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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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Thanks for everything you and the board have done for this club General.

We are finally starting to move towards our real potential.

What are your personal highlights of the first few years at the club would you say?

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General krulak here:

1. jez.villa: I would say that both Randy and I feel we are basically on schedule. To be totally honest, we probably ended the season one place higher than we thought...but it was always a 6-8 place in our mind. Oswald did it on his own. Toad in the Hole.

2. peter1968: Yes, Randy and I will be spending a good deal of time at Villa Park and Bodymoor Heath.

3. V111AFC:

a. Nothing at Roswell of importance.

b. Yes, I have been to Area 51 but no aliens.

c. MM was not killed by the government.

d. JFK was killed by Oswald...conspiracy theory is just that...a theory that has been proven to hold no water.

e. Trade Towers: A very sensitive issue for all Americans. I have a good deal of intelligence on this and I can assure you it was brought down by terrorist action to the great loss to the US and UK and other countries who had citizens in the towers.

f. Titanic was built in UK (i think) and therefore could not have been built to sink.

g. Hitler was, indeed, light in the loafers.

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titanic was built in belfast...

there is a theory that she had a major design flaw and that is why she snapped in two when her stern raised what was probably no more than she would have done in severly choppy water... however the water that flooded the front compartments added so much strain on the centre of the ship as she was pulled down, she bent both ways and snapped in two... mainly down to the weakness in the design of the way she dealt with bow movement... or something like that...

her sister ship the britannic had a different design to titanic and also different from the original design plans for britannic... which would suggest that harland and wolff admitted the titanic design flaws, albeit not publicly...

although britannic sank as well, so their designs cant have been that good...

although i am no expert on the matter...

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General just want to thank you for all your responses and the time you and Randy spend on making the club "our" club.

I just have one complain; How can you say that JFK was killed by Oswald is beyond me, when the Zapruder film indicates that there was several shots from more than one angel. But then again we are not here to discuss anything but football and on that front I have no complaints - keep up the good work.

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An odd topic to use for my first post but apparently it was the rivets that led to the downfall of the Titanic. Due to all the ships being built at the time, there was less and less Iron available to make the rivets. They had to use a lesser quality iron and the rivets were far too weak and snapped as soon as the ship hit the iceberg.

Keep up all the good work General. I think it is incredible that a man of your stature is involved with our club. Thanks for a brilliant season, and hopefully many more.

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Just a point about the season ticket sales. I know that you plan to cap them at 27,000 and I just think that this is a bit too low. if we can sell say 35,000 why not do it? It would still leave 4,000 every game (excluding the away allocation) for people who cant make every game and we would be guaranteed a sell out EVERY game. If we only cap at 27,000 then for example if we have Wigan at home the Saturday before Xmas I would imagine (like Portsmouth around the same time last year) they'll will be 8-10.000 empty seats that no one likes to see. I will be renewing mine next week, but a couple of friends who want to come down now have to wait on the waiting list.

They want to commit for the revolution but I get the feeling if they can't get a season ticket, they will miss the odd game here and there which may mean empty seats for games that wont sell out which would be a shame. I understand your feelings on that tickets are to be made available on the day for fans that cant afford a season ticket but if you've got people willing to put money up front, surely it makes sense to "have them on board". Maybe you could look at increasing the season ticket limit upto the 30-32,000 region?

Please dont take this as a moan because everything you have done so far has been great and I want as many people to join us as possible. WE WANT NO EMPTY SEATS - EVEN ON A COLD WINTERS DAY :P

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Just a point about the season ticket sales. I know that you plan to cap them at 27,000 and I just think that this is a bit too low. if we can sell say 35,000 why not do it? It would still leave 4,000 every game (excluding the away allocation) for people who cant make every game ......

The General mentioned a while back that Villa did not want to decrease the people who can't make every single match significantly. Expect an increase in season tickets when the stadium expands I expect.

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General, this is a plea on behalf of Mrs. K. and Villa fans.

Please make sure you do take time out of your schedule for a good relaxing holiday. Mrs. K needs you as much as we do, and we all wan't you with us for many years to come, so make sure you get enough R & R.

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Just reading through this thread and over a year in and all the original "thanks", "You've Saved Our Club" etc, I really do doubt you realise how much all us villa fans are greatful to yourself, Randy and the team.

The players deserve credit to a degree but the way in which you lads have come in and connected with us fans is really an astonishing achievement and something i never imagined to see in my lifetime as a villa supporter....

The club has been given a new impetous and in all honesty ive been a ST Holder for 12 years and the last year of the previous management was going to be my last - but its all changed now and its more fun for us fans than ever...

As much as you no doubt get complaints through the season , the "why's Martin not signing x and y players", deep down we all have faith in what your all doing and I for one am Proud again to be a villa fan.

Have yourself a well deserved break General and Cheers for all your efforts in making Aston Villa Great again!!! :notworthy:

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I just want to say that I hope that the club does go ahead with having Acorns as the official club sponsor. This would be an incredible gesture by Randy and the board and would make me even more proud to be a Villa fan.

I also think that a lot of "neutral" football followers, together with fans of lower league teams who like to also follow Premier League teams, will buy the Villa top because they will believe that the hospice will benefit from this! Great for the Acorns kids and great for the Villa's reputation of being a family club!

Keep up the good work Villa!

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i too am hoping that particular rumour is correct...

purely from the rumour, other clubs fans have commented positively on the villa and how great we and the new owners are...

and most importantly, a good cause gets some superb coverage...

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It is better for the club to get as many people down to Villa Park over the season as possible, this will ensure that we keep most of our fans who can't or won't come to every game interested in the club and feeling a part of it and not left out in the cold. Eg. I expect your friends who want season tickets attended around 7 games last year, if we have 35000 season ticket holders, it is highly unlikely they would be able to go to all of the games that they wanted to.

Plus of course there will be ticketing restrictions when we embark on our stadium development - Tell me if that isn't the Club's thinking General. We need to remain accessible to all of our fans and not be a closed shop.

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General Krulak here:

1. Season tickets: First and foremost, the 27,000 number is not a number that has been decided at all. Simply put, it is inaccurate. The number will be decided by Randy later. The key is to have the "right" mix of season ticket holders and open tickets. We need to be fair across the board. Part of our time this week has been spent sussing out this issue. We will do the right thing.

2. Barry stay or not: Of course I am going to say 100% stay!!! To say anything else would be to court disaster.

3. copenhagen: I totally disagree with you. I know a wee bit about ballistics and simply put, the entry and exit wounds could only have been made from a certain vantage point....the book depository Comments about "puffs of smoke" from the grassy knoll or the sound of shots from that location are just that..."puffs". There is not a credible expert in the field that would go along with some of the theories surrounding the death. The FBI has investigated this issue for years...ABSOLUTELY seeking a conspiracy. The results have been 100% corroboration of the initial investigation.

4. V111a: Thank you for the kind words. I will certainly pass them on to the folks who truly deserve them...MON, the Team, the folks at Villa Park and, of course, Randy.

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General I know you may not be able to discuss the matter but was the departure of Michael Cunnah part of the plan, eg: short contract as a consultant, job done, thanks, bye? Or did he get another offer?

If the former, does the club now have a final plan in place for Villa Park's future or will we be getting more consultants in?

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