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Everything posted by Mr_Dogg

  1. Goal and assist for Ramsey, what might have been...
  2. This. City can entertain when on form but why wouldn't they, a team of superstars. Liverpool games are consistently entertaining from a pure and simple footballing viewpoint, leaving aside everything else people like to drag in. As for Chelsea, they bore me to death.
  3. Confidence coursing through the Liverpool player's veins, amazing what it can do to a team. 2 nil now. Could be 15 by the end
  4. I got the M8 during the week. I love it! A real pleasure to use.
  5. Couldn't be. Has to be 433. Will be interesting you see Albrighton in that position.
  6. Lethal player, his stats will go through the roof next season with a good/stable manager.
  7. Shaw will get in the team, can't have a bloody foreigner who's keeping the lovely Ashley Cole out in the team.
  8. Uh oh, Villa legend Steve Sidwell. 1-1
  9. If you've got a scoop you post it as soon as you have it, you don't sit on it and post it at a certain time unless you're told that's the only way you're getting any follow up information. The stories were embargoed til 1030, nobody sits on that article because "we usually post at a certain time". That costs you traffic, which costs you advertising money, which, if you're a journo and you do it enough times for no good reason, costs you your job No, that's just not how it is.
  10. Really? I think the world knew who he was when he made the move for that money.
  11. 2 nil. Skrtel has 7 goals this season.
  12. Liverpool fans clapping Yaya off. Those bastards. Am I doing it right?
  13. He seemed a flash in the pan, did nothing until December this season but he's got his act together. Rodgers deserves credit.
  14. Anything is possible but he spent time in Spain studying coaching, Spanish would have helped his cause, probably essential really.
  15. Well it's possible he had huge long term plans and massive self confidence but he wasn't even a manager when he was learning Spanish.
  16. No such thing as security, plus the ban will be overturned. He'd destroy his (potential) legacy if he upped sticks and left. Plus I don't think Barcelona have necessarily a massively larger appeal to a NI man than Liverpool.
  17. Doesn't seem to matter, look at Guardiola and Vilanova. That philosophy could do with a a change though.
  18. Ok, I mean not on their radar in terms of future manager rather than they don't know who he is. It would be such a huge surprise to hire him.
  19. I was being a little tongue in cheek, Rodgers has a chance if he wins the league but he will likely sign a new contract soon to make it impossible. I'd doubt Martinez is even registering on their radar. Barça go for managers based on their philosophy rather than which club they are at so I'd be surprised if he isn't on their radar. Barca connection is usually the clincher, don't know what they were thinking with Martino though. Luis Enrique is the strong favourite I think.
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