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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. Agreed. There is an element of society who think they are incredibly smart and rebellious by breaking stay at home rules and not getting caught. Like they've beat the system or something. Missing the point entirely and it's pissing me off. I reckon the police need to be doing what they are doing until people get the message
  2. from my limited knowledge of cars, I would imagine that that range rover was still in a perfectly driveable condition so one would question why he felt the need to leave on foot. I also remember a friend telling me he had once crashed his car into a hedge while drunk. He headed home and slept it off - his logic being that by the time the police caught up with him he would be sober and able to pass a breathaliser (sp?). now these two thing may be unrelated but it doesn't look great. feel a bit let down and angry about it to be honest okay so read the article and it says his friends arrived and attempted to drive the range rover away - which may indicate that it wasnt driveable. However they also said he left on foot which is odd if his friends were there. or maybe its all nonsense - I dont know anymore
  3. Think that's bad? I saw a fella in Asda buying dozens of packets of Oxo cubes and boullion and just throwing them into a heap. I asked him what he was doing and guess what he said? ... ... ... ... He said "I'm buying dozens of packets of Oxo cubes and boullion and just throwing them into a heap" So I left him to it
  4. Yep I got it. Watching castle rock which is pretty good, and finished a show called Party Down which is an awesome, if largely unknown comedy show starring Adam Scott and Lizzy caplan
  5. Even as a joke, the fact that he has a balaclava casually lying around the house tells you everything you need to know about the prick
  6. I've actually told everyone that because Boris has cancelled all celebrations I'm staying 39 for another year
  7. Yikes. Tell me about it mate, I nearly had a threesome last night - was only two people short
  8. So total lockdown isn't quite how I'd expected to spend my 40th birthday! But to be honest it's just made me appreciate the wee things. Hopefully after all this nonsense we can all enjoy the stuff we previously took for granted. And no football has definitely made our lives a bit less stressful
  9. bugger. good luck dude. got fingers crossed for you. get well soon
  10. could've just put your clothes back on to be fair
  11. That first one doesn't work for me. If I stretch my arm out fully I can't bend my wrist like in the picture. My elbow has to be at about a 30 degree angle to make that hand shape. Have I got weird arms ?
  12. So we have a nation of bored men working from home all day, a dramatic upsurge in internet usage and a national shortage of big roll Nope. Dont see any connection there...
  13. Very quick, genuine question guys. Are people who are panic buying/ hoarding/ stocking up doing so because a) they think the shops are going to run out of food and not restock in the long run or b) in order to be able to stay at home and not interract with people going forward?
  14. In all seriousness though, where was this? My wifes hands are drying out due to all the hand gel and she's asked me to get her something for skin
  15. better be some bloody big asterixes alongside those "titles" in the history books
  16. if we're planning to give them a game we'd better make sure they are defence lawyers
  17. thats it. cancel the 19/20 season and we will reset the table and start again from scratch in August. its for the greater good
  18. I never understood what pure evil looked like until now
  19. nah its physical too. last night, to a man we were weaker, slower and tired quicker than all of their players. Cold hard fact is you get what you pay for. would kill for an enforcer like Ndidi in our midfield - he looked like he was playing against kids
  20. To everyone going to the game tonight: a) fair play to you all b) im incredibly jealous c) please please sing your hearts out. this game is massive and us unfortunates stuck at home want to hear you lot live on telly outsinging the lesster fans. Our team isnt as good theirs on paper so we need the fans to be the twelfth man (or even 11th man depending on what el ghazi shows up tonight)
  21. on that topic, my personal quirk is that I always wear my socks inside out. I find those wee seamy bits at your toes terribly uncomfortable. Seems even weirder now that ive typed it down though...
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