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Everything posted by Adam2003

  1. I’ve watched Jonathan David for years and I don’t think he’d get ten goals in a PL season. Screams Edouard to me as another player we were linked to a lot who came in and scores about five per season. Swapping Ollie for a gamble like that has a good chance of dropping us from challenging CL to midtable IMO, and even if David comes in and scores five goals MORE than Ollie per season that would only move us maybe a place higher in the league - too much risk for too little reward, IMO.
  2. I’m looking on the bright side… could have gone to the Euros, had a breakout tournament, been a target for the very top clubs in the summer. Now we just need to qualify for CL without him, no problem, and he’ll be back for next season bossing it against Real Madrid at Villa Park. All good.
  3. I totally missed this signing! Off to do some reading.
  4. Think I’m missing something obvious here but who’s the backup/rotation LB if we sell Digne and don’t sign anyone?
  5. The opposite actually. If they’d taken on debt around the stadium, they’d have been fine as it wouldn’t have counted towards FFP (or the PL equivalent at least). The owner instead decided to fund the stadium directly, and take the debt to support day-to-day operations - meaning it did count. Absolute financial incompetence.
  6. Adam2003

    Unai Emery

    100%. You don’t get to the top of sport with a “normal” mentality - it has to be exceptional in some way. I don’t use either of those terms ‘normal/exceptional’ to mean good/bad and apologies if it comes across that way - I am agreeing with you entirely that you need a ‘different’ mental perspective. Same with people who set records like sailing round the world solo and so on.
  7. Don’t really believe in blaming one player personally. Martinez could have claimed it. Lenglet could have got rid of it. I’ve played in defence and in goal - sometimes, whatever the shout, you use your judgment and deal with the situation. So I’m not really interested in whose “fault” it was - my point was, apart from that one (collective) error, Lenglet looked better on the right than he has on the left to me! I’d be fine with him and Pau next game - which is lucky, as I don’t think anyone else is fit…
  8. Adam2003

    Matty Cash

    Yeah better today than I’ve seen him in a good while
  9. I think he’s actually our most important player
  10. Came on here to say what everyone else is - error aside, I felt more comfortable with him on the right alongside Pau than I have with him on the left alongside anyone else. Which also speaks to how good Pau is.
  11. I think it’s realistic that Man United overtake us (but we have a 5-point gap so that’s on us) and it’s realistic we don’t overhaul Spurs (but we easily could). But I think the idea of us falling behind Newcastle/Brighton/West Ham and not getting top 6 is a stretch for me. Personally I thought 5th three months ago and I still think 5th today.
  12. Didn’t we just sign one like two weeks ago?
  13. I think they are such complementary swaps for each other as well. If Moreno’s on and running at a defence, they’d much rather back off… suddenly Digne is on and if they back off he’s dropping it on Watkins’ head 6 yards out. Or they are closing Digne down as quickly as possible, then Moreno comes on and is just waiting for that so he can go past them. Works so well - and we haven’t had it all season.
  14. I don’t believe in “must win” games that often, but will say if we can avoid defeat vs United then that’s a top 5 nicely separated from the rest - and there’s a chance all 5 get CL. And even a draw puts us back above Spurs. Lose and the gap is still 5 points to 6th but way less comfortable!
  15. Adam2003

    Unai Emery

    Didn’t he collide with a post from a set piece? What does CB vs RB have to do with that?
  16. I mean the simple fact is he’s probably our fifth-choice centre back, and while I don’t think he’s very good I don’t remember us ever having a better fifth choice. The issue has been him having to play so much
  17. Won’t help us mate, we need those points by May
  18. Adam2003

    Unai Emery

    Agree 100%. First season is always about settling - I am treating the good things we have seen (excellent at times) as a bonus during his adaptation
  19. It’s easy to think in any game we wish we had scored more goals but also there’s a lot to be said for controlling the game, keeping a clean sheet and managing energy levels with a game in a few days, United next weekend, Europe back this month, etc.
  20. Interesting to see you say that - I’m his biggest fan but I thought he was off the pace today (as much as anyone can be in a 5-0 win!). Overall I’m disappointed not to have scored 5 more to go ahead of Arsenal but let’s hope they get pumped by Liverpool
  21. We need a righ… huh… ok a new backup goalkee… huh. Ok, they changed the narrative! Impossible to think too much now when we might have CL or might miss Europe completely, but my guess is one or two new signings per window from here unless we are replacing big departures.
  22. And yet (this is not disagreeing with you) when I looked before, Rogers was the second most expensive signing in the country and Kosta was fourth! (Sure that’ll move around today). Low-spending window for everyone.
  23. His agent’s negotiated an £18m move to the PL as a teenager and a year later has Chelsea, West Ham and AC Milan bidding for him. He’s probably pretty happy with the job he’s doing!
  24. You might be right, but at this point he’s been signed for £18m, Emery says he thinks he can be one of the best players in the world, other Premier League clubs have tried to sign him and he’s broken into a Colombia side that’s unbeaten in absolutely ages, all as he turns 20. So if he’s overrated he’s being overrated by a lot of good managers. And as I say you might be right, and they might be wrong - it happens!
  25. He’s a funny one isn’t he. Won loads, France’s record top scorer, but in the PL I wouldn’t say he was ever even first choice at his (any of his) club.
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