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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. Where there was darkness, he brought colour and light. RIP Graham Taylor...
  2. The one man who tamed Deadly Doug. If only more high profile figures, notably within football and politics, handled themselves with the dignity and integrity of Sir Graham. As George Gavin would play on BRMB whenever Villa scored - "And did those feet, in ancient times..."
  3. It wouldn't surprise me if his team were behind the intelligence leaks (lol) to divert attention away from his clearly conflicting business 'restructure'. In terms of him being an imbecile, I'm still undecided. I think he's got the face of a liar. Whatever he says, his delivery makes him look to me like he's blagging it. I've interviewed and managed people that use his body language (I inherited the ones I managed, I didn't hire them!) and it looks chillingly familiar. I don't think him getting into power is any proof of his genius though - or at least his lack of imbecility. You'd hardly think David and Victoria Beckham were top of the class, but by being surrounded by the right people, and cultivating a persona, they've become incredibly wealthy and powerful. Perhaps in the modern world, that's all the smarts you need.
  4. Anyone with an interest in this should have a look at this video. It's 8 minutes, it's for everyone but mainly Trump supporters, and it's easy to understand.
  5. Been teaching the nipper a bit of German. She loves dancing to this little number, but it's catchier than norovirus. Think it was number 1 in Germany at one point when I was living there!
  6. What's the difference between a lentil and a chickpea? Trump wouldn't pay $1000 to have a lentil on his face.
  7. 4chan are claiming that they made up the #watersportsgate report that is now being reported as genuine intelligence. Seems someone on there made it up, sent it to an anti-Trump reporter (Rick Wilson) who in turn passed it on to the authorities and now it's being taken seriously. Hence Trump's rebuttal of it as fake news. Rick Wilson has tweeted to deny that he was duped or that it's come from 4chan, and some media sources have dug around on 4chan and not found anything concrete to suggest that it did originate from there. The plot thickens. I really want it to be true though!
  8. You're doing well. Our nipper is in one of the more affordable nurseries near us and it's around £350 a month for 3 mornings per week.
  9. I can imagine that would change the mood of the room pretty quickly...
  10. He looks like he might be having a stroke.
  11. Looks like a picture from a barber shop window!
  12. His head is very wide at the top, and I fear his chosen style only exacerbates the issue...
  13. Back in the days before average footballers would swarm to Toni and Guy, some of them still had their hair cut by their parents...
  14. Andy Gray looks like Lion-o from Thundercats
  15. Why do they bother with the computer generated faces for regens? They're terrifying...
  16. With the links to Henri Lansbury and his remarkable man-bun, and with Amavi and Bacuna already sporting more tramlines than Snow Hill, are we entering a new golden era of hairstyles at Villa Park? As a kid, the summers were filled with three moments of excitement - new signing, new kit, Tony Daley's new lid. So this thread is a chance to post your favourite (or least favourite) Villa barnets, from Andy Lochhead's half-a-combover to Nigel Callaghan's spikes to Kevin Gage's mullet. Have at it!
  17. Laursen and Mellberg. One arrived here from Milan, the other left here for Juve. Might be a while before we get to say that again about any of our players.
  18. I wouldn't trust that shitty rag to tell me the right time.
  19. Imagine going for a pint with Mark Lawrenson and Danny Murphy. Monotonous boasting with no attempt to engage in anything insightful.
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