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Cliffy Biro

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Everything posted by Cliffy Biro

  1. I'm not arguing that those 3 are good players, im well aware of their limits. But they are still better choices than Richardson.
  2. This is really petty perhaps but i hope our relegation bankrupts this utter moron, ihe would totally deserve it. Then hopefully someone who knows what they're doing buys us on the cheap and actually appoints people who know what they're doing. Tom Fox, yea cheers for that giant turd Randy.
  3. Erm the 3 names you mentioned after Richardson are far better choice for LM.
  4. Undoubtedly, if he was a good manager think he would have picked up 1, perhaps 2 wins even given the horrible circumstances but no we've laboured to 3 scrappy draws since he arrived. We have not once looked even close to winning a game.
  5. Even under all the shitty circumstances hes working under he is doing an absolutely awful job, its as simple as that.
  6. Detest this cretin. Taking home probably atleast 6 figures to ruin us along with the rest of the inexperience, moronic members of our staff.
  7. If only someone would tell Garde that. Hes had the white flag out since his first game.
  8. At this precise moment the only person i'd be gutted to see leave is Ayew, not emotionally because of the loss but genuinely right now i dont see anyone else at the club worth anything.
  9. Was alright when he was playing for a contract. Nice to see him settling down now hes got his 30k a week for the next few years. Useless prick.
  10. Another superb appointment by Foxy. Top stuff.
  11. Grealish we need you to do something so desperately, come on son!
  12. Dogshit, as usual. Making one of the worst defences in the league look like world champions.
  13. If hes just accepted relegation and intends just to try and not lose many from now until the end of the season then he deserves to be sacked on the spot. Wether hes been here a day or a year.
  14. There's not 1 single team in this league that would have him as a CB, he is just never a central player.
  15. We're set up to defend and perhaps nick a 1-0 win or 1-1 draw. Don't know what on earth he's playing at but somebody needs to translate for him because we need wins, especially against the "lesser" teams in the league.
  16. In the correct end? Guy has atleast 1 key mistake in him per game hes more likely to cost us the game than he is doing anything even half decent.
  17. They don't "always" come off? It hasn't come off once, we've scraped 3 draws since hes been here.
  18. Guy is playing for draws at the moment it seems, we need wins and sharpish and hes putting out 4 central midfielders when we have wide players...
  19. Not as bad as the 17 year olds who come in completely bald on top. I mean i know some people bald pretty early but im sure not many are at the latter stages of balding at 17. *waits for the rooney joke*
  20. Been a parasite here for atleast 4-5 years. Get rid and good riddance.
  21. Rock bottom 6 points adrift and looking relegated already and still people expect big signings. If someone in the premierleague at a good club would be willing to join us purely because he isnt playing and wants to play and come here and work hard, perhaps even score some goals then i wouldn't turn my nose up at them. Infact i think we'd be lucky to get 2-3 players like that in. Maybe the rest of the useless shithouses at the club currently would follow their lead.
  22. Yea, same here. Surprised you use Gardner at all let alone in the first season. Didn't look a premierleague player when i checked over the squad.
  23. What the **** is Odell doing? Being little bitch on every single play, literally.
  24. Even taking into account all that im still incredibly disappointed at him to having won a game yet. Yes the situation is difficult but we should still be winning the odd game. O'm not happy with 3 scrappy draws regardless of the situation he walked into.
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