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sidcow last won the day on May 8

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    Down the path alongside the lake

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  1. sidcow

    Unai Emery

    It does make you wonder if some of the "bigger" clubs will revert and start giving managers more power again when they realise the proper talent want more control and just won't come to them. 8 bet every one of those top clubs looking for a manger this summer would have cast envious eyes at us.
  2. I did have the guy pop out and say thanks the first time. They were in second time so may not have noticed, though I would agree it'll get tiresome if they do it every time. Before the recently departed neighbours started having gardeners, my predecessor used to get a bottle of wine off them when he did the lawn for them. As I say I owe next door a lot of mowing but if it goes on for a long time being just me I might go for the cock and balls option.
  3. That or form a queue to mow the lawn.
  4. Or arrived smashed up with packaging torn open, so returned it as it was rubbish.
  5. How come Poots hasn't been on threatening to nuke the West?
  6. sidcow

    U.S. Politics

    I wish he was just a cult leader. But he's totally mainstream. It's insane.
  7. If the owners weren't such utter, utter rocket polishers they might have had their shiny stand a year earlier and some good people might still have their jobs. With a bit of luck the whole stand might end up as a **** swimming pool in The Thames
  8. Hopefully Fulhams fans refuse to pay to sit in the new stand and the owners rot in hell
  9. Last time we showed trust in the ownership was Lerner and O'Neil. That ended well. Part of our job is to keep the ownership honest. They are transient, we are permanent.
  10. If we want to compete with the big 6 (which we do) then parts of our stadium are old and small (for a big 6 stadium)
  11. From the FAB meeting minutes "A number of U18 and U14 prices will see an increase of more than 5% although their price for 2024/2025 will still represent a significant concession" If you've got 2 or 3 kids you're buying season tickets for in addition to your own 5% means nothing. I just can't understand why they just dont release the pricing they obviously know. People have been moaning for some time about being treated more like customers than fans. We're not even being treated like customers right now.
  12. No it's not. Most kids, young adult and pensioners tickets are going up by more aren't they?
  13. Surely capitalism would see them as 2 microns. Think of the shrinkflation extra profits.
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