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it was Lambert's choice was it not to replace experienced Premiership players with inexperienced lower league and foreign players not used to the rigours of the Premiership immediately rather than on a gradual basis.


No, I imagine it was the basis on which he took over the club to clear the decks. Also, I believe that retaining old guard would have hindered rather than helped.


Lambert took over a shambles and has turned us around in double quick time and on a shoestring


- His last 38 games (last 26 last and first 12 of this) would have had us finishing 9th in last seasons table

- We are 6 points better off than at the same time last season, despite the toughtest of all possible starts

- We are 8 points better off on a like for like basis


You only have to take a look at Norwich who have declined since he left them, despite a summer spending spree, to see the calibre of manager we have


10th-12th this season, easily top 10 the following season (better if he gets some money to spend)


You could be right concerning his remit but I believe Lambert stated after his first transfer window with us that the chairman made money available to buy more established players but he decided to go down a different route.


As for your other points I have already stated my own opinion on those in a debate with another poster although I would say that any judgement made on Lambert's tenure with us shouldn't exclude the difficulties last season just to suit your debate.



How did Lambert get closer to relegating us than McLeish, assuming that McLeish is the manager referenced in : "when you consider that probably the worst manager this club has ever had didn't come as close to relegating us as Lambert did."

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a couple of thoughts....


for the first time in a couple of seasons, when we concede a goal, i am not filled with the sense of dread that that's it and we're about to concede a whole lot more...


i get the sense that there has been a strategy since PL got here, and that we are not a year and a half into that plan... build a squad of young, hungry players, who are willing to bust a gut for the club and who's sell on value will almost always be higher than what we paid for them... i think he has achieved that - and the spirit among the squad seems fantastic now...


when was the last time there was word of a bad egg among the squad or players being unhappy? even those who are not playing seem happy to chip in with positive comments...


was looking at the list of current managers and their tenure at their respective clubs - PL actually ranks 7th... Arsene Wenger is first at seventeen years, and Alan Pardew is 2nd at less than three years... the league is in an era or rapid turnover of new managers, the degree of which was actually surprising to me....


what was noticable to me from that list was that there were very few managers among our peers that i can say have done a better job than PL has, pochetinno has done very well, pardew appears to be turning things around as he approaches his third year, steve clarke at west brom and maybe laudrup, although i am not sure whether this season's perfornamces suggests that swansea outperformed last season on the back of a stunning season by michu... beyond those clarke, i am not overly impressed by anyone else at these clubs that we have seen since PL came on board:





di canio







finally, i would note that last year, our turnaround was driven to a massive degree by one talismanic player with very broad belgian shoulders carrying the team for large parts of the season, much like michu did for swansea... this season, that has hardly been the case - villa have found a way to keep racking up the points even when the beast is not firing on all cylinderes or even not on the pitch at all!!!


i'm happy with how things are progressing and happy with PL at the helm of the club...

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Something else to add to the fact that we seem to be built of sterner stuff this season.

We have yet to drop a single point from winning positions this season. If we take the lead, we win. Seemples. Granted, it's 'only' 4 games and 4 wins but still. We're the best in 'points gained from losing positions' and the best in 'points lost from winning positions'.

Something to bear in mind for Saturday.

So basically, we're invincible?



Edited by Stevo985
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We have completely dumped our football philosophy of last season. I find it bizarre that we've gone from Martinez to Allardyce in the space of one summer, especially as the it was coming together in those final 10 games.

I cant for the life of me work it out either. Total U turn

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it was Lambert's choice was it not to replace experienced Premiership players with inexperienced lower league and foreign players not used to the rigours of the Premiership immediately rather than on a gradual basis.


No, I imagine it was the basis on which he took over the club to clear the decks. Also, I believe that retaining old guard would have hindered rather than helped.


Lambert took over a shambles and has turned us around in double quick time and on a shoestring


- His last 38 games (last 26 last and first 12 of this) would have had us finishing 9th in last seasons table

- We are 6 points better off than at the same time last season, despite the toughtest of all possible starts

- We are 8 points better off on a like for like basis


You only have to take a look at Norwich who have declined since he left them, despite a summer spending spree, to see the calibre of manager we have


10th-12th this season, easily top 10 the following season (better if he gets some money to spend)


You could be right concerning his remit but I believe Lambert stated after his first transfer window with us that the chairman made money available to buy more established players but he decided to go down a different route.


As for your other points I have already stated my own opinion on those in a debate with another poster although I would say that any judgement made on Lambert's tenure with us shouldn't exclude the difficulties last season just to suit your debate.



I don't believe that money was available to buy more established players and I also don't recall Lambert saying this - Clearly he would have liked to buy players like Kiyotake or Sissoko but was not able to afford either the fees or the wages.


As far as I'm concerned the "difficulties of last season" you refer to were;


1) at the start of the season - this was totally to do with the hangover from McL and the need to completely overhaul the playing staff. The fact that we saw improvement so quickly was remarkable given the circumstances




2) a bad loss of form over the Christmas period - this can happen to any team but young, inexperienced and newly formed teams are probably more susceptable. Again this was sorted out and the form to the end of the season saw constant and sustained improvement


If you thought that Lambert would take over the absolute and utter shambles left by McL, transform the squad on a shoestring and radically improve the playing style all within a few weeks then to borrow your phrase you are in "Cloud Cuckoo Land"


I'm not much interested in discussing last season - hopefully PL will be with us for some years and when we do look back on his tenure, I'm sure the difficulties to which you keep referring will be seen for what they were - tough and neccessary changes to get the club back on the right track


If Lambert's last 38 games were during a complete season it would have been good enough for a 9th place finish - surely you can admit that that is remarkable considering the situation he inherited and the meagre resources that have been available to him


This constant knocking of Lambert is getting boring. I suggest you get behind your manager and your team - I'm sure you'll enjoy the season much more

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We have completely dumped our football philosophy of last season. I find it bizarre that we've gone from Martinez to Allardyce in the space of one summer, especially as the it was coming together in those final 10 games.

I cant for the life of me work it out either. Total U turn



8 points better off on like for like fixtures


We're not Barcelona (yet) so I'll take points over performance thanks very much


I love this image:




How can any Villa supporter not be 100% behind this man?????????

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Loving how this thread has turned optimistic now.


As I've said before, let's all remember that it isn't JUST Lambert doing this job though. His staff have been outstanding, especially with scouting players and as things stand I wouldn't change our set-up for any other.


Oh and as for the picture above, Lambo's celebrations are always excellent, almost as if he is playing himself  :D:



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Some actual Lambo news:



The two clubs fell out in the summer of 2012, when Paul Lambert quit the Canaries managerial hot seat and joined the Midlanders. He had led Norwich to successive promotions and a 12th place finish in the Premier League.

A six-month standoff, amid an ugly war of words, resulted in Norwich almost suing Villa.

Norwich claimed they were due to be paid compensation by Villa, whereas Lambert argued he had resigned from the club, effectively becoming a free agent.

A peace deal was eventually reached in December 2012, when both clubs announced an amicable settlement had been reached – but details of the financial arrangement were kept “confidential”.

But SportsDirect News can reveal the amount paid by Villa to secure the services of the 44-year-old Scot was £1.544m.

Details of the one-off payment were revealed in Norwich’s latest set of financial accounts – buried on page 12 as a one-line entry titled “compensation fees”.



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Think the reaction of when we score against Norwich says it all for me. Remember Houllier at Anfield losing 3-0 and clapping/waving to the Kop, and people still think this man would have took us forwards.

To be fair, Houllier may have taken us forwards if he didn't have those health problems. We weren't looking too bad towards the end of his tenure and while I love Lambert's passion, that isn't the main reason why I think he'll take us forwards.

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I don't want to put words in people's mouths and I'm in the Lambert fan club, but I don't think there are many people not behind Lambert. Sure people can post some crap (me included) in match threads or after games where it all goes wrong but that is just emotions running high. That's what fans do. That's why we're not in charge.

I'd say almost everyone is behind Lambert. You only really see the negative reactions to him if we have a bad game but they're just snap reactions and it is exacerbated by the fact that villa fans are still struggling to come to terms with the fact that we have fallen so far in such a short space of time. A lot of us want to believe we're still a big club that should be beating teams like West Brom easily, but we're not.

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I remain confused at the perceived lack of spending.


The reality of it is PL has changed nearly the whole squad out for something like 30 to 40m, of which the majority are going to be worth the same or more if sold today that is a massive improvement on when he took over, there is a little way to go in midfield and getting rid of Given/Hutton and probably N'Zogbia but I think the next budget we shall start to see larger priced players coming in as he wont need to pad the squad out so much. If not the next budget then certainly the 2015 budget.


Patience will pay off to put us back on the right track we are doing better than last year and have played 6 of the top 7 clubs.



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we have been incredibly patient with him too. Lots of teams fans would have been on his back with last seasons form and results. I think we have been great fans. Were aloud to moan every now and then to get it off our chest.

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