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Everything posted by TheMelvillan

  1. nothing like ordering a villa kappa kit to make you re-evaluate your lifestyle choices.
  2. The BBC have put both series of 15 Storeys High on iplayer after Sean Lock's sad passing. I would highly recommend it. It is dark, strange, maudlin and very funny. Lots of familiar faces in little cameo roles. Written by and starring Lock who is very funny in an understated way
  3. We are talking about a player just getting a start in his national team and one who only just bagged the no. 1 jersey for himself on the back of some awesome performances. I fully support them going out there - to not do so would have put them back down the pecking order they have worked hard to rise up. Not joining up with this squad could have impacted on their international career going forward. Unlike England where players show little joy in playing for their international team, some players from other countries actually enjoy it
  4. Thank goodness we signed tuanzebe. No harm to hause and no questioning his attitude, but that first touch of his I also hold the referee complete responsible for Ing's yellow card. Can't believe he missed the blatant foul that got him riled up
  5. Be a pal for Youngy. Same age bracket. Axel Fogey
  6. Its always bothered me that it looks like he has no sideburns. So for that reason, i'm out.
  7. Surprised John Gregory still has such insight after all these years! On Wes, his sulkiness doesn't bother me, the fact that I don't think he's very good at playing football does
  8. quick. someone ask that american football expert on twitter who had all the grealish insider info what he knows
  9. selling one of our two specialist right backs to buy yet another number 8 - of which we have many- seems a little risky to me. its like the opposite of bruce who collected right backs like they were going out of fashion. as for Luiz - he's just a bit of a non-entity to me nowadays sadly. At one point he played with such flair and confidence but has kinda just gone through the motions the last 6 months. Wouldn't be too upset if he was sold which I cant believe i'm saying seeing as I practically had a date set in my calendar for when his buyback clause expired
  10. That kit doesn't really fit into the teaser graphic at all. Gonna wait to see the official reveal before reacting
  11. By Jove is that a pallet I see in the background there
  12. Whilst a bit cheeky, taking a penalty like that also gives future oppo goalkeepers less information about where anwar likes to place his proper penalties. cos he better not be doing that in the prem
  13. Fair enough. Kinda think of bailey as a winger and Davis as, well Davis so didn't count either
  14. Leaves us a bit light for cover up front . Incoming?
  15. i can only apologise for my derisory offer. This must be what it feels like to be Daniel Levy
  16. i wonder. to put jacks situation in more relatable terms for us mere mortals. If the average Villa fan was offered quadruple their current salary if they started supporting Man City, would they do it?. And proper support, like go to every game (should get a ticket okay...), spend hours daily on their forums, learn the songs, get the tattoo's, boo Villa when they played each other, wear the shirt in public, exiled from VT. not saying i would but you would surely have to think about it
  17. Cant wait til my next pub debate about football kits with my mates . While those schlubs are stuck talking about whether they like the colour I'll be hitting them with the bonding, colour matching, and 2 x 1 rib detailing chat. boom. cheers Rob
  18. love how mobile he is, and he looked as fresh at the end of his match than at the start. Proper wee natural athlete and does seem to glide over the pitch. Compare for example with Hourihane (no to pick on him but...) who always seemed to be labouring and struggling to get around the pitch. Who do you think wins in a 1 on 1 bleep test, Ollie Watkins or JJ? Anyone else you'd throw in to that competition?
  19. Must be tired - at first I thought you were suggesting four up front
  20. im sure im not alone here but when we were younger we would over the top half of the logo cos it looked like...ahem... just one lady rather than two people... still makes me giggle to be fair
  21. Based on what Christian Purslow said in his Jack leaving video I think there is much emphasis on blooding the younger players in this year. The club and manager love this youth squad and are investing agressively to support it by buying other quality 16-18 year olds. In order for this to be sustainable I think they have to be seen to trust the youth players in the first team squad and matchday team and i think we will see a lot of it this year. It may be that this is a strategic direction for the club to grow in this way rather than just buy ready made players for tens of millions of pounds. "Success in a process, not an event" - maybe Buendia gleaned this from the club itself who have a focus on sustainable, gradual growth, who knows. Not every club can, or maybe wants to achieve success using the man city, chelsea model, especially in this day and age or with the financial restrictions that are supposedly in place, and the utter unsurety of current and future income streams
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