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Everything posted by sharkyvilla

  1. Must be injured, surely. But let's hope he's dropped until we have to play SHA.
  2. Hogan had an injection in his ankle midweek so most likely not fit. Sometimes the team needs a bit of luck like that, but it shows what throwing some fearless kids in can do. Hopefully Bruce takes this as a shot in the arm and has stumbled upon a more positive approach.
  3. I'm hoping he's stumbled on a solution throwing a few kids in, they should hopefully add a bit of pace but I'm worried about Hutton and Whelan breaking down most of our attacks before they even begin. If he was going for Green and Davis, why not Bree who has played quite a lot of matches at this level? I agree that it seems it would be more luck than judgment if we pull it off, he hasn't planned this at all which is pretty shameful.
  4. I agree, we are counting the cost for not going that way instead of Bruce. I'm not knocking the club for going for experience, it's easy with hindsight to criticise, but it's not worked. Does anyone know what kind of football Mellberg's team plays? If he mixes the new style with his legendary status, I'd be all for him.
  5. I still think he's a good player. I do get the impression that he's one of those players who seems confident on the outside but is actually quite insecure on the inside and needs managers who big him up and his role in the team. Currently I see a dressing room devoid of any inspiration from the management and none of the players benefit in those circumstances.
  6. Las Ramblas gets packed in the summer, it's easy to see how one van could kill loads of people, as well as the resultant panic.
  7. He'd be a decent replacement for Glenn Whelan, I'd say he's better and younger, the only problem is we've only just signed Whelan. So we would either be admitting Whelan is a waste of money already, or even worse, considering having both in the team. This is when money is tighter than it has been and a manager who cannot organise or coach the team properly at the moment. I'm with those who'd rather pay off Bruce and get someone else in with the money.
  8. The simple solution is to give up social media. I wish more people would.
  9. Probably Thiago. They should never have sold him and got Fabregas in.
  10. I turned his interview off when he was mentioning how unlucky the goal was and it changed the game, when we were really getting royally dicked on, yet again.
  11. I was hoping to wake up to him having resigned, but he actually seemed quite chipper in the post-game interview. Hopefully Tony sacks him but the resulting negative media reaction again will be unbearable.
  12. I know stats in football are a load of shite generally, but the first half stats here make it look like we are a tinpot Spanish village team trying to keep out Barcelona. How we could have planned for this kind of tactic over the pre-season I have no idea. It would be nice if Bruce just stood down (barring something miraculous happening in the 2nd half).
  13. What the hell has he actually done this summer?
  14. I think Hogan is like a lot of players who stand out in the Championship, they bust their gut to get to that level and start having success, but then they get their big money move and it's almost like their level of expectation triples overnight. It's tough to handle for some, Kodjia being an exception as he rightly thinks he's the dog's bollocks.
  15. They said in January that they'd brought most of this summer's budget forward to help Bruce sort the team out, so I don't see why people are surprised we've not spent that much. Judging from the way he's used the players he's bought so far, I can't say I'd have trusted him with more now anyway. We just need to coach and manage the players we have better.
  16. I don't know whether someone younger like Johnny Mercer or Heidi Allen could do a Cameron and come from nowhere. If the election showed anything, it's that the Tories are still toxic to many people so would need to pick their next leader carefully as only a very few of their established MPs have any crossover appeal whatsoever.
  17. I finished Ozark as well, really good. The daughter did end up getting on my tits but mildly compared to Homeland and 24. The only other thing that bothered me was the amount of people to whom Marty just blurted out what he was doing. I think they could have been a bit cleverer with it like they would in Breaking Bad. Still a really good show and should have plenty of different avenues to go down in series 2.
  18. The thing with Big Sam is that you'd know at the very least, a huge amount of drills will be done on the training ground for both boxes and I could only see us improving, and I'd say this is a good squad for his kind of style. He knows exactly what he's doing, which I don't think Bruce and Calderwood do. God knows what they've done on the training ground since being here. He or perhaps Pardew at a push I could accept, but I'd rather have someone like Jokanovic or the new breed of manager.
  19. Unfortunately I can't see him going soon. I also struggle to see him picking an XI that won't get annihilated by Reading either, so it's lose-lose.
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