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Everything posted by claretman

  1. It already looks inevitable. All the spark and zip has now gone.
  2. Boring boring Villa. This is just making me completely uninterested in going to the games we have coming up. Whilst I don’t have a season ticket I like to go when I’m not working but I don’t think I’ll be bothering for a while. Completely disconnected from the team and it’s largely down to SG’s awful football.
  3. Someone posted in the match thread we were playing like Wimbledon from the 80’s/90’s and they were spot in with regard to the first half. It was dire, punt forward and hope for the best constantly. No Martinez rolling it out anymore, it was hoof whenever possible. I like to think our players are better than that, because they sure aren’t suited to that style of ‘play’. Time to leave Steve.
  4. Watkins is so bad. Why isn’t he subbed off ffs.
  5. The worst game of football ever. My eyes are bleeding.
  6. I'm actually surprised he's gone with this tried and tested shite midfield. I really thought he would have learned something. Absolute penis.
  7. Alright as a loan I guess - I think he probably is an upgrade on Konsa although I doubt he is as good at pointing and blaming others.
  8. We will start well, look ok for about 20 minutes before we concede and then we will go to rat shit. 4-1 to the Arse.
  9. claretman

    Energy Bills

    I've paid the mortgage without issue for years-I will just stay on the mortgage I am, the fixed rate will end and I will be at the mercy of the standard variable rate. I don't believe that lenders can just cancel your mortgage. The energy costs are going to significantly impact on my ability to stay on top of a rising mortgage however and there will be a time next year when my wage may not cover my outgoings. Bad times.
  10. claretman

    Energy Bills

    This is going to get messy. My mortgage is fixed at the moment until March 2023-to change now will mean a hefty repayment fee and if I wait until nearer the time I’m then unlikely to pass the affordability checks for a new mortgage due to the rising costs of everything else and the wife’s business which has been bumpy during COVID. There are plenty in the same boat who will just have to move onto the standard variable rate and see how it pans out. With predicted rises that is not good.
  11. Fernandez gets booked for that if he’s not already got a yellow. Rat should be off.
  12. Why haven't any pundits or media worth their salt pointed out the ludicrous decision to make McGinn captain? He is the weakest link in our midfield (I know there are several) and it's baffling to imagine he is going to start every game. I've not spoken to a single Villa fan who has been anything other than completely perplexed by the decision to make McGinn captain so why aren't the media saying the same?
  13. This is apparently the dirtiest fixture in Premier League history-32 yellows and 3 reds in the last 6 fixtures alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if Zaha was involved in every single one of those cards.
  14. The music through the tannoy system was so loud again on Saturday it was utterly ridiculous. You can't even hear yourself sing, trying to whip up an atmosphere is pretty impossible with the music blaring out.
  15. Absolutely toilet. Suddenly loads of pressure on next week already it seems. Lose and there will be growing discontent.
  16. Please please not the "He's one of our own" chant again then. Let's keep the "Cameron Archer baby" chant Preston used (Human League tune).
  17. Jesus wept. That’s him playing every minute of every game then.
  18. Not sure why people are starting to argue about this. Against Everton he looked like dynamite - following his injury he appeared nowhere near as fast however and dare I say it, in some matches 'slow'. However, he's clearly over that and now looks fast again which is good for everyone. I'd imagine he will start against Bournemouth as things are at the moment.
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