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Everything posted by fightoffyour

  1. No on topic I suppose
  2. I did, but I’ve drank a pint of wine.
  3. They should install a contactless-payment coin vending machine next to the meter.
  4. Used to laugh at Americans taking down a family bag of crisps, nowadays it’s no problem. Though the American bag is probably at least 250g, or a half ounce, rather than our measly 100-125g (a quarter ounce).
  5. Wait til you find out it’s actually 8 PM
  6. Why not butter that bread before you melt some cheese on it. BUTTER!
  7. Of course, then you get butter melting into the soup which obviously can only improve things. I really can't imagine how dipping anything in butter could be controversial, except maybe one's cock.
  8. I find the cheap bleach too salty
  9. Crusty bread is a great excuse for getting a ridiculous amount of fresh creamy butter into you.
  10. Which? The top one is goulash, which can be a soup or a stew, and is often served as both options in Hungary on the same menu. Tom Yum soup Barscht Garlic soup German potato soup Sauerkraut soup
  11. Not the best Polish soup! Źurek is one of the greatest foods in the world, especially for a hangover, rosoł can be good if loaded with Maggi, and if we can count bigos (you included goulash so why not) then...
  12. You're keeping your cards close to your chest
  13. What kind of lunatic doesn't put their phone in their right (front) pocket?
  14. I think Man Utd should go for him. He knows the club, he's a proper football man, and it's a proper club, a proper football club.
  15. Disappointed. I thought we played well enough over the two legs for the tie to at least be in the balance. Seemed like everything went against us in both matches - be that unlucky deflections, penalty non-awards and misses, or just conceding at absolutely the worst times - we never got the rub of the green once in 180 (or closer to 200) minutes. We started calmly and controlled yesterday, looked confident and threatening enough to affect the result, then got done on the break by a goal that one of our best players will feel he should've done better with. And yet, I still felt if we get one back before half time, effectively 0-0 on the night and come at like we did at the start of the match, we're still in this. Be it Cash getting half a metre further forward for that ball across the box or Bailey's fizzing strike getting looped into the net (or perhaps not blocked at all) like their crap goal in the first game did, nothing at all would fall for us. We didn't get that goal before half time, and we didn't come out like we did at the start of the first half. The tie was over. I had a dream at some point this morning that we were one nil down and everyone thought it was over, got a goal back on about 85 mins, then another on 90 with 8 of injury time added. with 96 on the clock, we get a corner, and it's converted directly into the net (didn't we used to see those all the time?), but the ref had already blown the whistle for something about nothing in the box. We still lost. I'm thankful it didn't play out that way at least.
  16. Gauci ahead of Olsen Duran and Kellyman from the bench.
  17. Martinez is the difference maker. Let’s have these olive munching bastards.
  18. You can though, if you simplify the rules.
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