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Cliffy Biro

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Everything posted by Cliffy Biro

  1. If we get a big fee and reinvest then sadly let him go, hes obviously a bit of a mercenary and let him go and see that the grass isnt always greener. You wont be first on the teamsheet, you will be dropped if you have a few off gaes and you will not start every game like you have here. Get someone who wants to be here which lambert has shown he can do.
  2. Actually an eye for an eye just leaves 2 idiots with 1 eye each..
  3. You cannot be serious, i despair, i really do.
  4. How on earth is a guy like that allowed to work in that environment?
  5. Its sad that people feel the need to these kind of things really, achieves nothing except breed even more hate from both sides.
  6. Mcleish never got the criticism from the press before during or after his time here either,for what reason i dont know maybe its because were not chelsea/united etc
  7. Not even the hiring of lambert has restored my faith in lerner, clearly not as interested as he once was and i doubt many people would be shocked to see him sell up in the next few years.
  8. yet it was an improvement on previous manger who wouldnt let the players out of their own half in a number of gutless diplays. Sunderland fans said with MON they still would have lost to us but 1-0 as would not actually attacked in the game Well thats all debatable and we'll never really know. The way wigan ended on a whimper mon would have kept them up anyway imo, thats not to say he didn't deserve the sack though. I just think hes an unstable character and i just cant see it working in the long run.
  9. Based on how they did with him in the 8 games he'll be sacked before january.
  10. It would be like us without benteke. Ridiculous to think hes 19 years of age to have pace and be that size is a deadly combination. If you saw benteke and lukaku on the teamsheet as a defender you'd be absolutely bricking it!
  11. Diabolical first half of the season, second half much better although the defence let us down throughout the season. There were good and bad moments in equal measure and im just happy to have survived and now we can hopefully build on what we've got priorotising defence for me.
  12. So because its a meaningless game we should accept this? Get a grip we have every right to criticize this shite!
  13. Yea it really is beyond a joke now, luckily were safe but we have to sort this in the summer. Clark, Baker and Vlaar are horribly average at best and i dont need to comment on bennett. Guzan Lowton and build from there.
  14. 2-0 down already, they really have been dire these past few weeks.
  15. We've been shit all season, we beat the other shit teams to narowly avoid being one of the 3 shittest teams in the league at the end. I'm not sure we really turned anything round. We're mid table since the turn of the year. I thought we'd been maximum 2 places above relegation. Just saying imo being 5th bottom rather then 3rd bottom isn't really us turning it around ( or anything to brag about) It doesnt matter where we finish it is absolutely indisputable that we have turned it around in the second half of the season.
  16. Aslong as its not wide, hes got decent pace but he just isnt a wide player, id like to see him start alongside bent today.
  17. They'd all be turning up when if they got promoted again though wouldnt, all the die hards would suddenly re-appear..
  18. Its not a great prank dont get me wrong but take it in the spirit it was meant in jesus, nothing story.
  19. inb4 stoke jokes (if they havent been made already)
  20. Nothing club, nothing stadium, crap attendances and the ones that do attend are horrible? Hmm i doubt he even sees the irony in a blues fan saying that.
  21. I want that team of the season benteke card!
  22. Such a legend, to this day i cant imagine stepping up to a freekick from that distance in injury time with the stakes that high and planting it into the top corner, unbelievable.
  23. John Fruscainte's Shadows Collide With People, huge gay man crush on this guy
  24. He'll give us another year on a double money deal and then if he has another season like this we obviously all know we will find it impossible to keep him, despite many players leaving for pastures new and finding out the grass isnt always greener. Aslong as he doesn't do a downing a profess his love for villa and how he wants to stay and then shits himself because the mighty liverpool have made a bid ill be ok. Could not stand him going to a spurs or a liverpool.
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