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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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I have asked you to take this to pm and you have refused so let's have it out on site if you want.

I don't get to suggest anything and you are not letting me away with it.

That's the same attitude that got you very few brownie points the last time when you implied that due to university education you believed that was enough to make you right in debate. I believe you then referred to yourself as a snob and no-one on site disagreed with that.

As explained before this particular game has escalated far beyond it's origin due to being a chicken dare scenario and due to that each time someone is nominated more peer pressure is used to outdo the previous nominee with the unfortunate end result that someone has died.

If this particular game had stayed just that and had been confined to just one pint then fine but it hasn't has it and to me it is up to people with influence like yourself to now say after someone has died, enough is enough. But to actually condone a post that said the death wasn't really anything to do with the game especially someone in your privileged position to me that not only needed engaged but corrected. Do you honestly think that youth wouldn't have been alive today if he hadn't participated in the so called game. That's what his family would say and indeed they have rightly asked for this game to be stopped before it happens again and it will happen again.

Lastly you were very quick to jump on my posts in the confession thread and criticise what I did. I accepted that and the criticism of others because I knew I was in the wrong and I certainly didn't cry like a big baby when engaged and corrected.

I would suggest that you grow a little more backbone than you currently have and learn to do the same.



1) You completely missed the point when I said I did a module on The Beatles at university. I wasn't trying to show off; just that you tried to discredit my view so I put some credence behind that.


2) You say he's died as a direct result of the game. These people are obviously people that drink anyway. No right-minded person would down a pint of spirits just because somebody on Facebook told them to. One could argue that these people could have had the same result if they were egged on to drink in a bar with their friends. Why is it any different if it's on social media? You continually make out as if these people wouldn't have downed drinks if not for this game. People do stupid things. Game or not. And Stevo was absolutely spot on with his initial post (which led you to go on the attack). Lets have a look at the post.



If you're necking stuff that can kill you then that's your fault, not the game.


The game is to neck a pint. Not to do something that'll kill you. It's no more or less dangerous than any normal drinking game.


If the odd person takes it too far and does something stupid then that's their fault.


Obviously something in there led you to go on the attack of me. Incredibly reasonable viewpoint and in no way really condoning the game. Lets look at my viewpoint of the game (which has been conveniently ignored.



It's a stupid game. It's stupid for a number of reasons.


However, the game isn't 'neck a pint of vodka', or 'neck a pint of something you know is going to cause damage'. The lad who died, as sad as it is and my full sympathies are with his family, didn't die because of the game. He died because he pushed himself to the limits, perhaps stupidly.


I took part because I was nominated. I downed a pint of cider in my room quietly. I drank far less than I would on a normal night out. I drank less than the drink-drive limit. It's popping up on my feed tonnes lately; I haven't seen a single video that was dangerous. Seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


Not sure what having this viewpoint has to do with my profession. As long as I'm not telling my kids/parents what I do, or turn up to work pissed/hungover then why should I live a different life to anybody else?


3) This post.


Nail on the head.

Many people do die from alcohol addiction and that is exactly why we shouldn't encourage a whole social network to start drinking excessively. But then it's only a game eh?



No we shouldn't. But I'm not sure what that has to do with my profession? I don't drink around children. I don't binge drink, period. I don't turn up to school hungover. I don't talk about alcohol with my children. I don't turn up to work drunk. What does what I do on my private Facebook page have to do with 1) my ability as a teacher? 2) my ability as a role model? My students are too young to be talked to about alcohol. You seem to think that because I have a certain opinion of the game on here, that this is the opinion I will publicly share with my class. That is completely and utterly ridiculous. I am a teacher, but I also have a life outside of the classroom. A life that has nothing to do with my career. As stated previously, my Twitter is private. My Facebook is private. I am incredibly careful about safeguarding. Even if I was a high school teacher and had 18 year old students, I wouldn't share with them my opinions. You know why? I'm professional.  Teaching is all an act. Your classroom persona is a different person to your real persona.


I partook in the game, receiving a nomination from a sensible friend. I didn't do it because of peer pressure. I did it because it was a laugh. I drank that 1 pint all night. I posted it on my private Facebook page.


What happens if I don't do it? Nothing. Because I'm not friends with morons. What happens if I do it? I have a bit of a laugh sensibly and nominate a couple of friends who I know will do it sensibly also. It's like anything. If you take it too far, then you could get into trouble. 


4) Engaged and corrected? ENGAGED AND CORRECTED? This is quite possibly THE MOST ridiculous thing I have ever read on here. On what planet do you genuinely think you've 'corrected' me?

Edited by StefanAVFC
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Don't know why this popped into my head just now, or if I should post it in here as I think I should get pissed off about it, but anyhoo here it goes.


A couple years ago I was out with my mate in town and he introduced me to his brother who had recently gotten back from the army/navy. First thing to piss me off was my mate immediately tells his brother that I'm Catholic after he's introduced me. Now looking back, he obviously did this as he knew his brother would give me grief about it, and he often ribbed me about it too, in a mate-ish way mind. But at the time, it irked me as it was almost as if all that mattered was I was Catholic, not that I was his mate who was in his Physics and Biology lessons, or that I played Rugby with him, you know, the usual stuff you tell people about your mates when you introduce them to people.


So as the night goes on, all this guy's brother talks to me about is me being Catholic, and not in an interested "what's it like?" manner, but more along the lines of "Why are you Catholic, they're all paedo's". Which pissed me off massively as we'd literally met just a few hours before and had hardly spoken to each other, yet he's berating me for my beliefs, something he knows literally nothing about as he hadn't asked me a single question about any of that stuff, it was straight to the making fun of bit. Just the ignorance of what he was talking to me about, and how everything I said about Catholicism was wrong despite being Catholic myself. He just automatically assumes I don't believe in stuff like the Big Bang and Evolution and ridiculed me for it, even though I do actually believe in those things, and when I tried to set him straight, "I couldn't believe in that stuff, because I'm Catholic".


Just the ignorance of the way he was talking to me and how he everything he was saying was correct, despite what an actual Catholic was telling him to his face. And even though he was being a complete dick about it, he thought it was all OK what he was saying to me.


Safe to say I stopped talking to the tosser and avoided him for the rest of the night, even though he kept finding me somehow. If he'd talked to me for much longer that night I probably would of tried to knock him out.


I genuinely don't know why I'm thinking about this now, it was ages ago and I've never thought about it until now, but for some reason it was just bugging me tonight.





Maybe I just wanted to turn this back into the "things that piss you off" thread :P

Edited by MessiWillSignForVilla
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Something that pisses me off?

That I get my suitability for my profession questioned publicly for absolutely no reason.

Yeah that's poor

So , Where would you like us to start :P

to be fair Stef you can't be guardian to all the kids all the time, I mean ffs people have to have a sense of proportion - you're only in school 9 til 3


Morph's let himself down a little on this one, bizarre bit of trying to pin something on someone. Best to park it up and find something new to fall out over there Morph.

That is of course your opinion.

I base my opinion on how my teachers would have reacted in similar circumstances and not one of them would have condoned a game whereby it was putting their pupils in danger.

As previously stated a social network in Ireland has now banned the game and hopefully others will follow.

I didn't realise my 6/7 year olds were hardened drinkers.

May as well tell everybody in the world that you shouldn't drink alcohol as thousands die every year from it. Thousands of people die from driving. Suppose we should stop people learning how to drive. Absolutely ridiculous.

That doesn't work as an analogy. We teach people to drive responsibly.

With that, I'll leave you ladies to it.

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And clearly everybody who is taught to drive responsibly does?

So if we teach a person to drive responsibly and they crash by being irresponsible, how is that any different to somebody being irresponsible with alcohol?

It works as an analogy because somehow, because I partook in something privately and sensibly, that clearly means that I don't teach my 6/7 year old pupils to drink responsibly.


Edited by StefanAVFC
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If you're necking stuff that can kill you then that's your fault, not the game.


The game is to neck a pint. Not to do something that'll kill you. It's no more or less dangerous than any normal drinking game.


If the odd person takes it too far and does something stupid then that's their fault.

So you think something which encourages young people to video themselves drinking is a game. Fair enough we're all entitled to our opinion but as we've already seen something like this very quickly gets out of control when one wants to out do the other and that has resulted in a death.


Did you see the news last night where the family of the young lad that died pleaded for this craze to stop? Try telling them that its just a game and I suppose if any teachers agree with your above post what does that actually say about those who are employed to set an example to children.


Yes, it is a game. I'm not sure how else you'd describe it, even if you don't like it?


Drinking games aren't new. I have sympathy for the guys who died and their families. But I would say their death is way more to do with them being moronic about what they were drinking than the game. The game isn't to down pints of spirits or anything else that can kill you.

Blaming the game for their deaths is like blaming the inventor of the motorbike because someone died trying to jump the grand canyon on one.


Nice dig at Stefan at the end there. Classy.


The problem with your 'game' Stevo is that it has very quickly lost it's original identity and escalated into a dare scenario of 'chicken' all over the social networks whereby one party tries to outdo the other and it's that escalation that has finally caused someone's death.


One of the main social networks in Ireland has now banned your 'game' and not before time.


Why do you keep putting game in quotes?


But you've pretty much proved my point here. People play the game stupidly. It hasn't escalated into a game of dare, apart from a select minority who have chosen to play it that way. It has, in fact, evolved into "RAKnominations" (Random Acts of Kindness) for your information. I guess if someone tries to give food to a homeless person now and gets stabbed because that person is a psycho then we should ban that game too?


People drive stupidly, people cycle stupidly, people drink stupidly, people cross the road stupidly, people smoke stupidly, people hike stupidly, people rock climb stupidly, people skydive stupidly, people play sport stupidly, people **** juggle stupidly.


Any of these things can and do result in people dying because people do something stupid. Should we ban everyone who does these things normally from doing them normally just because one or two people were stupid and got themselves killed?


Your personal attack on Stefan is shameful by the way.

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On a different note, and on topic for once...


bought a pack of 3 screen protectors for my new phone.

Included in the box with them was a fairly decent case for an iPhone 5C (I don't have an iPhone 5C)


So I emailed them and asked them why, and they just said it was a packing error, and I could keep it.


What pisses me off is I've got something free, and I can't use it :(

Why couldn't they have accidentally packed £1000 with it?

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I know it's bin dunne billion times, but literally everythign being turned into a negative in On Topic.


I know things aren't great right now, and there's a lot to be negative about, with every right. But **** me, some people need to take a day off. It is literally everything.

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I have asked you to take this to pm and you have refused so let's have it out on site if you want.

I don't get to suggest anything and you are not letting me away with it.

That's the same attitude that got you very few brownie points the last time when you implied that due to university education you believed that was enough to make you right in debate. I believe you then referred to yourself as a snob and no-one on site disagreed with that.

As explained before this particular game has escalated far beyond it's origin due to being a chicken dare scenario and due to that each time someone is nominated more peer pressure is used to outdo the previous nominee with the unfortunate end result that someone has died.

If this particular game had stayed just that and had been confined to just one pint then fine but it hasn't has it and to me it is up to people with influence like yourself to now say after someone has died, enough is enough. But to actually condone a post that said the death wasn't really anything to do with the game especially someone in your privileged position to me that not only needed engaged but corrected. Do you honestly think that youth wouldn't have been alive today if he hadn't participated in the so called game. That's what his family would say and indeed they have rightly asked for this game to be stopped before it happens again and it will happen again.

Lastly you were very quick to jump on my posts in the confession thread and criticise what I did. I accepted that and the criticism of others because I knew I was in the wrong and I certainly didn't cry like a big baby when engaged and corrected.

I would suggest that you grow a little more backbone than you currently have and learn to do the same.



1) You completely missed the point when I said I did a module on The Beatles at university. I wasn't trying to show off; just that you tried to discredit my view so I put some credence behind that.


2) You say he's died as a direct result of the game. These people are obviously people that drink anyway. No right-minded person would down a pint of spirits just because somebody on Facebook told them to. One could argue that these people could have had the same result if they were egged on to drink in a bar with their friends. Why is it any different if it's on social media? You continually make out as if these people wouldn't have downed drinks if not for this game. People do stupid things. Game or not. And Stevo was absolutely spot on with his initial post (which led you to go on the attack). Lets have a look at the post.



If you're necking stuff that can kill you then that's your fault, not the game.


The game is to neck a pint. Not to do something that'll kill you. It's no more or less dangerous than any normal drinking game.


If the odd person takes it too far and does something stupid then that's their fault.


Obviously something in there led you to go on the attack of me. Incredibly reasonable viewpoint and in no way really condoning the game. Lets look at my viewpoint of the game (which has been conveniently ignored.



It's a stupid game. It's stupid for a number of reasons.


However, the game isn't 'neck a pint of vodka', or 'neck a pint of something you know is going to cause damage'. The lad who died, as sad as it is and my full sympathies are with his family, didn't die because of the game. He died because he pushed himself to the limits, perhaps stupidly.


I took part because I was nominated. I downed a pint of cider in my room quietly. I drank far less than I would on a normal night out. I drank less than the drink-drive limit. It's popping up on my feed tonnes lately; I haven't seen a single video that was dangerous. Seems to be the exception rather than the rule.


Not sure what having this viewpoint has to do with my profession. As long as I'm not telling my kids/parents what I do, or turn up to work pissed/hungover then why should I live a different life to anybody else?


3) This post.


Nail on the head.

Many people do die from alcohol addiction and that is exactly why we shouldn't encourage a whole social network to start drinking excessively. But then it's only a game eh?



No we shouldn't. But I'm not sure what that has to do with my profession? I don't drink around children. I don't binge drink, period. I don't turn up to school hungover. I don't talk about alcohol with my children. I don't turn up to work drunk. What does what I do on my private Facebook page have to do with 1) my ability as a teacher? 2) my ability as a role model? My students are too young to be talked to about alcohol. You seem to think that because I have a certain opinion of the game on here, that this is the opinion I will publicly share with my class. That is completely and utterly ridiculous. I am a teacher, but I also have a life outside of the classroom. A life that has nothing to do with my career. As stated previously, my Twitter is private. My Facebook is private. I am incredibly careful about safeguarding. Even if I was a high school teacher and had 18 year old students, I wouldn't share with them my opinions. You know why? I'm professional.  Teaching is all an act. Your classroom persona is a different person to your real persona.


I partook in the game, receiving a nomination from a sensible friend. I didn't do it because of peer pressure. I did it because it was a laugh. I drank that 1 pint all night. I posted it on my private Facebook page.


What happens if I don't do it? Nothing. Because I'm not friends with morons. What happens if I do it? I have a bit of a laugh sensibly and nominate a couple of friends who I know will do it sensibly also. It's like anything. If you take it too far, then you could get into trouble. 


4) Engaged and corrected? ENGAGED AND CORRECTED? This is quite possibly THE MOST ridiculous thing I have ever read on here. On what planet do you genuinely think you've 'corrected' me?


I'll bypass all the self gratification and concentrate on two points you've made.


Your first point where you state that I had missed the point concerning the debate on the Beatles. Didn't you admit on site that you'd come to realise that you were a snob for stating what you did in that debate. I mean these were your words and not mine or anyone else's.


Secondly in point four of your retort you state 'on what planet do you genuinely think you've corrected me?'



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If you're necking stuff that can kill you then that's your fault, not the game.


The game is to neck a pint. Not to do something that'll kill you. It's no more or less dangerous than any normal drinking game.


If the odd person takes it too far and does something stupid then that's their fault.

So you think something which encourages young people to video themselves drinking is a game. Fair enough we're all entitled to our opinion but as we've already seen something like this very quickly gets out of control when one wants to out do the other and that has resulted in a death.


Did you see the news last night where the family of the young lad that died pleaded for this craze to stop? Try telling them that its just a game and I suppose if any teachers agree with your above post what does that actually say about those who are employed to set an example to children.


Yes, it is a game. I'm not sure how else you'd describe it, even if you don't like it?


Drinking games aren't new. I have sympathy for the guys who died and their families. But I would say their death is way more to do with them being moronic about what they were drinking than the game. The game isn't to down pints of spirits or anything else that can kill you.

Blaming the game for their deaths is like blaming the inventor of the motorbike because someone died trying to jump the grand canyon on one.


Nice dig at Stefan at the end there. Classy.


The problem with your 'game' Stevo is that it has very quickly lost it's original identity and escalated into a dare scenario of 'chicken' all over the social networks whereby one party tries to outdo the other and it's that escalation that has finally caused someone's death.


One of the main social networks in Ireland has now banned your 'game' and not before time.


Why do you keep putting game in quotes?


But you've pretty much proved my point here. People play the game stupidly. It hasn't escalated into a game of dare, apart from a select minority who have chosen to play it that way. It has, in fact, evolved into "RAKnominations" (Random Acts of Kindness) for your information. I guess if someone tries to give food to a homeless person now and gets stabbed because that person is a psycho then we should ban that game too?


People drive stupidly, people cycle stupidly, people drink stupidly, people cross the road stupidly, people smoke stupidly, people hike stupidly, people rock climb stupidly, people skydive stupidly, people play sport stupidly, people **** juggle stupidly.


Any of these things can and do result in people dying because people do something stupid. Should we ban everyone who does these things normally from doing them normally just because one or two people were stupid and got themselves killed?


Your personal attack on Stefan is shameful by the way.


You have completely missed the point. The game as you see it is in fact no longer a game due to it's escalation and it has therefore grown into a lot more than a select minority.


I read your comments the first time on the poster but won't ignore it the second time. What is shameful is this.


Not only have you been proven ignorant of the current situation with your comment 'a select minority' but someone whose profession by its very essence is to look after and set an example to children has nevertheless condoned an act which has lead to a child's death.


You might wish to actually read this article below because you are far less well informed than you think you are.



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Ordering a pepperoni pizza and the delivery guy turns up with a ham and pineapple pizza. Tossers.

In Garethopia, this would be punishable by castration.


I would like to live in Garethopia.

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