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Everything posted by Qwpzxjor1

  1. This didn't get the plaudits I felt it deserved.
  2. Qwpzxjor1


    I use Ambassador Cars, I've never had to wait more than 5 minutes for a taxi. But then, they are based 12 seconds from my house.
  3. "Personal terms no problem" is an interesting line considering all the rumours about the deal the last 2-3 weeks.
  4. Gonna guess that's not a new link as it says we're also a step closer to signing Gueye - who was confirmed last week
  5. Guessing that's why they were willing to pay £50m for Harry Kane. They'll buy another striker before the window is up. Probably Benteke to be honest, and I would struggle to argue that wouldn't be a good move for both him and them. I thought they might move for Immobile at Dortmund, but he's just gone to Seville.
  6. If this is true then he can jog on. I can accept players not queueing up to come here, but digging your heels in to avoid coming here, that should result in immediate fuckoffery imo
  7. Id take Townsend, definitely. He's young and English so the money is always going to be higher, but we need genuine first place contenders in. We've let a lot of players go, players who Sherwood didn't think would feature, so we need to bring in players now who he thinks can feature. Yes, I think he's a little one dimensional, but that one dimension can be bloody handy in certain games. It was handy enough to get him 3 goals for England.
  8. Ok fair enough. Legally they wouldn't have to disclose it. But with lawyers, etc all needed, God knows how many assistants and proof readers, whoever else.. no way a £150m deal for such a big company and one with such public interest can be kept under wraps.
  9. Love the theory, but there's no way you can keep a deal as big as that a secret. Be far too many people involved, and people involved might hold businesssss on the stock market etc so it would actually be illegal to do so without announcing it.
  10. The worst thing would be someone bidding for Benteke on deadline day. We'd end up getting hammered on the fee for his replacement as they know we'd be desperate. If Benteke is going to leave, the club need to make it happen sooner. I think Liverpool are just waiting to see if they'll have the Sterling money, but as has been said we can't reject it, they could leave it to a minute before the window closes, leaving us with no time to get a replacement in.
  11. Bunn. With Baker as vice captain. And half time catering by Kingsmill. (another vote for Clark, but I think Tim will go for Micah)
  12. Yay. Looking forward to seeing him ITSOTP.
  13. About time we had a decent Milosevic at this club. In all seriousness... who? Or, more to the point... which one...?
  14. Is this the same Mark Bunn I used to watch play for Northampton Town. He was a brilliant keeper back then, albeit at a lower league level. Northampton fans used to chant Bunny for England! When he moved to Blackburn (I think) it looked like his career was really taking off. Looks like it then went a bit wrong.
  15. Cheaper than Given. No problem there as I believe Guzan is still good enough to be our number 1.
  16. Cabeye is still living half his time in Paris. Crystal Palace makes sense as he can live in London on training and match days and on his days off be back in Paris within an hour or two. It was always going to be a London club for that reason, and then Pardew was just the seal of the deal
  17. Still think we've got a bit of work to do in this tail end. Pitch doesn't look that bad, I reckon you'd be wanting 400 minimum after choosing to bat. Considering the start we got it's a good score, but Australia will be quite content if they can limit us to ~380
  18. Yes but I thought what he said would put enough seeds of doubt in Delph's head to put him off a move to man city. Do you not think that would not put him off? "If you don't play don't blame me when you miss out on the Euros".. I'd say that's a pretty clear recommendation against. He only said he'd recommend it if Delph is going to be a regular - with everyone knowing damn well that Delph is not going to be in their first team plans.
  19. Nah. We'll do what we always do and make him captain, then get on his back and call for his head when his form collapses.
  20. Given was out of contract wasn't he? Not sure why everyone is surprised. We've been trying to shift him off the wage bill for years, and have been openly looking for a new number 1 keeper.
  21. Trent has a reputation for knowing a little bit more than 'the rest of us'. He also has a reputation of not giving much away though. That takeover 'rumour' is nothing but wishful thinking and 2+2=5 with him recently leaving Nike and forming this new group.
  22. IMO Richards has said the exact right thing for us. He's honest, of course playing for City would be good, but being on City's bench could ruin his career. I know players have to back themselves but surely Delph will look at this and realise he's not going to be first team. What intrigues me is that City is the only link. If that clause is true then why aren't more clubs queueing up for him? More chance of playing at Arsenal and Utd than City. If it's a clause for clubs playing in Europe then surely West Ham would have declared interest, he'd become their best player for 8m.. And they're not usually quiet when it comes to spewing to the media who they want to sign from competitors. The fact he's English and city's desperation for home grown players seems to be the only thing driving these rumours. If Delph wasn't English, or if City weren't so desperate for English players in their squad, would they even be interested? I doubt it.
  23. @TransferGer: Aston Villa FC - Official heeft 4.2 miljoen euro geboden op Tjaronn Chery (27)
  24. He's a freelance presenter, he can be there without it being anything to do with Sky Sports. Same way as if Gary Linekar did an after dinner speech or something, it'd be nothing to do with the BBC. We are just reading into everything at the moment because we are clutching at straws.
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