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29th November 2013


hogso vs legov

Spin kick by legov to the face. legov hits a high kick on hogso. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. hogso reverses a waistlock. Kick from hogso to the leg. hogso arm drags legov over. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Short powerbomb by hogso. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Flying elbow from hogso, barely hitting the target. legov backdrops hogso out of a piledriver attempt. legov hits a high kick on hogso. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Flying knee to the face from legov. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. hogso takes a flying neckbreaker from legov. Standing leg lariat by legov on hogso. hogso ducks a wild right hand. Flying elbow from hogso, barely hitting the target. Slingshot clothesline by hogso. legov is in trouble. Here it comes - DDT. 1....2...3, it's finished. hogso remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


Phumfeinz vs Morpheus

Morpheus gets slammed. Phumfeinz uses a forearm to the face. Big clothesline on Morpheus. Running knee lift from Phumfeinz. Morpheus kicks Phumfeinz in the gut to reverse the momentum. Morpheus slams Phumfeinz down. Hard slam by Morpheus. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Morpheus misses a big legdrop. Big clothesline from Phumfeinz. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Flapjack from Phumfeinz. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Morpheus blocks a kick from Phumfeinz. Phumfeinz receives some unexciting punishment. Phumfeinz pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Running knee lift from Phumfeinz. Morpheus can barely stand. Here it comes - Running Powerslam. 1....2...3, it's finished. Phumfeinz climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory


AVFC1991 + DiegoD are backstage. They put themselves over, talking about how great they are, showing off their new Tag Team titles.


leemond2008 is walking backstage, when he meets the new Intercontinental champion, villaajax. They trade insults, get in each others faces, but eventually walk off without coming to blows.


Dante_Lockhart vs CarewsEyebrowDesigner

CED slams Dante_Lockhart down. Full nelson slam! Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Dante reverses a CarewsEyebrowDesigner hammerlock. Dante bodyslams CarewsEyebrowDesigner. Big backdrop on CED, executed well. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Spear! CED is down and hurt. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Running knee lift from Dante_Lockhart. CarewsEyebrowDesigner elbows Dante_Lockhart in the face to break a hammerlock. Powerslam from CarewsEyebrowDesigner. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Massive lariat. Pin : 1....2....kick out! A split-second away from a three. Flying shoulder tackle by CED sends Dante to the mat. CED slams Dante_Lockhart. Dante reverses a CarewsEyebrowDesigner hammerlock. Dante slams CarewsEyebrowDesigner down. Tornado punch from Dante_Lockhart. CarewsEyebrowDesigner can barely stand. Ultimate Sin!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! CarewsEyebrowDesigner slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Dante turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.


yillan is in the ring, he calls out packoman and demands answers as to why he deliberately cost them the Tag Team titles at Scuba (Steve) Diver Series. packoman walks out onto the top of the stage and tells yillan that he is holding him back and that under the guidance of his new manager, Pelle (who then joins him on stage) he is destined for the top.


rjw63 is backstage on the microphone. "Well, well, well, it is I, rjw 'The girls like to call me Fred Flinstone because they love the way I make their beds rock' 63! - rjw63 continues by laying into mjmooney following his defeat at Scuba (Steve) Diver Series.


Ingram85 vs 8pints

Ingram85 receives some unexciting punishment. Weak headbutt on Ingram85 by 8pints. Ingram85 gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. 8pints with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Ingram85. Ingram85 blocks a suplex attempt. Back elbow connects, 8pints staggers backward. Suplex into a front slam from Ingram85. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. 8pints blocks a right hand and fires back. 8pints hits a stump piledriver on Ingram85. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Side suplex from 8pints. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Ingram85 slips out the back of a 8pints bodyslam. 8pints takes a headbutt from Ingram85. 8pints ducks a clothesline attempt. Ingram85 takes a right hand to the temple from 8pints. StefanAVFC comes running down the aisle with a chair! 8pints and Ingram85 continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. StefanAVFC slides in and blasts Ingram85 with a chair to the head! StefanAVFC climbs out of the ring, the damage done! 8pints floors Ingram85. Mexican Surfboard!!! Ingram85 taps out! 8pints and StefanAVFC are beating the hell out of Ingram85! Ginko sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring! He goes toe-to-toe with 8pints, exchanging punches, while Ingram85 comes back, sending StefanAVFC out of the ring with a clothesline. Ginko \ Ingram85 have cleared the ring, driving off 8pints and StefanAVFC!

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Bosko Bannan: Hello wrestling fans, you join us just as 8pints has entered the ring and looks like he's got a lot on his mind...but wait...what's this!? An employer of the impound where 55stripes has been kept is walking towards the ring. And who is that they have with them on a steel chain!? Could it be?...It is! 55stripes is back in the EWR! The impound employer leads 55stripes in to the ring before letting go of the chain and exiting the ring. Clearly 55stripes time in the pound is over, did 8pints manage to raise the funds to aid her release!? I'll tell you one thing, 55stripes does not look happy...she's going for 8pints!




55stripes: *Thinks* You bugger I'm gonna have ya!


BB: 55stripes is on top of 8pints and is mauling him silly! Although he'll certainly die if no one intervenes a bet a part of the sick sod is enjoying this!...C'mon man...wait...music begins...






Bosko Bannan with the local EWR news, 2quartz with a triumphant comeback tonight!


2quartz: Don't call it a comeback, I been here for months; rockin' my peers and puttin suckas in fear! Makin the tears rain down like a MON-soon! Listen to the bass go BOOM! Explosion, overpowerin, over the competition, I'm towerin--

8pints: --I think you'll find you're not--

2quartz: Wreckin shop, when I drop these lyrics that'll make you call the cops...


*55stripes growls at 2quartz and fixes him with a death stare as he gets in to the ring and walks right up to her*

2quartz: Don't you dare stare, you betta move! Don't ever compare me to the rest that'll all get sliced and diced! Competition's payin the price

*2quartz jumps on 55stripes and wrestles her releasing her jaws from grasping 8pints*

2quartz: I'm gonna knock you out! *With a kick* HUUUH!!! Mama said knock you out!  *As 55stripes paws him in the head* HUUUH!!!


*8pints tries to break it up by throwing fruit preserve he has found at ringside but 2quartz catches one and turns his attention to 8pints*

2quartz: Don't u call this a regular jam! I'm gonna rock this land! I'm gonna take this itty bitty world by storm--

8pints: --You're an itty bitty person--
2quartz: And I'm just gettin warm! Just like Muhummad Ali they called him Cassius!


*Gestures at 55stripes*

2quartz: Watch me bash this beast in the skull! Cuz u know I had beef wit! *Looks at 55stripes* Why do u riff with me? The maniac psycho! And when I pull out my jammy get ready cuz it might go BLAAAAW, how ya like me now?

8pints:  Are you talking about your willy?

2quartz: The river will not allow!--

8pints: --You are! You can't wee on a tiger!--

2quartz: --U to get with, Mr. Smith, dont riff! Listen to my gear shift--

8pints: -- Don't be doing that with it either!
2quartz: I'm blastin, outlastin kinda like Shaft, so u could say I'm shaftin!

8pints: I said no!
2quartz: Old English filled my mind

8pints: What's mjmooney been saying to you!?

2quartz: And I came up with a funky rhyme!...Breakdown!!!

*With that a riot breaks between the three of them and they kick, scratch and bite their way in to the crowd and out of sight*


BB:  I ask you EWR fans...what have we just witnessed!?

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6th December


leemond2008 is in the ring, and he calls out villaajax. villaajax appears, and eventually accepts a challenge to a match between the two.


hogso vs dont_do_it_doug

hogso hits a back kick. DDID walks into a spinning heel kick. Cover! 1....2...kick out. hogso gets taken down out of nowhere. hogso gets caught with a short powerbomb from DDID. dont_do_it_doug snap suplexes hogso. Vertical suplex by dont_do_it_doug. hogso powers out of a dont_do_it_doug headlock. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, DDID hits hard. dont_do_it_doug gets knocked to the ground by hogso. Rolling Senton!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. hogso climbs each turnbuckle in turn, working the crowd as he celebrates his victory


packoman is walking backstage, when he meets yillan. They trade insults, get in each others faces, but eventually walk off without coming to blows.


limpid is backstage, and announces that tonight we will see Ginko and Ingram85 vs StefanAVFC and 8pints fight in a tag team match.


Dante_Lockhart vs theunderstudy

Dante hits a stump piledriver on theunderstudy. Spear! TUS is down and hurt. Massive lariat. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Big clothesline on TUS. Cover! 1....2...kick out. theunderstudy ducks a clothesline attempt. Second rope flying axe handle, Dante goes down. Flying cross body off the top rope! Dante kicks theunderstudy in the gut to reverse the momentum. Hard slam by Dante. Dante_Lockhart moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Ultimate Sin. 1....2...3, it's finished. Dante_Lockhart goes into the crowd, where he celebrates his victory


POB + Dom_Wren vs AVFC1991 + DiegoD - VT Tag Team Championship

DiegoD hits an arm drag on POB. AVFC-Prideofbrum takes a knee lift from DiegoD. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Tag between DiegoD and AVFCforever1991. AVFC1991 + DiegoD whip POB into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. AVFCF1991 hits a dropkick on AVFC-Prideofbrum. POB reverses a waistlock. AVFC-Prideofbrum hits a missile dropkick on AVFCF1991. Cover! 1....2...kick out. POB tags out to Dom_Wren. Dom_Wren hits a bulldog off the ropes. Cover! 1....2....kick out at the last second! Dom_Wren looks shocked. Big backdrop on AVFCF1991, executed well. AVFCF1991 blocks a punch. Hard back suplex on Dom_Wren. Tag to DiegoD. DiegoD hits a quick kick on Dom_Wren. Dom_Wren tags out to AVFC-Prideofbrum. DiegoD hits a spinning back kick. AVFC-Prideofbrum is in big trouble...Double Bulldog!! 1....2....3! POB + Dom_Wren look like they aren't done...and they attack AVFC1991 + DiegoD! After an exchange of blows, DiegoD and AVFCF1991 are laid out in the ring.


mjmooney is backstage. He continued the feud by ripping into rjw63.


Bickster vs The_Rev

Bickster receives some punishment. The_Rev walks into a trip. The_Rev receives some punishment. The referee goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Massive lariat. Pinfall attempt, but the referee is out. The_Rev kicks Bickster in the gut to reverse the momentum. Big clothesline on Bickster. Big clothesline from The_Rev. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. The_Rev turns Bickster inside-out with a clothesline. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Bickster blocks a suplex attempt. Full nelson slam! Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. The_Rev counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. The_Rev ducks a Bickster clothesline and does a quick roll up. The_Rev has a handful of tights! The referee hasn't seen it: 1....2....3!! The fight has started up again! Bickster attacks The_Rev, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting.


villaajax vs leemond2008 - VT Intercontinental Championship

Back elbow connects, villaajax staggers backward. leemond2008 hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. villaajax counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. leemond gets caught with a belly to belly suplex from villaajax. villaajax snap suplexes leemond. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Short powerbomb by villaajax. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. villaajax drives a thrust kick into the chest of leemond. leemond2008 blocks a right hand and fires back. leemond2008 DDTs villaajax. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. Tornado punch from leemond2008. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up! That was close. Bodyslam by leemond. villaajax receives some punishment. villaajax avoids an avalanche, leemond2008 hits the turnbuckles hard. leemond2008 takes a butterfly suplex from villaajax. villaajax scores with a released tiger suplex on leemond. leemond2008 gets whipped into the corner by villaajax, who charges in with a clothesline. leemond grabs the referee and pulls him in the way! The referee calls for the DQ as he collapses to the mat in pain. leemond2008 gets out of the ring and walks off, having taken the cheap way out. leemond grabs the referee, then nails him with a right hand! Dozens of people hit the ring to stop any further incident.


8pints and StefanAVFC vs Ingram85 and Ginko

Weak headbutt on StefanAVFC by Ginko. Weak bodyslam on StefanAVFC by Ginko. Cover! 1....2...kick out. Ginko tags out to Ingram85. Ginko \ Ingram85 hook up StefanAVFC, then hit a double suplex. Hooks the leg : 1....2....shoulder up. Flying shoulder tackle by Ingram85 sends StefanAVFC to the mat. StefanAVFC ducks a wild right hand. Massive backbreaker, Ingram85 got planted. Pin : 1....2..no. The match continues. StefanAVFC tags out to 8pints. 8pints hits a bulldog off the ropes. Pin : 1....2....no! They cut that one close. Ingram85 gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Ingram85 pushes out of a 8pints hold. Ingram85 slams 8pints down. Ingram85 tags out to Ginko. 8pints takes a right hand to the temple from Ginko. 8pints tags out to StefanAVFC. Weak bodyslam on StefanAVFC by Ginko. StefanAVFC climbs to the top rope, ready to leap at Ginko. 8pints bounces off the ropes for and elbow drop without seeing his partner, and crotches StefanAVFC by accident! StefanAVFC can barely stand. Canadian Destroyer!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! 8pints and StefanAVFC remain in the ring. They are arguing about that defeat. 8pints walks off without saying anything, much to the disgust of StefanAVFC.

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