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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. Parcel Motel. But that may not work.
  2. Be interesting to see who Barca hire in the summer. Rodgers.
  3. Just back from Calvary, very good and when they say its a dark comedy, you better believe it.
  4. Never really knew what went on there, unsurprising dickhead No 1 Mourinho is the culprit.
  5. Surprised to see someone say Willian is not top quality, I think he's real class. He's not a player like Hazard though so that point could be right.
  6. Free? Surely free isn't an option - he's confessed to killing someone. Personally, I find it difficult to believe he hasn't shot his girlfriend after an argument and I think a murder conviction would be the right result, but if that doesn't come off, he wouldn't just be freed would he? I believe that if the prosecution don't get him for first degree murder then that's it, no other charge.
  7. Ramires and Matic out tonight, they are both ahead of him.
  8. You thought wrong! Unfortunately. That was a rule before though, wasn't it? I have only seen that rule in the league cup.
  9. Madrid on the ropes big time, watch them score on the breakaway.
  10. It would certainly be news if millions of people did die today.
  11. Finished house of cards season 2 Entertaining as it is I don't think it's a great show. Not really a spoiler but
  12. I'd never blame a striker for that, Arsenal have been dominated against the top teams, he never had a chance. Similar to Ozil's criticism, you dominate the ball to give attacking players as chance to shine.
  13. Eriksen is pure class, made for the PL.
  14. Could be eyeing Rodgers, he speaks Spanish. He didn't like the deal he was being offered I believe, not financially but his role in transfers etc.
  15. Van Goal is far too old to go there, Klopp would be very very interesting, he's happy as can be at Dortmund though, isn't he?
  16. Of course but Rooney and RVP are the BIG names at the club.
  17. He has bags of ability, the ultimate modern CB. He's just so completely undisciplined, he's Mourinho's worst nightmare.
  18. Moyes has unlocked his potential almost by luck with RVP and Rooney both out. Kagawa is even looking good. A balanced team outweighs big names.
  19. Looks like a line up for a League cup game. I'll take a draw now.
  20. JRod in a bad way, sorry Con. Possible ligament damage.
  21. Sticking out a leg for absolutely no reason, idiotic. Falling over when you could take a few more steps and have a shot on goal, cheating He ran into an outstretched lazy leg, 100% of players would fall.
  22. Sticking out a leg for absolutely no reason, idiotic.
  23. Stonewall peno, WTF is Owen on about?
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