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Margaret Thatcher dies of a stroke.


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I have never seen the BBC as batting for any side. In terms of the issue around this song though they have made the same mistake as many other media outlets and made an issue out of something silly and trivial and fell right into the hands of those behind it. This song would never have been heading for the top of the charts without all the publicity it as received and that has mainly been down to those against it.

Edited by markavfc40
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Any of the libertarian wing of the Tory Party uttered a word on censorship yet?


Not as far as I've heard.


I was also wondering if the Taxdodgers' Alliance would be protesting against the use of vast sums of public money for the spectacle, but I seem to have missed that as well.

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Oh and this song issue isn't really about disrespecting a dead person and both those with polarised opinions know it. The Tory Party lets not forget were the ones that dumped Thatcher, her own cabinet stuck the knife in deep enough that she could never recover, yet now that self same party appear to be airbrushing "The Thatcher Legacy." What they'd really like is for her time as PM to be remembered in peoples minds as a fantastic thing, they also hope it will boost the image of the current f**kwits in charge of the country, a whole new the Tories aren't that bad feeling (remember post Falklands Britain). What the silly Wizard of Oz song does, is put another mark in the history books, that not everyone in the country thinks this, its about making an alternative statement, that proves that there were huge numbers of people that did have a different opinion. Trouble is the media never learn, if they'd ignored it, then it would have been starved of the oxygen of publicity but no they try (and partially succeed) in censoring it (how libertarian, how free market!) but that again boosts sales, dimwits

Anyone who thinks this funeral is just about paying respects to the witch is deluding themselves. Why is Cameron delivering a speech at the funeral, he hardly knew her. Anyone been to a funeral where some random member of the congregation who hardly knew the deceased speaks out in remembrance? Why not one of her cabinet colleagues of the time, Tebbit perhaps, he was always faithful… it's because its a new Party Political broadcast and best of all the opposition can't be seen to dissent. So really it is up to the people not parties to voice dissent.

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Any of the libertarian wing of the Tory Party uttered a word on censorship yet?


To be fair to Philip Davies, whilst calling the campaign small minded and mean spirited, The Beeb have him down as saying

It's a chart programme so if it's top of the charts they have to play it. It's not for the BBC to define on what basis something is in the charts.

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Good to see Milwall observing a minutes violence yesterday, with miners protesting also I just wanted to see Spitting Image on TV again and I would have got my specials LP on the gram ....

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I remember very well the "outrage" that some of the VT'ers who shall we say are UKIP and Tory supporters had regarding things like Civil Liberties and Freedom of Speech etc. It now seems that these liberties and freedoms are a one way thing and only apply when a) they are in opposition (I appreciate UKIP will always be that but let's be honest them and the Tory party are pretty much the same thing) or B) when they don't want to hear from anyone having differing viewpoints to theirs, especially about some as iconic to them as the Thatcher woman.


I suppose the songs that were released at the height of the Thatcher reign should also be banned, damn you Specials etc never let your music be heard again


The modern Tory Party and the Labour Party are indistinguishable apart from the colour of their ties. Thatcher killed politics as an effective way for the people of this country to influence its future by selling it to the banks and killing any voice of dissent. Her protege Tony Blair finished off the Labour Party just in case.


I'm genuinely surprised that people still believe in party politics.


We are lucky enough "upt north" to have a few activists on both sides of the political spectrum that makes the whole party political thing keep being interesting. Get yourself up the M1 to where it becomes cobbled 

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I'm genuinely surprised that people still believe in party politics.

We the people don't, election turnouts are getting lower and lower. Strong independent candidates and smaller parties are getting elected more regularly. What keeps the big two / three parties at the top is their cosy relationship with the news media, not in a conspiratorial way more a symbiotic way where they need each other so much, they are afraid to cut themselves loose from one another. But slowly it is all beginning to unravel.


Hmmm I wonder if PR could solve that .........

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Since Margaret Thatcher's death, many newspapers have been writing about the good things she achieved, while overlooking the damage she did to society.

It's the equivalent of a political vajazzle, trying to make that cu*t look good.       

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It is kinda ironic how the papers have stopped printing bile about "people living on benefits" for the last few days only to replace it with tributes and rewritings of history about the PM who did so much to turn it into an involuntary lifestyle choice for the masses. That many people had to survive on benefits because of her policies (the figures were constantly being massaged downwards too) that sections of society (it does exist) came to understand that as the norm.

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