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Cliffy Biro

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Everything posted by Cliffy Biro

  1. Can you imagine receiving a 6m bid for this guy? Blackburn must have been stunned.
  2. Again its nothing to do with that, i'm not going to sell a star player valued at 15m (market price atleast 5-10m more) for 5m cash and some installments. Its an embarrassing offer and in real life would just be hilariously dismissed. Then when it comes to the players asking me why he was denied a move theres no option for me to say im willing to let him go if they actually offer something worth my while. Theres no option for me to tell the squad why it was rejected either, its all just seen as blocking a progression in someones career. In real life how many occasions has someone bid a silly fee for a great player, had it rejected and then the entire squad becomes unhappy because you haven't sold your best player for 75% of his value? Zero.
  3. Its nothing to do with them being hard to keep though, its being offered peanuts, rejecting it and then it unsettling your entire team because you wont sell you stars for peanuts.
  4. Remembered why i generally play 3-4 seasons and then uninstall and then rebuy in 3 years time
  5. Yea i know all that, thats what im saying, them sitting back on me is countering my tactics, like i said. I'll still dominate games but this year im just finding crosses and set pieces are 80% of my conceded goals even when the positioning and setup is fine they still somehow get it in. I score from them loads too and it gets a bit boring everytime i check how ive scored or conceded its cross, cross, cross. Another thing that really pisses me off is the AI teams bidding for your star players, but the bid is always less than their value and frankly pathetic compared to what you have to pay for other peoples good players. Then you decline but the player then wants to talk about leaving/new contract and then half the team gets unhappy at your "treatment" of the player, its ridiculous. Just getting frustrated after a poor run but certain things in the game are still absolutely stupid.
  6. Wherever we play next season and beyond its absolutely absurd to suggest we will "need" this guy, he is utter dogshit and exactly the type of player we don't need.
  7. Can you keep a tactic long term in this game? I create these tactics, they do brilliantly and i go on crazy unbeaten runs and then they just flat out refuse to work. I know AI counters you and gets used to your tactics eventually but damn, nnoying having to try and create a new tactic every half season.
  8. Their aim is to survive though, which is the same as us. They are just doing it much better.
  9. WBA go ahead and then Newcastle level, not only are we losing every single week the teams around us keep getting points.
  10. I think it will be much fairer to have an assessment on Garde after the next 7-6 games, if we are still horrific and we dont win atleast 1-2 tof them then i will understand.
  11. Most of the teams we have played since he arrived have been strong favourites i think, Watford was the one game that we should have gone for but its silly little mistakes that keep costing us. Like today the penalty just sapped us and that was that. The games coming us he simply has to get wins, yes hes just arrived and the squad is poor/low on confidence but there's no excuses now.
  12. Yea loas probably, hes not the first rubbish striker in the league and wont be the last.
  13. Horrible, horrible player, can't defend, breaks down our attacks. Just awful.
  14. Its easy to say why haven't the last two managers picked him but the last 2 have also consistently picked Gestede despite him being utterly useless so its really a nothing point. He had a long term confidence destroying injury and thats most of the reason hes not been picked. He's far better than Gestede for me, i know hes limited but at least hes good at those things unlike Gestede who seems to be good at nothing.
  15. It'll be embarrassing and horrendous to go down but to go down the way were doing it just makes it so much worse. Will we even reach 20 points? Just livid at the state of us to be honest.
  16. You can't tell me Bournemouth have a better 11 starting than us on paper, just shows what confidence, belief and a good manager can do.
  17. Surely Garde should just be saying to him just sit and protect the back 4 and then as soon as you win it pass it to your closest teammate.
  18. Just passed my second summer and without realising until i just glanced at my starting 11 i've almost got rid of every original player (well not really). Oh and every time i check in on grealish to do his training etc he has gone up in value, currently at 25.5m.
  19. I don't enjoy it at all, i simply said i want us to play at the highest level and unrealistically id like us to be winning major trophies. Also again people keep posting this assumption that if we go down we'll all enjoy it again and suddenly just start winning games. Everyone wants to enjoy it again, thats not really the point here.
  20. Yes i do, and so does most of the footballing world. I want the club to play at the highest level and competitions. I dont want us in the championship or the paint trophy simply because we might win a few more games which again is just an assumption anyway.
  21. Right because everyone who isnt looking forward to playing in the championship is crying histrionics and garment rending? Good one.
  22. See this is what i see written a lot, why do you just assume a year down there will be much more entertaining and we'll suddenly win more games? It just doesn't automatically work like that. It would be a disaster for us because of the way were run, our finances, our squad and more than likely another manager change. Last one is conjecture i admit. If you are not sure how its not a disaster for us fans then i'm not going to try and make it one for you but it most certainly is one for me, risk being stuck in the lower leagues as a former giant for a decade is not something i can even remotely consider a positive.
  23. Yea thats not at all because Kozak hasnt been anywhere near being able to be selected for most of the past 18 months is it? If you want to show me how he's scored or assisted more goals in his short time than Kozak or there was some induspitubale stats to back it up then fine but there isnt. The fact that they are opinions is fine , they both have similar records in a similar amount of Villa games so i'm fine with someone thinking Ayew is a better player. However stating it that he is "clearly" better like its a fact and not a personal opinion despite having not much to back it up will be challenged,
  24. Ultimately if we stay up by some miracle then he would not be a starter next year.
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