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Everything posted by Didiersix

  1. Apparently he is training at Liverpool but there is another Premier League club in talks with him too (according to Times journalist).
  2. So do you think we are being well run?
  3. Echoing what others have said, Moussa Sissoko would be worth a punt - young, rangy defensive midfielder. Would we be able to attract him though.
  4. Working with club owners must present unique sets of challenges for each manager - you can imagine the blessings/pitfalls of working for the likes of Abrahamovich, Mansours or even a Whelan or Fernandes. But to have an owner who is so quixotic that he might change his mind about spending plans during a transfer window strikes me as being particularly difficult to deal with.
  5. Sir Graham of Taylor has gone on record as being scathing (in the politest possible way) about the lack of football knowledge at the top of our club. But this is old news.
  6. HH if this is true then we are in a pretty desperate place. Time to start photocopying the '£' signs again.
  7. So Jonas Olsson has a release clause in his contract does he? He would be great to have. If we signed him, Kvist and Finnbogason that would be scandi-tastic.
  8. Well we have to give him time to find out. To be honest, I am with him all the way - I don't really see any alternative. In fact, I am behind him even if we get relegated, to give him the chance to 'burn it clean', get rid of all the deadwood and start again. People talk about the extra £20 million TV money - well, we've got god knows how many millions of pounds being wasted on overpaid, undermotivated players. Let's clean it all up and start again.
  9. I don't know how people can say Lambert looks 'lost' or 'bewildered' or 'broken' from a five second cutaway to a shot of a man sitting down on a bench. If he was screaming and shouting, jumping up and down, would that mean that he wasn't lost etc? How do you know what he is thinking? He doesn't give away a great deal to the press either.
  10. Sounds similar to the player we hope G Gardner is/was/going to be..
  11. Gabby is back. Nice to hear Bowery getting a good send off.
  12. Don't worry chaps, we've still got Benteke and Gabby on the bench. We can pull this round yet.
  13. He's Brazilian and has got a cool name that would look good on the back of a shirt. What more do you need to know?
  14. Thanks Spiezels... was good while it lasted eh?
  15. Granite faced Ron Saunders lookalike Pat Murphy from the BBC has just kayboshed this rumour. Wading in with said tweet: Understand no chance of Joleon Lescott joining @AVFCOfficial this month.Believe he hasn't been discussed by Lambert & Lerner,who would prefer permanent deals rather than loans
  16. I know it pays for all football managers to be pragmatic, but not sure Lambert would enjoy having such a crazy diamond on his hands.
  17. For Freelance Journalist, read bored teenager. Up and down the country hundreds of 15-year olds are adopting some 'In the Know' moniker and taking to twitter. He or she could be right. In the same way that if you gave monkey a typewriter he will eventually compose Hamlet..
  18. Lambert has said it looks serious. Ankle problem.
  19. Oh and Michu knew what he was doing with Westwood - I thought that was a dirty little foul.
  20. That was nailbiting to say the least. On reflection more than happy with a point after we took an almighty hammering (again) for the first 20 minutes. Benteke was superb once again and so was Weimann. Wrenching to concede at the end but it was more than fair after they battered us for large parts of the game (and Bennett lucky not to concede a penalty). Benteke and Weimann immense again. A team whose outfield line up had a starting age of 22.4. Incredible really.
  21. Amen brother, amen. I genuinely believe things would be a whole lot different if we managed to get this in the transfer window. We aren't a million miles away from being half decent - but our lack of midfield has crucified us all season long.
  22. Agree that the lack of protection from midfield is highlighting any errors. In that sense I feel sorry for Bennett - he is being given no assistance.
  23. What really concerns me about Joe Bennett is just how left footed he is. To the extent where he is not prepared to use his right foot at all. I think he needs to work on this big time. Attackers know that this is his weakness. He probably works best in a wingback system (if there is some semblance of a midfield in front/behind him), whereas Lowton looks a bit lost when going forward in my opinion.
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