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Everything posted by M_Afro

  1. I’m pretty sure that it was reported at the time that there was a large release clause in his new contract. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there was. It would probably suit both parties to have one.
  2. At the peak of his career Merson couldn’t get a game for Arsenal and went to play for Middlesbrough in the Championship! If Grealish leaves Villa he will be going to one of the best sides in the world. Levels.
  3. I believe you can, as did Merson but I think it would be impossible to perform at Jack’s level if you had substance abuse. Especially now when sports science advances ensure that all your opponents are at their peak.
  4. You’ve just kind of proven my point. Every now and then Gazza sorted himself out and he was unbelievable. In between he fell of the wagon and was nowhere.
  5. I really think it’s looking increasingly like Wolves will finish above us. That would be so annoying considering how far they were behind us. It also shows how badly we have been doing because Wolves have also been rubbish!
  6. I think it’s highly unlikely that Jack could have performed to the standard that he has if he was suffering from substance abuse. Kid has got shin problems. End of. 100%.
  7. Dasilva does look good and very crucially he has the ability to carry the ball through the middle of the park. Could he be our annual Brentford capture?
  8. Foden is top class but he also massively benefits from being surrounded by other class players. The difference I think with Jack is the way he can carry the ball. I have never seen an English player who has such unbelievable close control when running at pace. That’s why he is fouled so often. I would play Foden, Sterling and Grealish if I were Southgate. We would be unplayable.
  9. I have just been watching some YouTube videos of Jack. I honestly don’t think I can remember an English football player who is so good in tight areas. He is absolutely phenomenal at taking the ball with three men on him and somehow not just retaining possession but leaving the men in his wake and opening up the whole pitch. He is also so unbelievably strong. The amount of players that simply bounce off him is also incredible. He gets to balls when he is second best simply by holding players off. In the clips, so many really good PL players simply resort to just hacking him down because they have no other way of stopping him. It is also so obvious how the rest of the team come alive when he is on the ball. The movement improves no end. The rest of the team really need to maintain those habits when Jack is either unavailable or not in possession. We are so static without him but it’s a different story when Jack is playing. It just makes it so much harder for the player in possession and leads directly to turnover of possession. My final observation is simply that there is no other English player who is in his class or who can do what he can do. If Southgate doesn’t build his team around Jack then he is not fit for purpose. We have been desperate for a Jack Grealish since 1996. He walks into any team in the world. I like Mount, Foden, Sterling, Sancho et al but every team has those players. Hardly any teams in world football have players that can do what Jack does. If nothing else his absence has reminded me of how brilliant he is. Cannot wait to see him back. We are truly blessed to have him.
  10. I do remember it being reported when Jack signed his new contract that a large buy out clause had been inserted. I would not be at all surprised if that were true. Anything else is nonsense though. If Jack is fit, he will play for villa until/unless he moves elsewhere. I can’t actually see City being interested. They just don’t need him. I think Utd are the only real potential buyer but even that is unlikely. Jack is ours for the long term would be my guess.
  11. Partly due to the position that he plays and partly due to his physical development in the past season, I think Barry is the most ready to be involved. I think it’s harder for a young player to make an impact in midfield or defence because it is so physical. I really believe that Barry could score goals now if he got a chance.
  12. Man Utd interested apparently. I would be surprised if they were. I rate Henderson highly but regardless I hope Emi stays. He is absolutely class in every way and he seems to love it here.
  13. M_Afro

    Louie Barry

    We will see him in the first team before the end of the season. I am sure of it. He is ready to be on the bench. He is a natural.
  14. Never heard of this guy before but just noticed he will be playing against Arsenal tomorrow. Does anybody know how he got on in the first leg?
  15. Thanks for the response. It’s interesting to hear differing views on players. I agree with much of what you say to be fair. I hope he proves me wrong but I just don’t see it. I’m much more hopeful of Berty becoming a more consistent performer though.
  16. Genuinely interested to know what you like about AEG? I think he has always been pretty poor. Even when he was on his hot streak, he was generally poor in my view but that was misted over because he was scoring. I really think that he unbalances the side when he plays. He seems like a really good guy and I will always be grateful for Wembley but I just don’t see any real pluses!
  17. I have been disappointed with Dougie for quite a while now but watching how brilliant Gueye is for PSG tonight is proving a timely reminder of the need for patience. I know they are different types of player but we were all glad to see the back of Gueye and just look at what he has achieved since. Both Sanson and Dougie have got the quality to be very good players for us. I am sure we will see that quality coming through next season. I think they can both be effective 8’s in front of a dedicated 6. Add in a quality and pacy right forward and we will be a different proposition I’m sure.
  18. I don’t get that feeling about him at all. I suspect that it is just age/experience acting as a barrier to consistent form at the moment. That and the lack of quality alongside him. Put him in a midfield three alongside Bissouma and Grealish and he will find his consistency.
  19. If he were free and prepared to drop his wage demands then he would be worth a place in our squad but he’s not and he won’t! Move on chaps.
  20. Spot on. Improve the midfield three so we can dominate possession and territory and Bert will be like a different player. He will boss it!
  21. If we really want to improve, then this is the sort of signing we need to be making. He will cost a lot, at least £40m, but he would make a huge difference. There will be some competition for his signature though.
  22. I think the fact that nobody will want to buy him is a bigger reason.
  23. Agree. There’s still an outside chance that Wolves could catch us too. That would be very very disappointing
  24. Good God. I dread to think what a motivated city will do to that team! 0-5.
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