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Everything posted by Didiersix

  1. Meh. I would love to see the Queen's boobs. Two enormous beacons of stability in these volatile times.
  2. Never been to the Baring. Never knew it was a Villa pub. Will make the trip soon!
  3. I watched the Belgium v Croatia game tonight where Benteke played the full 90 minutes. Having not seen that much of him before, the overall impression was a good one - although he is far from complete. Willmots played him as the target man with two wide players supporting... He acquitted himself well in the first half, won everything in the air (he is excellent at flick ons) but had one golden chance that he fluffed. Put clean through on the edge of the box, he had a very heavy first touch which allowed the keeper to collect. Then, at the start of the second half, he had a shot cleared off near the line - he couldn't have done much more with it to be fair. I thought though he tired a little towards the end - although he looked pretty pacy throughout (caveat being Croatia aren't the quickest at the back). Overall I'd say we have got a striker with real potential who gets into good positions and will definitely lead the line well. How he would link with Bent though... That I am not sure about. It finished 1-1 by the way.
  4. Now they are saying that he will spend ten days there without signing a contract, to give time for Yann M'Vila to find a new club..
  5. According to a Stade Rennes fans site (ROUGEmemoire), Jean II Makoun will arrive at Rennes this afternoon and train with the team tomorrow morning.
  6. I was talking to a Welsh lady who is a journalist down in Swansea last week. She was under the impression that Rodgers is going nowhere - Liverpool, Villa or anywhere else. Her view was that he has a real project at Swansea, and given that he has had his 'fingers burnt' elsewhere (Watford, Reading) he is more than happy at Swansea. Could be wrong, but my guess is this is all rubbish.
  7. Villa is in a horrendous financial state. We only exist because Lerner agrees to keep the club going. If it wasnt for lerner propping up the debt we would go the same way as rangers. We owe Lerner nearly £200m. He is now trying to correct the mess he created under MON. From what I heard in January, the club were also looking for buyers for Bent at that time. Whether that position has changed now... I don't know.
  8. Hasn't John Terry been coaching Chelsea since AVB got the boot?
  9. No, but I like it. So do I! Laudrup's record in la liga is very good, all things considered.
  10. Erm, has an all Danish dynamite duo of Michael Laudrup and Martin Laursen been mentioned yet?
  11. Forget AVB or Rafa by the way.. Way beyond our station..
  12. Lambert looks like he has ruled himself out, cant see Martinez coming.. Getting worried now.
  13. Yeah. Think he was something different. What worries me is what we are left with...
  14. Brian Doogan is head of press at Villa. If this is true, my guess is it was an off the record quote reported.
  15. Faulkner really needs to pull his shizzle together pronto or we are fooked. Again.
  16. Frankly I dont care if he is using us to get to OT. It will mean he is ambitious and if he is to realise his aims it means he will have brought us something like success. The opening signs are promising. It is a gamble but we havent much to lose.
  17. I find the idea of Quique Sanchez Flores phoning up Talksport implausible in the extreme. I don't know whether his English has improved, but it was pretty broken a couple of years ago.
  18. Benitez's ego would be far too big to handle that. Well we will see.. but that's what is on the table right now.
  19. I have from a very good source that Liverpool want Martinez as coach, Benitez as Director of Football.
  20. Lovely post mate.. Many thanks for that. If Lambert does leave, you can always have McLeish ;-)
  21. Absolutely Richard. Wholeheartedly agree. But for now LET'S PARTY!!!
  22. This is up there with the birth of my children, wedding day, etc, etc.
  23. Thank. The. Lord. What a relief..... I said this on the General's thread when he was appointed...'You reap what you sow'. PF and RL need to get the next one right - or at least a lot more 'righter'.
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