. Then he needs to work with what he's got not what he wishes he had.
  16. We've made the wrong manager choice. Or he needs to start learning quickly.
  17. He is an inexperienced manager come here to learn his trade. Don't really know what people were expecting.
  18. picicata

    Louie Barry

    I've never lost an arm wrestle either. Mind you, after watching The Fly when I was a teen, ive not been big on arm wrestling!
  19. Think we're a bit of a mess at the moment and lack balance so 2-1 win to Newcastle is my prediction.
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