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Everything posted by cyrusr

  1. So 60million Turks aren’t set to enter the UK immediately?!
  2. Of the 8 gone, 1 (Whelan) may have done a job in the premier league, but in Smith et al we trust. 5 have helped in their own way to get this club back and I am forever grateful for. 1 (De Laet) had unfortunate times of injuries and perhaps things could have been different. 1 (Bunn) has been through thick and thin as a back up and has stepped into the breach when necessary and can’t fault him in that sense. Richards, well, whilst he may have helped the youth and team spirit...
  3. I hadn’t visited this thread for a while and I had to double take who wrote the first post as I thought it was trolling! To be fair to you @sir_gary_cahill, you always are genuine in your views. However, he is nowhere near a better option than Hourihane. Hourihane is a far better reader of the game, let alone technical ability. Hourihane is mentally a massive step up from Gardner and it shows. Yes there was potential and yes he had a bad injury, but we are now talking about a 27 year old youth player who has played in 42 games for Villa. It is time for him to move on and as you have said, we appear to be getting a player that is very well suited to our manager and team. Best deal all round.
  4. Upgrade on Adomah on key position that we need to strengthen and a player that Dean has worked with before getting rid of a player we don't need for £4million? Sounds alright by me With Green and El Ghazi as our 2 wingers at the moment, would expect another on top of Jota, but I am more than content with this, if true, of course...
  5. There's definitely a buy out clause. When we signed him it was mentioned alongside a lot of the recent interviews have referred to us having an option. The £2million figure was bandied around a lot in January IIRC but we definitely have something agreed. I don't think he is fancied at Wolves, which is fine by me .
  6. I haven't included him and he doesn't count in my sentiments. His departure hasn't been confirmed neither, though it is certainly inevitable. Those 4 that I have mentioned, whilst not officially, through different sources have stated that they are leaving.
  7. That's 4 now then that seem to be confirmed as leaving (Hutton, Adomah, Elphick and Jedinak). They are, in my books, complete professionals. All 4 have at times been criticised for various reasons and good ones at that, but never their attitude. I thank them all for the service to this club through a very testing time and they have been wonderful in their own way. Whilst they will not be up there with the true Villa legends, in my eyes at least, they will not be forgotten and I thank them for everything that they have done for this club.
  8. This, though rather than just Smith I trust the whole recruitment team. They showed in January they knew exactly what we needed and in 1 window got us promoted. Whether the players they sign are from the championship, some random European team or from the premier league, it doesn’t matter. They just have to be the RIGHT player, and for once I trust this team to get it RIGHT.
  9. Either that or we are all so desperate for him to join permanently that we are reading every minute detail into everything. What, you mean you haven’t zoomed in on the photo of the train ticket to see if it’s one way or a return ticket?!
  10. Like has been said I am not sure I get all the criticism of Tammy. Yes he misses some sitters. Yes he has been a little of form at the end of the season. However, he is 21 years, having scored 26 goals this season. No one in a Villa shirt has done that in over 40 years. I think towards the end of the season he needed a bit of a rest but next season he will be rested and brighter. A little bit of coaching to make him more clinical, he will be a 20 goal striker in the premier league I have no doubt. He is still really young and will learn and only get better. Anything up to £25/30million I would not have a problem with. He needs game time and that is what he will be asking Chelsea for. If he doesn't get that, I expect him to leave there and probably end up here as we can not only offer him premier league football now but he is already part of the team. The relationship with the other players here is unbelievable. The fact that Jack lied about his injury to convince him to stay says it all. They want to play together and to be honest, that is probably more important than anything else.
  11. He's actually 29, 30 in October. Definitely doesn't fit the profile of what we are looking for. Maupay or Abraham far, far more likely. Fit the description as to what we are looking for. Isn't he technically a Newcastle player in any event? Why would be talking to WBA about him? Maybe to ask what he is like behind the scenes, but then would you really trust what they are saying, particularly as they may seek to get him back again next season?
  12. Is it though? All the time they have simply said “matching agreement” or “matching clause” and I cannot find anything that actually defines what that is. What you’ve said is what we all have assumed but doesn’t mean it’s right. Even when looking at contracts generally I cannot find anything that confirms what a matching clause is, and that no one ever defines what it is. Can anyone help with that?
  13. Was thinking, we don’t really know what the matching clause is. Could it be that we have got the matching clause the wrong way round? Perhaps the fee was already agreed but other clubs could match that offer and we don’t have that exclusivity as with El Ghazi and Hause?
  14. Of the loan players I think Mings/Hause/El Ghazi are pretty much givens. Tuanzebe/Abraham are slightly more difficult given their respective club positions. However if they could be bought and wanted to come back (probably alright on the 2nd part); then would be more than happy with them too! Goalkeepers: Steer has proved be is definitely competition now. With kalinic fighting for the shirt and Nyland as 3rd choice (still think he was given a ropey deal by Bruce with that defence...) then I think we are sorted for now. Defenders: Elmo has played himself into next years squad and we will have Guilbert too for RB. Centre backs Mings/Hause definitely part of the squad. Will Chester be good enough? Not sure, may need another CB. LB we need strengthening. Defensive Midfielder: definitely needs an upgrade. Whelan, possibly another season as back up... possibly. Jedinak will be moved on. Midfielders: McGinn/Grealish definitely (obvs.) and hourihane is more than capable squad player; certainly for next season. Maybe 1 more for competition. Might see Lansbury/Bjarnasson heading out the door. O’Hare also might be introduced into the food too. Wingers: El Ghazi first choice and Green for squad I can definitely see. Think Adomah and Kodjia may be moved on. Think we need at least 1 or 2 wingers. Strikers: Abraham if possible, otherwise definitely need another. Kodjia might be moved on, but if stays can see him being back up along with Davis. That would leave us with:  Steer/Kalinic/Nyland  Guilbert/Elmo - Tuanzebe/New CB/Chester - Mings/Hause - New LB/Taylor New DMC/back up DMC Grealish/Hourihane - McGinn/new Midfielder New RW/Green - Abraham/New SC/Kodjia/Davis - El Ghazi/New LW Yep. Definitely going to enjoy this thread now
  15. Hello old friend... it’s been awhile since I have been able to properly enjoy you....
  16. Sorry - I do as well, but he is just a very big worry of mine and I think, sadly, both Corbyn and Johnson are better options. Just reiterates @Dr_Pangloss's original post regarding the state of politics at the moment. Utter despair.
  17. I do postal vote as normally away this time of year. Voted green as have done over the last few elections. Certainly closest policy wise anyway. Liking all the votes for Greens. Shame the voting demographic isn’t solely based on villatalk members...
  18. I am shocked, shocked to my very core! Well shocked that the mirror reported this anyway!
  19. NAT= National parties (SNP & Plaid Cymru) so yeah you can count them for remain. Your maths is slightly out too. It’s 54% for remain including the nationals. Still a majority for remain though, not that it will be sold as such. Poll just shows how much Labour could exploit this but fail to do so. It also shows how cheap slogans and easy answers can give you massive amounts of votes.
  20. A couple of things which noticed in that. I like the small print the graph, saying that “it contains substantial sample in every GB European election region.” So not just wales then, yet is clearly stating its voting intentions in Wales. Given it’s provided for by Beat for Britain, it’s being used to say “we need to worry about the Brexit party” which is true but they don’t need to try and exaggerate the concern. Secondly, I think Change UK really are nothing. It @HanoiVillan has said, they are offering nothing above and beyond the Lib Dem’s/Greens with no other policy. Whilst I’ll accept I haven’t really research, apart from a 2nd referendum, what are they saying they will do??? At least the others have a clear plan. Thirdly, the fact that labour state that they are fighting this on local policies is utterly farcical. Given that their official policy appears to be leave come what may (though it depends who you ask from Labour, it is clear they are divided) and as such these MEPs and elections will be utterly pointless, so what policies are they going to be running in the European Parliament that are going to assist their local policies? Of course these elections are solely about brexit. Sadly the only people that seem to get that are Nigel Farage, the Lib Dem’s and Greens. I think Labour and Tories are going to get completely destroyed in these elections, and it’s their own fault. No clear plan, stupid singleminded inflexible policy, trapping themselves in a corner based on their own assumptions and fundamentally only there to serve their own self interests. Quite frankly, they both deserve it. When Nigel Farage is being presented as a feasible solution to brexit, the country is utterly f*****. Despite what I said about the poll at the beginning, it’s clear their are polling well because of the stupid bloody mindlessness of a lot of people listening to a simple message. I just hope the “remain/2nd referendum” parties combined poll better than him, otherwise it’s going to make things a lot worse.
  21. cyrusr


    Ticket arrived this morning too. Too all those trying today good luck and hope to see you at Wembley!
  22. cyrusr


    To be fair, whilst they can buy 10, must have a reference for each ticket. Their general sale only allows an additional 2 tickets. They will probably sell out too with actual fans rather than Fulham.
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