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Everything posted by GENTLEMAN

  1. Yes, this frustrates me too. But Smith frustrates me also. I feel like he's on the cusp of being a great coach but is insecure or lacking conviction is some moments. The game-plan is god, the preferred line-up is god. He will only deviate due to circumstance (see player fitness). I think the security and comfort of 'the plan' plays a role is his in-game decision making. I can see some benefits in this (trust in players, the confidence that players can gain with knowing exactly what is expected) but I think it is also too inflexible and leads to indecision and inactivity. A balance needs to be found. I think Smith is a deep but also slow 'conservative' thinker. He has shown his tactical best when he has time to think (project restart). I hope this is a case of inexperience as an elite level head coach and the comparative weakness beyond the first 11, but I am not convinced of this.
  2. Perhaps that ship has sailed. I meant in the sense, that he was heavily linked last summer. So a midfielder of his type was/is being considered. That is to say, it is not lost on the recruitment team (including Smith) what is missing from our midfield.
  3. Lets hope the players and management are not as gutless and fearful as some in here.
  4. It follows a farcical pattern. GOAL Villa, Huff and Puff Utd, Villa continue to still offer threat, Dodgy Pen, Fernandes hop, Villa Capitulate, GOAL Utd, bity end to game with foul given every 1/2 min.
  5. Certainly got the little feels of the Moss interpretation. "Well, that's the law, isn't it" - No it has never been interpreted that way and was later clarified by PGMOL. It is all after the fact 'interpretation' to justify a decision and it saddens me to hear some Villa fans gulping down this snake oil. Kavanagh should have just waved play on if he thought there was not sufficient contact, as has been done countless times. It's consistency that you want. Further to, tell me that a penalty would NOT have been given for the exact same incidence but FOR Manchester United. Watch for reference: Then you review the handball by Greenwood. (Compare it to pen given to Man Utd against Brighton and against West Brom this season). But, ultimately, it is a subjective opinion of the ref and let's be honest plenty of unconscious bias exists. It is the same with the journalism. We just need to slowly change the belief system surrounding Aston Villa, and we can only do this by becoming better and challenging. Also we need to be loud and vocal of injustice.
  6. No. That analogy would only be apt, if we were guaranteed at least a playoff place because of our 'footballing tradition' regardless of our performance over the season.
  7. That's the big decision isn't it. Whether the domestic leagues enact that threat. Would the PL risk the revenue loss? I envision that a 'compromise' will be reached. With the PL trumpeting the heralding of the brave new era of modern football. They will probably offer a token gesture. Like highest finishing team (outside of founding SL members) entering a playoff to enter the SL for a season.
  8. My cursory understanding is that the 'founding SL members' want to remain in their respective domestic leagues. Basically the SL replaces the CL.
  9. I think the only moral stance is for domestic leagues to remove membership of these 'founding SL members'. If it is allowed as being proposed then domestic competition will be null and void.
  10. In that PM interview Smith also said that Barkley is working really hard to back to 100% fitness. Makes little sense to me.
  11. Looked like he was playing 4-2-3-1. With Sanson in that advanced role and Luiz and McGinn sitting. Either way it ain’t working, and has not been for a long time. I feel like squeezing and slapping Smith. I cannot for the life of me work out how after seeing that first 45 mins, he refused to change the system.
  12. Flawed logic. Cash had only just returned last week. Cash has trained all week. He’s back and will be in the side today.
  13. He dropped TAA though. Southgate must see something in Dier that others in the squad can’t offer. Konsa is such an international CB though, pure grace and intelligence.
  14. It’s breakfast, lunch and dinner
  15. With Wesley, Traore and Grealish potentially out. Perhaps could work with Barkley as the 10, and AEG as the other CF. With the legs behind Barkley maybe he could be accommodated to shine as an attacking outlet. I thought Barkley provided some much needed attacking guile against Newcastle (in a similar formation).
  16. Happy to be corrected but read he’s got 2 years and a club option extension of 1 year left. Essentially meaning 3 years and 3 months left. Besides, I’m sure the club will be negotiating a new contract as we speak.
  17. Really have to start with a high intensity. We gave Leicester such an easy game after they had travelled after Europa. Let’s not repeat that mistake. I suspect Jack won’t play, and we’ll see him after the Int break.
  18. I wouldn’t say ‘bored’ per se, but for successful individuals this rich it becomes about legacy.
  19. Smith actually said we shouldn’t have won or rather didn’t deserve to win over the whole game. “We didn’t deserve to win the game over the 94 minutes. It wasn’t a game for the purists, it was a bit of an ugly game with not many completed passes and not many clear-cut chances. “They probably had the better chances, but when you score a goal like we did in the 90th minute you should go and see it out.
  20. I dunno maybe he just needs a bit more lube.
  21. As was for my eyes too. I am most disappointed with his lack of energy and work-rate. He seems nowhere near winning a duel, if you compare to Sanson (pre-knock) and Ramsey. For certain, the balance of McGinn, Luiz and Barkley does not work. Really frustrating that Smith seems to persist with this. Although, he is now not trying it in a starting line-up. I would not be adverse to Barkley been returned to Chelsea, much is my distain of his performances at the moment. Was hoping it was injury or fitness but surely the 'training-minutes' trope can well and truly be dismissed now? Although Smith was trotting it out last night.
  22. With the red mist lifted from yesterdays 2nd half performance, the result was not too bad. Rather it was the Sheffield United result, if we had won that game, we would have taken 7 points from the previous 3.
  23. I did think he might do this. I would. Fear factor. It’s at home, so no unnecessary travel for Jack.
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