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Everything posted by Talldarkandransome

  1. I'd say most of the new North Stand will be corporate, but I'm cynical.. safe standing in the holte will help, good football and winning games doesn't seem to work
  2. Rubbish atmosphere until we scored again. I think the Holte is deffo suffering from the corporate invasion.
  3. Got over the line, slow burner but got there in the end. Apparently arriving at the ground 20 mins before kick off isn't enough to not miss kick off. Digne MOTM
  4. Imagine trying to get a drink at halftime
  5. As much as I love going to the games with my lad, these fecking block restrictions are doing my head in. What's it gonna be like next season with one less stand and Lower Grounds tickets to sell.
  6. I think it worked quite well, loads of offsides. I'm more worried about our finishing than defending
  7. I can't argue with this but I honestly don't think we were that bad. We had a plan we just lacked penetration in final 3rd... they had two shots on target and scored both... we've scored bundles previously so I'm not worried. We'll play worse and win
  8. Away fans don't boo, unless the manager has lost them... I'm fairly certain Unai hasn't
  9. I'm gonna be really controversial now, I've had a few and I've spent the afternoon\evening with dingles... but I don't think we were that bad, we dominated possession just couldn't score. I'm not worried
  10. For all our possession we've not created much. We'll be better in 2nd half. High line is working fine, swap Zaniolo for Bailey
  11. I've never left early and never will, we leave the seats when the whistle blows and we normally do hi ho before we're down the steps. I park in a different place now and it's so much easier to get away in a reasonable time.
  12. Had about a month off COD MW2, logged back on this evening to a 54gb update and season 6 and its wiped my rank and weapons. I've never had this happen before and I've probably been playing this one since season 3 I think. Any ideas anyone?
  13. VT aint social media, mostly reasonable folk on VT
  14. They will never say anything against Israel as its deemed as anti semitic. You can't even call them bad for doing something, that's anti semitic too. I'm glad I'm not on social media cos I'd be in trouble a lot
  15. Feck, I've sat in the queue for half hour.
  16. I've had a few requests to expand on this. It's the plot of Hostel I'm not some lothario wandering around Europe getting invited to parties by hot women. I don't even have a passport
  17. I wonder if he got his free drink at Weatherspoons
  18. These not gone on sale to members at 5pm today then, I'm in an hour queue on app
  19. Thats where I was, maybe can't hear the holte as much up there either. We had a bit of singing but upper trinity isn't really renowned for atmosphere.
  20. I shouted move it quicker once today and immediately realised I was being a knob
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