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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. I'm really looking at it based on his attributes and what I have seen him do. When he attacks a high ball with intent he is still as good as anyone. He has an eye for a goal, can bully defenders and can finish. Palace do not score a lot of goals and I do genuinely think we can provide better service for him than they do if we play to his strengths. On top of this I also think that a team, hovering above relegation zone in January with a blatant need for a striker is about the worse scenario for signing players. Good players wont be sold by their clubs, many players dont want to be involved in a relegation dog fight, and all clubs will exploit our desperation for a striker. I really dont think we are in a position to be very fussy and think Benteke is about as good as we can hope for. Of course as some folk have commentated, there is zero indication that we are in for him so this entire exchange could prove moot!
  2. Benteke would finish the season as our top scorer if he joined imho. I think we have yet to see this years team playing with a bona fida striker - which I believe Benteke still is as Wesley just didnt play as a traditional striker. I think we would be pleasantly surprised by how effective the team could be with a proper target man who gets in the box and doesnt hide from getting into goal scoring positions. Jack could focus on being a provider rather than bearing the burden of having to score all our goals too. Benteke is still an international calibre striker. Sometimes players and clubs just dont mix. At Villa I do think he would rediscover that magic
  3. loved his wee half volley switches from throw ins that he was doing last night. did it a few times. dont know if anyone else noticed but they were class
  4. spurs fans pretty confident they are going for Piatek too
  5. ugh. why cant we have more than one grealish. We really would benefit from him sitting deep in midfield to take the ball off our defenders and provide the link from defence to attack. The quarterback position that England sometimes used with Beckham. Of course then we would miss his attacking abilities but watching Hause, and to a lesser extent Konsa, pass straight to the opposition was infuriating. And when they did complete a pass to Marvellous or Luis it was obvious how uncomfortable they were in receiving the ball while facing their own half.
  6. Watched this on Netflix last night and thought it was brilliant. As tense and engrossed as I have felt watching a film in some time. Cheers for the recommendation!
  7. no. against all odds I believe he is cup tied
  8. never wanted him anyway.....honest
  9. Welcome Danny. We don't currently have a central midfielder who has the calm head and nous to see a game out - hence all the games we have lost from winning positions. I'm sure Drinkwater has had to come up clutch a number of times in Leicesters survival and title winning years so, crucially, knows how to win. That'll do me. And as for the stuff in his personal life, yes he did terrible things but lets not hold it against the guy the rest of his life. Surely we are better than that, no?
  10. something to be said for self preservation too. sometimes allowing yourself to fall and letting your body absorb the impact can reduce the strength of a direct kick or the awkward landing you would have to make if you stayed on your feet
  11. current. just think that he carries more threat and potential to Wesley. Granted, Benteke's recent scoring record is poor, however, he has proven his goalscoring abilities in the past and maybe he just needs to play somewhere where he is confident. I think, given the same chances I would back Benteke to finish them more than Wesley. admittedly my preference may be due more to my opinion of Wesley, who I want so badly to be good but deep down I suspect he just isn't a very good striker. Completely moot argument I know because I cant see the deal happening and its barely even a rumour at this stage
  12. Wouldn't even let grealish or Mings travel to watch this game. Just stay at home safe and sound in your slippers lads
  13. Didn't pep praise him after the city game and say that he couldn't afford him?
  14. Black Christmas (original) and Silent Night, Deadly Night watched. Gotta watch Christmas Vacation and Christmas Chronicles over the next week
  15. my thought. Choose the cheapest most generic medium sliced pan loaf pre-sliced bread, room temp salted proper butter (used sparingly) and max two layers of streaky bacon (cooked til just starting to crisp up). Brown or ketchup as the condiment choice (cant dictate these things, we live in a democracy). Personally I ditch the condiment and just have a soft fried egg on my plate to dip into. love a dippy egg
  16. He's also a cert for at least one lapse in concentration per game so should fill Mings boots perfectly
  17. ties nicely in with the ghostbusters element of this thread as some people speculated that the IASIP crowd remaking the wade boggs episode with females was in itself a commentary on how Holywood was going through a phase or remaking male-led movies with female casts (ghostbusters, ocenas 11 etc)
  18. Just tell McGinn which hip it is and have him shove his massive arse into it, Tactics !
  19. It's as if the level of physical contact he can expect is still taking him by surprised and the concept of playing to the whistle also appears to have passed him by. They should do that thing that they do in American football training where he has to run through a tunnel of his team mates battering him with training pads until he gets conditioned enough to stay on his feet
  20. Watching crystal palace - Bournemouth. How are these two teams above us?!?!
  21. thats because trez only has two speeds. he is either stock still or flat out. He's like an old school scalextric car
  22. "in that position I can face anyone up and go past 'em" Flippin love jack's confidence. And love that interview. Such a nice fella but he knows how good he is
  23. Ooh I like this game. For me Zidane is the closest comparison to Jack in playing style
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