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Everything posted by Didiersix

  1. I know this is asking the impossible but can we just establish a few obvious, brutal facts once and for all. Paul Lambert will not be sacked by Aston Villa. If you need to know why, look at our outlay during the transfer window. We do not have the money available to sack him plus his background staff. For richer for poorer, better for worse.
  2. Guys face it. Randy dont want to play with us no more. The multi year lack of competitive stability (wtf does that mean?) has seen him lose interest. He doesn't talk to the media, he doesn't talk to the fans, he doesn't watch our games and he doesn't invest. The show is well and truly over.
  3. Sylla is interesting and is the right position, but would he be ready for Premier League?
  4. Great idea but never going to happen. Think Becks is bound for PSG/Qatar/somewhere richer than us.
  5. Totally agree with VillaCas. Great analysis.
  6. As mentioned before, I did hear we were trying to palm Bent off to Stoke but deal hinged on Kenwyne Jones to Cardiff
  7. I am still holding out for Kvist. Think he would be a good acquisition.
  8. Any player who cost more than Michu seems to get it. A stick to beat players with. The Michu stick.
  9. Yes I think so. Obviously making sweeping generalisations, but I think fans and the media are only just starting to build an 'anti-Lerner' narrative.. You only have to look at the weekend's press coverage of Aston Villa's 'remote control' owner to realise this. I think it could get an awful lot worse for him yet if things don't pick up one way or another.
  10. If we don't sign anyone now, and results don't pick up, Lerner is going to start getting it big time from the fans. He has to make his actions speak louder than his words or else this is going to be a total cock up on the PR front - a statement like this will inflame rather than assuage. Let's hope there is genuine substance behind the "support" for Paul.
  11. Goodbye Alan Hutton. Don't let your dad hit you on the way out.
  12. I think the club must be for sale. Our time now is reminiscent of the last days of Doug. Keep an eye out for any Qataris having a quick pint in the Adventurers on Tuesday.
  13. No, the press were initially told it was Vlaar. I wouldn't read too much into it all. Normally the pressers at BMH are on a Friday - perhaps the fact this was on a Thursday didn't fit into schedules etc.
  14. Aaah Steven Ireland. Or Steven England if you are Irish. One of the finest exponents of the modern '**** footballers' that blight the beautiful game. Still living off one half decent season playing alongside Robinho. To me, he looks like a player trying to pare himself out of existence. Trying to find the space on the pitch where he will be most ineffectual. You are a midfielder, Steven. Scamper out the pitch, make tackles, maybe even score a goal (how many goals have our midfield scored this season?). Be free young man! Maybe we just aren't good enough for him.
  15. Didiersix


    There was something about last night that felt like it was the make or break. IF we had won, there would be a bit of feelgood, a little bit of momentum on the back of the Baggies result and things might be starting to slide in our favour. But after such an abject performance I just feel that the little bit of hope in me has gone. I think we are now firmly in freefall, I fully expect us to finish rock bottom of the table. Everything suggests that this will be the case. Look at the last run of games that fans have seen at Villa Park since December - 0-0 v Stoke, 0-4 v Spurs, 0-3 v Wigan, 0-1 v Southampton. The only goals have been two against Ipswich and then Bradford. Oblivion beckons. .
  16. If we can convince Mervyn King that hyperinflation is the way forward, we might have a chance.
  17. Someone on the radio last night said that Vlaar gave out a real bollocking to Clark at some point. Did anyone see that? Clark was going mental towards the end. Could easily have been sent off.
  18. Talking of rumours, I heard one today: Bent to Stoke for £8 million.
  19. Taking on board that we have no money to spend, what we need is a Dave Mackay type signing. For younger readers, he was the player Cloughie brought to Derby. So we basically want someone a bit knackered, old, damaged goods but has got a canny mind and can cajole the younger players.
  20. St Etienne striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has confirmed he will leave the club - but not until the summer. So we can forget about him.. article on l'equipe.fr if anyone is really that interested.
  21. Michael Johson anyone? From guardian.co.uk: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2013/jan/15/michael-johnson-released-manchester-city
  22. Yep you can count me in that camp too. The last thing this club needs is yet another manager.
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