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Things that piss you off that shouldn't


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That a majority of Americans supported curbing sale of assault rifles yet congress defeated it heavily is due to threats of NRA to fund the opposition of Congressmen who voted for the bill.

The NRA doesn't contribute much, if any, to political campaigns. They do issue endorsements, and they have enough members who will decide their vote based on that endorsement to make them difficult to cross. There is nothing undemocratic about that.

The United States fails in this simple form of Democracy. The United States is one of the most undemocratic countries in the western world. I find it repulsive that congress serves their own reelection and not the will of their electorate.

The overall will of the electorate may well have been in opposition to the ban, if the 10% opposed to the ban are vehemently opposed to it, and most of the 90% in favor are mildly in favor. A society that would decide that what the 90% want goes may be democratic, under at least some definitions of democratic. It cannot, under any circumstances, be called anything but a tyranny in that case.


I'll take a tyranny of decent sensible human beings over a democracy of gun crazed idiots every time.


I'm not sure if that makes me mildly opposed or vehemently.

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The fifth one however, the most important one; six weeks and I'm still waiting. Six weeks!? For a username and password!!!? Hours and hours spent talking to the IT guys and phoning the IT helpdesk.

People who don't gift on Systems Administrator Appreciation Day.


Ahh. I didn't see that card get passed around.

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I'm an IT guy. We feel your pain. 


59-year-old IT guy :)


My dad's your age and he can barely type, let alone fix software.



Yeah, but I started in my 20s. And I'm pretty much de-skilled these days. I certainly don't keep up with the latest stuff, and I don't do programming anymore - mostly package support and training. 


what on , an abacas ?

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People who don't gift on Systems Administrator Appreciation Day.




Ahh. I didn't see that card get passed around.


Perhaps you should have started one? I mean, you wouldn't forget Talk Like A Pirate day would you?

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People who don't gift on Systems Administrator Appreciation Day.




Ahh. I didn't see that card get passed around.


Perhaps you should have started one? I mean, you wouldn't forget Talk Like A Pirate day would you?


Oh lord no, not after they made me walk the plank that one time.

Edited by Paddywhack
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I'll take a tyranny of decent sensible human beings over a democracy of gun crazed idiots every time.


I'm not sure if that makes me mildly opposed or vehemently.

There's a relatively recent example of a nation of decent sensible human beings using a tyrannical majority against a religious minority. Be careful what you wish for.
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Finishing my lunch and knowing I won't be eating again for another 7 hours.


I feel your pain Stevo. I'm drinking protein shakes for breakfast and lunch at the moment in a vain attempt to lose my little belly.


I'm sitting here, hungry, watching other people eat big sandwiches whilst I nibble on nuts (oo-er).

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I'll take a tyranny of decent sensible human beings over a democracy of gun crazed idiots every time.


I'm not sure if that makes me mildly opposed or vehemently.

There's a relatively recent example of a nation of decent sensible human beings using a tyrannical majority against a religious minority. Be careful what you wish for.


I don't for a moment doubt you're right BOF, although I'm not sure what the example is that you're referring to.


For me, if you don't trust the 90% of people to be bright enough to make a decision on this, I'm not sure you should be trusting them with firearms either.


The USA's complete lack of self awareness on gun control is one of those things that pisses me off but shouldn't.



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Teenagers who go on holiday to get wasted in Spain or Ibiza for a week and come back declaring they're going to move over there asap. Yeah I'm sure if you moved over there it'd be just like your holiday, all the time. Never mind that you would actually have to get a job in an incredibly saturated market - with no marketable skills or qualifications -, and learn a new language.

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I don't for a moment doubt you're right BOF, although I'm not sure what the example is that you're referring to.

Germany in the mid to late 30s.
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Teenagers who go on holiday to get wasted in Spain or Ibiza for a week and come back declaring they're going to move over there asap. Yeah I'm sure if you moved over there it'd be just like your holiday, all the time. Never mind that you would actually have to get a job in an incredibly saturated market - with no marketable skills or qualifications -, and learn a new language.


get a job handing out leaflets to drunk teenage Brits and they won't need to worry about qualifications or languages

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I don't for a moment doubt you're right BOF, although I'm not sure what the example is that you're referring to.

Germany in the mid to late 30s.


Ah, the big one! In both cases I'm in favour of the option where people don't kill other people.

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The sad fact is that you can't expect the majority of people to act in the interests of the common good. A person will more often than not act in their own interests, so if they are offered something that benefits them they'll go for it. If that offer happens to benefit the majority of the population to the devastation of a minority then they'll still go for it. History tells us this. Basically we're a nasty piece of work. Hence why I'm a misanthrope.

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Teenagers who go on holiday to get wasted in Spain or Ibiza for a week and come back declaring they're going to move over there asap. Yeah I'm sure if you moved over there it'd be just like your holiday, all the time. Never mind that you would actually have to get a job in an incredibly saturated market - with no marketable skills or qualifications -, and learn a new language.

I still do this. I'm 27.

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The sad fact is that you can't expect the majority of people to act in the interests of the common good. A person will more often than not act in their own interests, so if they are offered something that benefits them they'll go for it. If that offer happens to benefit the majority of the population to the devastation of a minority then they'll still go for it. History tells us this. Basically we're a nasty piece of work. Hence why I'm a misanthrope.


Not arguing that point at all, I just think it'd be better if we weren't armed nasty pieces of work.

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Teenagers who go on holiday to get wasted in Spain or Ibiza for a week and come back declaring they're going to move over there asap. Yeah I'm sure if you moved over there it'd be just like your holiday, all the time. Never mind that you would actually have to get a job in an incredibly saturated market - with no marketable skills or qualifications -, and learn a new language.

I still do this. I'm 27.

I still do this. I'm 47.

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