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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. or even the US getting involved in Northern Ireland ..oh wait The US has had Irish connections for hundreds of years, they weren't sticking their nose in for no reason. Plus they played their part in bringing about peace.
  2. In footballing terms, The Sopranos is world class. As for Sons of Anarchy, it's mindless entertainment, nowhere near the top shows but I'd rank it with Dexter and The Shield.
  3. Shocking quote from a former player, even if he was always full of shit.
  4. That sounds impossible, I read he will join Bayern next summer. However I believe he has said he will never join that club. Would be an enormous coup for Liverpool.
  5. If the Roma interest is real, and they have certainly been splashing the cash, he will go there. Better than the ignominy of selling to Southampton or QPR or other small clubs.
  6. Unless they sign some world class talent they'll be a poorer side. Last year really was their year.
  7. Yes but Liverpool paid 10.5 for him. And looks like Liverpool are going to get 7 million for Assaidi. That's more bizarre. The more transfers that happen the more it looks like Villa are being well and truly left behind, like we're in another sport.
  8. He might have been offered the Italy job. Seeing multiple sources that James Rodriguez is going to sign for Real Madrid soon too. Poor Isco.
  9. He'd be considered the best young German player along with draxler, don't overanalyse.
  10. Maradona never played for a club team that was even as half as good as the Barca team Messi has played in. If Messi had to play for a team of the quality of Maradona's Napoli, he wouldn't have scored anywhere near that number of goals in a year. Why didn't he play for the best teams? Because he was nuts?
  11. Ki linked and expected to sign http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/aston-villa/10964838/Aston-Villa-manager-Paul-Lambert-closing-in-on-South-Korea-international-Ki-Sung-Yueng.html
  12. Sturridge is incapable of playing the Suarez role. I think signing Bony is a potential mistake, he just won't get the type of service he likes.
  13. Why can't you say? Casillas, Reina, Debuchy, Bender, Khedira, Sanchez and Balotelli all linked.
  14. Mr_Dogg


    hardly in the same class is he! If the class is world, then yes he is. But he wouldn't get the same goals.
  15. It's good but you're not going to enjoy it.
  16. They're going to sign Snodgrass for £8 million now as well. WTF
  17. La liga games can be moved mere days before they scheduled, so stay flexible. Barca tickets for games against 80% of the league can be bought at the stadium on the day.
  18. What's wrong with that third dog? Looks like he's missing a section.
  19. I think Medel nearly always plays CB for Chile I can't see how they'd have the best defense then. People are going on performances though not names.
  20. This world cup is unbelievable, no fear being shown.
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