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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. I know it's only a game and all that but I actually felt drained and a tad weepy there at the final whistle. Such a huge effort by our lads. Grealish literally fell to the floor at the end. The sheer passion and joy while sweet Caroline was being belted out. Gawd I love football
  2. Well this is awkward. Just realised we forgot to make one of this for lescott when he left. Whose job was that?
  3. nah. to be fair thats how I have felt at times this season . Ah well. VTID I guess!!!
  4. Smith out. Brook in. Need that new manager bounce
  5. The one merit to his game is his crossing from deep when is really really good. However he so rarely gets into a position to do it and even then doesnt. It irritates the hell out of me because he isn't very good at a whole lot else
  6. Have to agree to disagree on that one there chum. I'd rather a non-striker play in the striking role as part of a team than Kodj doing whatever the hell he likes at half pace
  7. honestly dont think it makes a difference
  8. or is popular culture inspired by Jack Grealish? Did he have the haircut before that show aired or after? genuine question
  9. those haircuts on the pair of them make them look like a couple of characters out of Peaky Blinders.
  10. All player purchases are a gamble though and it is why transfer prices are going to ultimately ruin football. More and more clubs are leveraging their future as an on-going concern on hugely expensive players who can either get injured, not give their all, not adapt to the league, arent good enough etc. The success that is needed to justify massive outlays on players are becoming more and more crucial. It is such an unsustainable model.
  11. i like the look of Samatta. Seems quick, not afraid to shoot, eager to make runs in behind defence. All based on youtube clips granted but could be a good signing. Very different looking player to Wesley
  12. after seeing everyone on twitter make the same "what Samatta" joke I kinda hope we dont sign him!
  13. I would be tempted to put Hause in at left wingback. Not that I believe he would be any good there, but he would be better than Taylor (obviously) and he just always has a mistake in him and the further away from our box when that happens the better
  14. In the last stages of doing the maths/ test driving/ choosing options on a Volvo XC40. Wife wants us to have a bigger car but I find the german suv/ crossovers a little uninspiring. I also find the Volvo' s a little less flash which kind of suits me. Going from a battered old civic I may find the multistories etc a bit hairy at first but will hopefully get used to it
  15. such a lovely film. I liked it more than my 8 year old daughter did!
  16. its quite fun how divisive this Benteke chat is we need a poll (and not that fella from Milan)
  17. no harm to Ayew but i genuinely dont think I could spend another season looking at his grumpy mug. Even when he scored he looked like someone had pooped in his cereal
  18. Not many but I doubt that he has physically shrunk, and the eye for goal thing is usually something that good strikers retain - it is more often than not a confidence or supply issue that stops them scoring. In saying that, im not his agent or his mum so dont have much interest in giving it the hard sell. I also dont have a crystal ball so not stating any future ability as fact. just stating my opinion for what its worth
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