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Everything posted by VillaAlex

  1. Reads the play well, his passing can be immaculate and expansive but can have the odd moment losing possession in a key area. I would put that down to being new to league, especially when it's his second game in a week. Should have been subbed really, as it was evident he was tiring. He will be a star for us, with the ball he can be on another level to the rest of our players which shows how far we are behind the Champions League teams when in possession.
  2. Agree with all of this but it looked to me that Bent was onside, not that it matters now anyway.
  3. Neuer was phenomenal, I read he made more touches then any other Schalke player which says it all about their performance. Annan struggled to adjust to the pace of the Bundesliga and their defence was all over the place especially Metzelder. Huntelaar did ok as a defensive forward but barely looks a goal threat nowadays. The way Dortmund go forward is a joy to behold, every time they go forward they have 3 or 4 options in space, the movement of their midfield can be sometimes to be impossible to defend unless you park the bus. They'll miss Kagawa though, too many times he had key contributions to their matches. Although Gotze aint half a good replacement, the lad is gonna be a star.
  4. Watched a few recently. Winters Bone 7/10 Probably not for everyone, a bit slow at times but a good story about a girl searching for her drug dealing father in a rough town who suddenly disappeared. In the mean time she struggles to look after her ill mother and her two younger siblings with little income coming into their home. Lost Highway ?/10 :shock: Really don't know what I watched, a very confusing film which a lot of the time looked like some porno. Needs a rewatch like most David Lynch films... Harry Brown 6/10 Decent watch, hilariously unrealistic though. Michael Caine pretty much carries the film.
  5. Friedel Walker Dunne Cuellar Clark Albrighton Makoun NRC Young Gabby Bent I'd go with. Downing isn't in due to rotational purposes, and I think Albrighton could have some joy down the right. Also think Gabby would cause Hangeland problems with his pace and going two up front is needed v a side like Fulham who are very tough to break down.
  6. VillaAlex

    Dr Pepper

    Love it, although only at room temperature. Cold it loses its flavour and warm it tastes vile.
  7. I felt the same, I usually can't stand Wahlberg as I find him quite bland and boring but I thought he was excellent in this. As for Bale I was pleased to see him in a more different role as to what he is used to and deservedly won his supporting actor role at the Golden Globes. Have this on my to watch this, looks crazy.
  8. They'll finish top four easily, Tottenham will miss out due to their CL commitments.
  9. I don't think Sidwell completed that many passes in his entire Villa career. Who is this Sidwell you speak of? :? I've heard of him, but never seen him play!
  10. He always says good things about us, I think he wants to join the revolution :winkold:
  11. That is fantastic, I'm sure that beats any of our players in the past 2 or 3 years. About time we had someone who is comfortable and constantly looking for the ball.
  12. Makoun MOTM, classy on the ball and has great awareness. Thought Downing was very inconsistent with his play but he did have some very good moments including setting up Bent for the goal. Friedel had a great game, Petrov, Collins and Dunne were poor. Everyone else was average in my eyes. Not a bad result though, we played well for the majority but unfortunately moments of brilliance from United and mistakes from our defence cost us.
  13. Agreed, his awareness of space and the players around him was a joy to behold. Something we haven't been used to for years. I can't to see how he does v the lesser sides where his creativity could come to more use. Early signs are that he will be a bargain although that is said with caution as "could he do it on a a cold night in Stoke?"
  14. Here's some appreciation for his performance tonight too. Superb :notworthy:
  15. This I'd rather players be unhappy then happily come off, take their coat and be happy to be off the pitch.
  16. Bit of an odd statement to make :? We've had plenty of the ball, he has a chance to show what he can do and simply hasn't so far. Let's hope for an improvement in the second half. I understand he's not having a good game today, but there have been other games against top four opposition where he has done well.
  17. Our overall play has been good, but too many mistakes and it's the last team you want to do them against... This was expected though, their home form is exceptional and a draw would have been an excellent result. If we keep our heads up and keep the score down no problem, I just worry a few more goals and confidence goes...
  18. I'd have NRC with one or the other. NRC has been great recently and isn't the type to tire, we need his energy to close down the likes of Scholes while the other play sits back and protects the back four.
  19. Yeah been a great keeper, not perfect but he can always be relied on and is a true professional.
  20. I was massive PES fan from the very first ISS that Konami released. However after PES6 it all seemed to go downhill, PES2008 and 2009 were absolutely dreadful imo. I picked up FIFA09 and haven't looked back since, although some of the games do feel genuially scripted towards one opposition it is great fun and you have a lot of variety from BAP to Ultimate Team although I tend to just stick with the regular games. PES has improved this year, the master league online has proved popular and seems a lot better then Ultimate team but gameplay wise I think FIFA has the edge. Especially if you learn to play the game using manual controls, it gives you so much freedom.
  21. I'd go with... Friedel Cuellar Collins Dunne Clark Albrighton NRC Petrov Young Gabby Bent Would rather Albrighton over Downing because it is more balanced then Downing on the RW, whilst Gabby has to play centrally as he always gives Vidic problems. I also think it would be best to leave Makoun on the bench, especially if he's just had a knock and instead let him start v Fulham. Petrov on the other hand will be fresh from having his rest on Saturday. Can't see anything other then a home win though.
  22. :bonk: Liverpool. Nothing but desperation, why they can't wait till the summer I don't know, they don't really have anything to play for this season other then European qualification.
  23. That is crazy. £30m was bad enough, but now £35m?! When you spend that sort of money you want a player who is proven in that league or the type of signing that is known as 'World Class'. Andy Carroll is neither and Newcastle will be laughing their way to the bank. Carroll may be a star but that is crazy money.
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