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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. There's a lot to be said for having proved himself in the league already. If possible it's also better to get managers (and players) that are taking a step up.
  2. Made to watch? The West Wing is excellent! Goes on a bit but top class TV.
  3. Still also means that their back up RB / squad player will probably be on double what our best player is on, if he's going to city it will be for >£80k a week Ridiculous He's going to get 150k a week.
  4. I'm happy with that equaliser because I feel completely neutral. More football!
  5. Looks like Sagna is going to join them, sharing a spot with zabaleta. Ridiculous.
  6. He's far better than his reputation deserves but still no where near worth that. Fantastic deal for Chelsea.
  7. True or not, how could a potential deal take 6 months to complete?
  8. I can imagine when Moyes came in there was a collective relaxing throughout the squad, a sigh of relief after the tight ship run by Ferguson. Moyes came in and attempted to continue it but he had fear and awe in his eyes of the players and the job. Now LVG is coming in having seen it all before, he's going to kick ass and upset a lot of players. Some good potential for hilarity. Could succeed or fail spectularly, I'm leaning towards succeed.
  9. Alexis sanchez was in great form earlier this season, he's just not used properly most of the time. Mascherano has been an unsung hero and Fabregas is just world class. Must be planning a HUGE overhaul and needs funds.
  10. WTF is all this shit with Toure? He's one of the most admired players around, won it all and he's acting like a huge clearing in the woods.
  11. yes he's class. Why do all the best british players have to be Welsh! Ramsey, Bale etc etc
  12. Best managerial achievement for many years. Mourinho at Porto winning the CL the most comparable I'd say.
  13. Seems very unbelievable, but Tony has me worried. I think Randy will sell to an American, someone he probably knows.
  14. Too many cooks? The tika-taka style hasn't been too successful in European competition recently. I suspect Spain might be a big flop. This tournament may be more about freedom of expression than collectivist effort (the Spanish style). Possibly... but you could say an embarrassment of riches too. Barcelona may have been found out a bit but they're not Spain are they? Spain have won the last 3 major tournaments they have been in (2x Euro, 1x WC) and are certainly the pick of the Euro teams. I'd be very surprised if they didn't make the final. I'm not a massive fan of how they play but it works for them The Barcelona players have been the most influential, why the Spanish team plays the tippy-tappy passing game. Pique, Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets, Pedro, Villa (before his move)... and up until this Championship, Puyol. Actually, the absence of Puyol is going to be a big factor in Spain's poor performance because he was a great defender in the pre-tika taka mould. The current defenders Spain have are not World Class defensive defenders. Highly skilful players yes but they make unpredictable errors and teams will find it possible to pick them off, if they are not careful. Barcelona is not quite the impossible threat they once were and I reckon that will repeat with the Spanish team that plays in a similar style. Xavi and Iniesta are over 30 and a bit slower and if they do get out of the group stage (I'm not so sure... Chile might beat them) then they won't last the pace. Iniesta was 30 4 days ago. Is that over? And Puyol missed euro 2012. Anyway, did anyone say youaregay?
  15. It doesn't make me wonder. Evra and Vidic cosy about the same but if their clubs weren't loaded and paying huge wages, giving out new and improved contracts every couple of years since they signed they wouldn't be there.
  16. I need to have a look at Mad Men. Never watched an episode even though I have friends who keep banging on about it. Thought it would be right up your street.
  17. Didn't see those comments from Lambert before. For me, he is saying he'd love to be part of the new ownership but doesn't know if he will be.
  18. He's been very disappointing, quite forgettable. Possibly the City team setup is wrong for him.
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