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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I cant wait till my breakfast on saturday its gunna be pretty **** epic

chicken thighs, chicken 1/4 pounders, minted lamb burgers, meat feast pizza and whatever the hell else in in the freezer

gotta defrost it badly it looks like a yeti is living in there so we are just gunna have a massive breakfast of rubbish

see I am for some reason really prone to sickness and diareah always have been
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Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

From the point of view of an employee, I don't want to be infected by someone who is trying to be a hero by coming in to work smothering with a cold and then infecting the whole office as a result. If it takes someone a day or two to get over an illness then that's surely preferable to an employer than having the whole office take turns at days off over the next week because that person came in when they shouldn't have. But some employers genuinely can't grasp that fairly simple concept.

I completely agree with this. Many times I have caught colds off people at work trying to be the hero.

How do you know you got it off a work colleague?

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Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

From the point of view of an employee, I don't want to be infected by someone who is trying to be a hero by coming in to work smothering with a cold and then infecting the whole office as a result. If it takes someone a day or two to get over an illness then that's surely preferable to an employer than having the whole office take turns at days off over the next week because that person came in when they shouldn't have. But some employers genuinely can't grasp that fairly simple concept.

I completely agree with this. Many times I have caught colds off people at work trying to be the hero.

How do you know you got it off a work colleague?

Because there were two colleagues who sat next to me in our office who were sneezing, coughing, runny noses etc. Few days later I had the same thing. My flat mate at the time did not have a cold, and I drive to work, so did not come into contact with people on the train or bus who may of passed it on to me.

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Also if you are ill but fully capable of working, why do some people need the day off?

From the point of view of an employee, I don't want to be infected by someone who is trying to be a hero by coming in to work smothering with a cold and then infecting the whole office as a result. If it takes someone a day or two to get over an illness then that's surely preferable to an employer than having the whole office take turns at days off over the next week because that person came in when they shouldn't have. But some employers genuinely can't grasp that fairly simple concept.

I completely agree with this. Many times I have caught colds off people at work trying to be the hero.

How do you know you got it off a work colleague?

Because there were two colleagues who sat next to me in our office who were sneezing, coughing, runny noses etc. Few days later I had the same thing. My flat mate at the time did not have a cold, and I drive to work, so did not come into contact with people on the train or bus who may of passed it on to me.

Apologies, you are correct. That sounds like a very rare type of cold.

Did you go shopping? or to the pub? or local shop?

Look, you may well have had it from your colleague. All I am saying is that employees do not have to be at 100% to be productive. 95% or even 75% will do.

You are just as likely to pick up a cold outside of work as you are inside of work.

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I fooking hate everything about work, the tiniest reason for me not to come in and know I can get away with it and i'm taking it

That right there is one of the main reason the UK is ****. Lazy toerags who don't believe in an doing an honest day's work.

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I fooking hate everything about work, the tiniest reason for me not to come in and know I can get away with it and i'm taking it

That right there is one of the main reason the UK is ****. Lazy toerags who don't believe in an doing an honest day's work.

Yup. Afraid so.

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So I take it you stay in the house all day, every day?
Not quite sure what you're getting at with that tbh. Of course I don't, but I do know that you only catch a cold from someone who has a cold and if it's an enclosed office and they have one, there's a good chance you'll catch it. Whereas if they stay home for a day or two, no-one catches it.

Sickness and ailments are not exclusive to the work place. People can also be ill in the supermarket on an evening, at the pub on a weekend and even from partners and children at home.
Again, you're being a little disingenuous here if I may say. It's about limiting exposure. You will spend 10 or 20 minutes in a shop and you've little choice but to be there. Pubs are your own risk. But in the workplace, if someone has a cold or worse, you will be spending ~8 hours in their immediate company and the chances are hugely increased that you will get sick. And that goes for everyone in the office. Frankly I think it's highly irresponsible of the person to even be there.

As I said before, if it is genuine sickness and pissing out of your arse, no problem. If it is a cold or something that doesnt prevent you from working then people should work.
And employers should accept that the rest of the workforce may get sick and take more time off work. Swings and roundabouts. Do you want 2 absent days or 2 times 10 absent days. Your choice.
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We have a rather silly system here that tots up demerit points for sick days, so that personnel can have a chat (read: bollocking) with persistent absentees. But you actually get more points for the "odd day" than you do for an extended period. The net result is that if somebody decides to ring in sick because they have a problem with their childminder or some such (and have run out of holiday), they are better off taking three or four days off than just the one. Madness.

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So I take it you stay in the house all day, every day?
Not quite sure what you're getting at with that tbh. Of course I don't, but I do know that you only catch a cold from someone who has a cold and if it's an enclosed office and they have one, there's a good chance you'll catch it. Whereas if they stay home for a day or two, no-one catches it.

Sickness and ailments are not exclusive to the work place. People can also be ill in the supermarket on an evening, at the pub on a weekend and even from partners and children at home.
Again, you're being a little disingenuous here if I may say. It's about limiting exposure. You will spend 10 or 20 minutes in a shop and you've little choice but to be there. Pubs are your own risk. But in the workplace, if someone has a cold or worse, you will be spending ~8 hours in their immediate company and the chances are hugely increased that you will get sick. And that goes for everyone in the office. Frankly I think it's highly irresponsible of the person to even be there.

As I said before, if it is genuine sickness and pissing out of your arse, no problem. If it is a cold or something that doesnt prevent you from working then people should work.
And employers should accept that the rest of the workforce may get sick and take more time off work. Swings and roundabouts. Do you want 2 absent days or 2 times 10 absent days. Your choice.

You spend longer that that at home. So if your partner or child has a cold you separate yourself from them?

You can catch a cold off a passer by. Yes if you are next to someone at work you are also at risk to catch a cold. I don't disagree with you.

I suppose what this boils down to is are people able to work productively with a cold? In 99.9% of cases absolutely. A cold is not a good excuse to have a day off, nor a good excuse for lack of productivity in the vast majority of cases. Do you believe it is BOF?

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A cold is not a good excuse to have a day off, nor a good excuse for lack of productivity in the vast majority of cases. Do you believe it is BOF?

**** hell...thats a bit rich coming from someone who is on VT 8 hours a day.

As you were! :winkold: :lol:

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A cold is not a good excuse to have a day off, nor a good excuse for lack of productivity in the vast majority of cases. Do you believe it is BOF?

**** hell...thats a bit rich coming from someone who is on VT 8 hours a day.

As you were! :winkold: :lol:

Haha. I am off today! :mrgreen:

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I agree that a cold is not a good excuse for a day off. It's a minor inconvenience, granted, but it shouldn't stop you coming into work or affect your productivity. A day off because you have the sniffles should result in a verbal warning. Difficult to prove however... unfortunately at the moment everyone has a 'sick day' mentality.

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I agree that a cold is not a good excuse for a day off. It's a minor inconvenience, granted, but it shouldn't stop you coming into work or affect your productivity. A day off because you have the sniffles should result in a verbal warning. Difficult to prove however... unfortunately at the moment everyone has a 'sick day' mentality.

Too true :nod:

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Waiting for the phone to ring...... find out today if I'm redundant or not........

Good luck mate, im here if you need me! :)

Seriously, i hope it's good news mate when the call comes.


Just make sure you're moist and ready for when I come a knocking......

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Waiting for the phone to ring...... find out today if I'm redundant or not........

Good luck mate, im here if you need me! :)

Seriously, i hope it's good news mate when the call comes.


Just make sure you're moist and ready for when I come a knocking......


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