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Everything posted by Nabby

  1. Might be worth a shot ...like I said I feel like just a different voice on the sidelines is needed.
  2. Yes and won his first game ...he wouldnt be right for us he has always struggled at this level but Big Sam would do a job.TBH I think almost any fresh face on the sidelines would help now
  3. Because it left us too open and we conceded to many goals , so now he has gone Bruce ball and made us play more with an eye on not losing than winning.Sure we look tighter at the back but that's because we pass sideways and offer sod all going forward as no one ventures forward and we lack pace to play on the counter.
  4. I said this a while ago , no Prem club is going to look at him and in the championship his promotion will get him in the door to some jobs but other's will wonder why Brentford improved after he left. On sacking I see Boro who were hopeless last week after winning away to a decent Stoke side a few days after Warnock takes job. I think our only hope now is him gona and a new manager bounce like we got with Sherwood.
  5. Fatigue , I'm certainly fatigued listening to his bullshit excuses game after game
  6. To me it seems the issue we have is we play 4-3-3 and the 3 in the middle are so narrow the 2 wider attackers end up covering the full backs as if its a traditional 4-4-2 . Chelsea always had space wide as we had 3 Cm's all narrow to stop Chelsea playing through the middle of us then if we did get the ball the 2 wider attackers were then so deep the only outball was an isolated Davis. Targett himself was ok he got some decent tackles in but he didn't get forward as he normally does and his link up with Jack was no where to be seen.
  7. I agree they have zero to play for and a small squad at the least I can see Brighton and Watford taking points off them.
  8. The coaching staff are they to follow the manager's instructions and idea's .You could bring in better coaches who have new training idea's drills etc but if Smith in our case wants to play a certain way ,a certain formation and pick certain players then no change of coaching staff is going to have a drastic effect.In our case Smith himself does the coaching on the training ground so bringing in other coaches won't change alot IMO
  9. If we lose to Newcastle that will be 1 point from 9 since restart , add that to points haul before the stoppage and its tough to see where he goes from there.Also for Purslow etc do they just give up like we did the season we went down or twist sack him and either let Terry have a go ( which could just be another mess like when Shearer took over at Newcastle ) or try a rescue specalist like Big Sam.Neither option looks great but its about changing the face on the sideline and hoping for a new manger boost - though having to be done in really difficult circumstances ... Boro pulled the plug on Woodgate to go to Warnock we could have to do something similar. Percy reported he was on way out if lost to Chelsea before the break and he as reliable as they come with Villa news so despite all the talk from Purslow it must have been discussed.I would think with the break and time to reflect it was worth another go but another non footballing perfomance like Chelsea and no points its tough to back him.
  10. Looking at the state of Burnley tonight I can see the teams near us with them to play taking all 3 points.
  11. Adomah started yesterday ...but I agree he would of been awful in the Prem league he was already on the wane for us last season
  12. Compare him to Loftus-Cheek for Chelsea also coming back from long spell out , both miles off the pace ..you need matches to gain match sharpness but his is a bit of a passenger out there at the moment.
  13. Yes thats clearly it he wanted Chelsea to win so his current team can move toward relegation leaving him either out of a job or working for a championship club ..ffs get a grip
  14. Nabby

    John Terry

    I think he is getting stick for his name , any other coach wouldn't be getting complained at for not celebrating. I myself barely celebrated as was obvious we were in for a tough 2nd half .There have been plenty of times we have scored and Smith has shown little reaction too so this just seems like jumping on him as we were playing Chelsea .Does anyone really think he wanted us to lose yesterday ..really ? Also maybe he doesn't look impressed as after playing under some top manager he is watching what we are doing and thinking what a shambles.
  15. Look at ourselves , we spend millions in that league and took us 3 years and loaning a ton of players to get up Look how many teams have gone down in recent seasons and not gone back up its not that easy to replace a squad , perhaps a manager and turn around a losing team into one that starts winning straight away. Then what we get promoted and have to do another rebuild , plus another season of struggle to stay in league whilst other teams move further us. Relegation is a disaster
  16. Yes but there is balance IMO Instead of loaning 5 players you loan in 2 ..which is what we ended up doing anyway
  17. Yes because people get this we are too big a club to develop other teams players when really we needed to be pragmatic and say short term this is the brunt we will have to bear to stay in league. As an example if Chelsea had no Transfer ban and Tammy was available for Loan would it have been wise to say oh no we don't want to develop him further or take the loan knowing it helps us stay in league and we can push on. I do understand the reluctance however to loan players with large loan fee's and stipulations like having to play them in certain % of games. Reality is we got promoted using the loan market to our advantage we then decided we were too big/good to continue with that ...only to then have to change tact in Jan and loan 2 players.
  18. Grealish game yesterday 1)Run round chasing the Chelsea defenders back pass's to keeper 2)Cover the full back positions 3)Get fouled when trying to run with the ball , 9 fouls before Chelsea got a card for it.
  19. He is 100% accountable , he was also the one with the no loans mantra in Summer when it was obvious we should of used Loans to supplement the small group we had so we could spend more on quality not quantity
  20. I agree with this , he has traits we can use but not in the way we deployed him yesterday
  21. If Smith is sacked will any Prem league club hire him ..no As bad as we where yesterday the concept of being harder to beat is something we should of employed earlier in the season , not right at the end we are trying to change the system. I recall when we played Watford at home they scored and then spent rest of game time wasting that's what we did yesterday , every throw in we took an age at and players looked like they didnt want the ball which ended up with Konsa getting a booking for time wasting ! From what I could see we had the front 3 running after shadows up top as Chelsea played round them , who then spread the ball out wide to players constantly with no one near them to get cross's in.Those front three after running round up top then chased back to cover the wings.No only will the loss hurt but I think we will have worn out the players for the next game.Hourihane had a decent game against Shef U but to play him with the tactics yesterday was bewildering , he is simply not the type of player you can play to chase the ball around like that and his made contribution to the team is as a forward thinking player ..you can argue he might be better on ball than Nakamba but Nakamba is a better player when you need someone to chase and make tackles. I also don't understand the like for like subs ...the first sub Samatta for Davis does Smith think fresh legs up top are going to make much differance when we can't keep hold of the ball for 10 seconds anywhere on the pitch ? If you are chasing game why not keep AEG on with Trez and drop Jack deeper , ffs he is already tracking back so he might has well play CM at least he can get on ball and attract players to him leaving space on the wings for balls to be played in.Why not 2 strikers Davis and Samatta are willing runners they can run the channels to make up for taking off a winger ..Why not as you have 3 cbs on go 3 at the back stick emlo on and go with him and Targett as WB's This isn't just an issue yesterday I recall v Bournmouth down to 10 we kept 3 cbs on when they have one striker , we are trying to get a goal with 3 cbs looking after one player . If any of these Kids inc Louie Barry are any good we need them on Bench , pointless having Baston there if we are playing one up front and they can't be anymore LW than Jota. Smith put all eggs in basket to beat Newcastle now , we can only hope now they are safe they are not at races and they are looking at the FA cup game , but I'm sure will want to get one over us to prove a point and in Saint-Maximum they have someone with Pace we lack immensely
  22. Myabe the squad isn't good enough and yes we were always likely to struggle but I can't understand how you watch that first 45 mins and send out the team with no changes and when you do make a change its to change your lone striker for another lone striker ...basically lets put fresh legs up front to run around and chase aimless balls...
  23. Injured , Achillies 2 weeks from fitness
  24. I thought he was a bit suspect all game , dwalded on the ball at times and alot of poor long balls
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