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Everything posted by VillaAlex

  1. Most creative player, best footballer, and probably our quickest midfielder. He also has an excellent reading of the game when required to do the defensive side, look at the game v Chelsea he neutralised Ashley Cole that day. Unfortunatley because he's not the bravest there's a bit of hate out there for him, when his primary role is to attack for us. Meanwhile the wingers who do put a foot in, have a habit of losing the tackle or giving away fouls in bad areas.
  2. The Magdalene Sisters 8/10 A fictional film based on the magdalene asylums being run in Ireland during the 1960's and onwards. Women who had given into seduction were sent there usually for the rest of their lives for rehabilitation. Although this was really not the case. A powerful film, that was banned in Vatican City and you can see why. It is a really good watch though, and I had no idea that all this had happened before I watched the film. Nora-Jane Noone is gorgeous and plays her role brilliantly, surprisingly she hasn't gone on to do much in the acting world.
  3. I don't see why taking Bent off is a problem. He was barely getting a touch of the ball and it wasn't sticking up front. Heskey should give us more of a presence and allow our wingers more space.
  4. What a tackle by Makoun to win the ball, I loved Bents flick too 8)
  5. Blackpool yikes. Their most defensive midfielder is David Vaughan. Then they have Adam, Grandin and Varney all attacking midfielders.
  6. No Petrov on the bench is interesting... Bench looking strong.
  7. Carlos Bannan Very odd as I thought Houllier rated him.
  8. Completed this the other day, great game but slightly disappointed with the ending... Also the missions before the end are extremely tiresome. Still love roaming around the map though, I enjoy that the most. Especially around Tall Trees Will probably try get to 100% now and buy the expansions.
  9. Cheers for that. ___________________________________________________________ Few films I've watched recently... Twelve Monkeys 7/10 Man is sent back in time to find the origin of a virus that wiped the majority of the worlds population. Good film, not the most interesting plot but I enjoyed the acting of the likes of Pitt and Willis who did well in a role different to what he is used to. A big plus for me was the music which fits in really well with the theme of the film. Pitts character is crazyyy... True Grit (2010) 7/10 The Coen brothers are a real mixed bag for me, I love No Country for Old Men and The Big Lebowski but I'm not the greatest fan of Fargo or Burn After Reading. This one fits into the latter for me, it the young girl was excellent but the plot didn't really interest me that much and I struggled at times to understand what Bridges was saying. Saying that some films do require a second watch to appreciate what it is. Neds 6/10 About the Glasgow youth culture made by a producer of Trainspotting. Started off well, but was generally a big mess. So many things happen in so little time and you are left to wonder why they have happened and really each part of the film needed more development to allow the viewer to understand why the young guy is doing what he is doing. Some good scenes though such as him going for a gang with two knifes strapped to his hands. Raising Arizona 7/10 Not a Cage fan but he was excellent in this, an enjoyable film about an ex convict and his ex cop wife who can't make or adopt a baby. Due to this they set out to steal a one of the quintuplet babies another couple had. All of this leads to a host of action filled events.
  10. Excellent analysis that it, enjoy his review of games.
  11. It's not that hard to believe when they have the likes of Bowyer, Carr, Ferguson and Johnson.
  12. Apparently it was less then 350 according to West Ham fans :X Getting close to Wigan and their bus load.
  13. Puma have made some nice kits recently so I'd go with them.
  14. does 6'2 Bradley count? I wouldn't call him a big defensive midfield as such but he certainly has the frame and energy to accommodate him.
  15. Yeah the problem is Makoun needs to be in space, a few times today he was knocked of the ball because he doesn't have the largest stature. Hopefully we'll get a big defensive midfielder alongside him which I think would help him immensely.
  16. In some cases yes, but we've always cried out for a midfielder who releases the ball quickly and ups the tempo.
  17. Yeah, don't see why Downing gets the hate when he has created twice as many chances as a certain Ashley Young has all season. Yes he can blow hot and cold but usually he is the player who makes something happen.
  18. Reads the play well, his passing can be immaculate and expansive but can have the odd moment losing possession in a key area. I would put that down to being new to league, especially when it's his second game in a week. Should have been subbed really, as it was evident he was tiring. He will be a star for us, with the ball he can be on another level to the rest of our players which shows how far we are behind the Champions League teams when in possession.
  19. Agree with all of this but it looked to me that Bent was onside, not that it matters now anyway.
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