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Everything posted by VillaAlex

  1. I doubt it personally. There is the extra spot this time but they're still far behind the rest. Argentina will qualify as normal, Uruguay are a footballing nation back on the rise, Chile have a phenomenal amount of talent and then the likes of Colombia, Ecuador and Paraguay always have an array of talent. Venezuela are improving but are several players away from having a good squad.
  2. Oh man... If Luke Young isn't back I guess it will be Delph at LB.
  3. Leo takes best supporting actress. Well deserved.
  4. Hate all the red carpet stuff... Liked the intro to the awards though
  5. Player of the season atm by a country mile. Although that's not saying much, none of our players have been consistent apart from maybe NRC.
  6. Beckford is starting to look like a very good signing.
  7. He was great, he often pushed forward whilst Dunne would sit back and mop up. Both complemented each other very well and although Clark was good on the ball I thought Dunne was just as good. Although Blackburn didn't really pressure them. He made a bad mistake but I'd rather he make it while we're 4-1 up and he'll certainly learn from that.
  8. James Collins out now apparently... So Clark to CB, but who LB?
  9. Bronson 7/10 Film about Britains most violent prisoner known as Michael Peterson and his alias 'Charles Bronson'. Generally the plot follows the events of how he got into prison and has pretty much stayed there for 30 years. In between there are a few fictitious events which make the story a bit more interesting. The plot isn't the most interesting thing you'll watch but Tom Hardy dominates the screen with an amazing performance and makes you feel as if you are watching the real Charlie Bronson. The director also did an excellent job with the cinematography and soundtrack which was important as very little dialogue occurs in the film, it's mainly visual. Not for the squeamish though, lots of violence and some full frontal nudity.
  10. 2025 wow, I can never get further then a few seasons without getting bored myself. Must be a great game!
  11. I second Remember the Titans, excellent film.
  12. Benfica win, 16 wins in a row now isn't it? Congrats
  13. Get in there Forrester, great finish. Nice slide on the mud for his celebration too
  14. Yeah Shakhtar away would probably be the hardest match you can get. They beat Spurs a season or two ago too in the Europa League.
  15. 1-0 Carruthers clever play by Delfouneso and a tidy finish. Was coming.
  16. VillaAlex


    The Big Sam Was the best twitter page around, although you can't blame the real Sam for his actions
  17. A Streetcar Named Desire 8/10 Very good film, about a girl with obvious psychological issues who is continually provoked by her brother in law which makes things worse. The role of Blanche seemed pretty overacted for me, it was put across that she wasn't well but she was far too eccentric. Marlon Brando on the other hand was brilliant, one of the best performances I've ever seen, he dominated the screen and made his character a little more believable. At times you wanted to feel sorry for him despite him pretty much being a bully. The Pianist 10/10 About a Polish pianist Wladyslaw Szpilman who is doing everything he can to survive during WW2. Absolutely loved this, such a powerful and engrossing film. There are so many unforgettable moments and they are done with such brutality. The Jewish people really had no-where to escape and Wladyslaw was extremely lucky to survive, although it goes to show it doesn't always happen by turning action hero likes in most war movies. A real must see.
  18. Looks like a film trailer, and the graphics are superb. Like the concept but will the gameplay deliver?
  19. Its quite simple: 1] Harry Redknapp gets called a fraud on Panorama. 2] Portsmouth's first game after Panorama was Villa away. 3] Villa fans give Redknapp loads of shit over the Panorama program. 4] Redknapp says something about the nasty Villa fans in the media. 5] The hate fest commences, and its never ended. I don't even think it's just that, I barely know anybody that likes him. Even most Spurs fans can't stand him as a person
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