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Everything posted by MikeMcKenna

  1. I have backed him in the past his feigned injury was a disgrace today.
  2. It’s midnight here in Thailand and I am absolutely gutted after that pathetic performance. We are not a premier league side. I really haven’t got a clue how this is going to be turned around. After the great performance v Spurs, I thought we would be better but we were sh*te, absolutely F***** sh*te.
  3. Scoring from corners.... I may have posted this on another thread but here is a great bit of Villa history - maybe John Lerwill knows the match? i attended the 50th anniversary of the former Villa players association in 2009 and was sitting near Jimmy McEwan (RIP) and called my old dad (RIP) to tell him. He said, ask Jimmy if he remembers scoring from a corner twice in the same game. Jimmy told me that he did indeed. He scored the 1st and it was disallowed despite protests from the players that it was perfectly legal but the ref said take it again - so he did exactly the same and scored again! For some reason the ref allowed the 2nd attempt. i passed the phone to my dad and he chatted away to Jimmy for 10-15 minutes about the 50s and 60s.
  4. Knew all the pubs in the area well. Malthouse was a bit of a s***hole, used the Bell, Marston Green Tavern more but they were all bluenose pubs. My local in the 70s was the White Hart, gaffer was a Villa fan. There were a fair few of us Villa fans in there, who travelled home and away. Went to the Final, Final, Final v Everton at old trafford in the gaffers Jag. We thought we were the bees knees rolling up in Manchester in that. After winning we travelled back to the White Hart and were still there at 9am in the morning!!!
  5. @TRO I lived in Tile Cross and knew the Mackadown social club well. So funny that you were all singing Villa songs in there! It was a bluenose club to the core. Villa fans were very rare in there. Great pics by the way.
  6. Grealish is the best player that I have seen in a Villa shirt in 60+ years. If he leaves, like many, I will be very sad. However, I support AVFC and if Jack joins Manure, Man citeh etc he will be totally dead to me. Players come and go. AVFC will be the poorer for it, but life goes on.
  7. I am sick of it. It is a cycle of ..,, good result - we’re sound. The next week we get poxy threads titled ‘Relegation’. O’Leary was right.
  8. It is about time some fans started supporting AVFC! The same old suspects, seem hell bent on dragging down the club. I went today and accept we were poor in parts but I still walked out thinking ‘we’re the Villa’ with my head held high.
  9. Yep - I am ****** ashamed of the way some ‘fans’ support the club. I am spitting bullets. They need to grow sum or **** off.
  10. I haven’t a clue what you are talking about
  11. Such a sh*t thread! Disgraceful When did Villa fans become such no marks?
  12. Hause is ****** useless. Get rid. i was at the game and he has no clue.
  13. Other than for loyalty to an existing player, this a weird position to take. David is unproven, we need players who can score goals. I sincerely hope Baston makes the few critics eat their words.
  14. I trust DS to make the right decision. Sentiment doesn’t come into it. Davis hasn’t actually done much of note in a Villa shirt. Baston may not be the best thing since sliced bread but he has a better scoring record than Davies.
  15. Bournemouth FC mentions the Christoper Creeke, which is 25 minute walk and Baxters and Mello, Mello which are both in Boscombe about 15 mins from ground, all welcoming Away support. However, Boscombe is a bit of ****hole.
  16. Luiz is getting into his groove, Drinkwater hasn’t found his yet. I would put Drinkwater on the bench.
  17. Further to @Friendlycherry comments. More details of detour here: https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/18194658.brace-traffic-warning-ahead-m27-closure-55-mile-diversion-weekend/?Ref=fbpg&fbclid=IwAR1PbaJlQgwDn9FQFKSkMYOO06C4I78ABZvc0x3AFGi_cvmXN0PoE_oTeMg
  18. Your screw really is loose!
  19. I am not giving a second thought to him leaving. He plays for Aston Villa now and everything else is pointless speculation.
  20. Some of us local Bournemouth Lions are meeting in the Christopher Creeke pub from 12 on Saturday - it is just outside the town centre. About a 25 minute walk to the ground but there will also be taxis around. Here is the pub web site which has a location map. If anyone wants info about Bournemouth send me a message. https://www.jdwetherspoon.com/pubs/all-pubs/england/dorset/the-christopher-creeke-bournemouth
  21. Yes Hause is OK in the air, tackling going backwards etc but playing out from the back he is a bit of a liability. Obviously because Jack plays mostly on the left, we have a tendency to move the ball left but very often forward passes go astray from Hause or we lose possession. I would prefer to see Mings as the left CB but don’t know who would then play in the centre.
  22. I know he is still one of our players, but couldn’t this thread be added to “other rubbish”?
  23. Just shows how crap we have been up till now at putting them away. Really hope Samatta can do the business and start putting away the chances Jack is creating.
  24. When Nyland pulled off the incredible save and tipped onto the bar, I said to my son ‘were gonna win this!’ Elmo’s cross for Trez’s goal was out of this world!!! And I said ‘told you’...
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