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General Krulak (No Transfer Questions allowed)


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One of my relatives is on mobility support and we are looking into getting a season ticket for him, is there any chance of sorting a parking space at Villa Park (who should we speak to?) as he wouldn't be able to handle the walk from the train station or car parks further afield.

Many Thanks,


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Like some people who have recently posted, please pass on a thanks to MON for his reaction to the Liverpool/Barry saga. Some may find him too outgoing, but I love this about him. He tells people and the press exactly what the situation is, and I think that helps settle the team and know where the club stands. Of course GB may have been unsettled before the Wigan match, but I firmly believe if anyone can get the team back on form for tomorrow it's MON.

P.S. I don't know if this has been asked or answered, but will you be attending Upton Park tomorrow?

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With regards to what someone said about season tickets, i am planning on getting a season ticket in the Holte for next season but the friend i go with (being from London he's the only one i know!) isn't able to get to every match so he will just come to some of them, is there any way of getting a seat that i know won't be next to other season ticket holders so i can sit next to him when he comes? Never had a season ticket before so im not sure how this works.

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One of my relatives is on mobility support and we are looking into getting a season ticket for him, is there any chance of sorting a parking space at Villa Park (who should we speak to?) as he wouldn't be able to handle the walk from the train station or car parks further afield.

Many Thanks,


Again not to answer for the General, as he may have a better response, but I know when my mobility was impaired you could drop the person who couldn't handle the walk very close to the ground and then park elsewhere. I think you can drop them off right next to the appropriate stand if you get there early enough.

Like I say, not trying to speak for the General, but I know that is one option.

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Guest Ricardomeister

One of my relatives is on mobility support and we are looking into getting a season ticket for him, is there any chance of sorting a parking space at Villa Park (who should we speak to?) as he wouldn't be able to handle the walk from the train station or car parks further afield.

Many Thanks,


To save the General's time, the lady you need to ask for is Sheila Maybury. If your relative is ambulant disabled then there is a row with extra leg room especially for ambulant disabled (under big screen at corner of holte/trinity). Most of the row are already season ticket holders but there may well be a few spots left that you could take up. If your relative gets higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance then he will probably be allowed a carer to sit with him (who's season ticket would be free). The main car parks would be the Holte (which may well be full) or the Tram Museum or Yew Tree.


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With regards to what someone said about season tickets, i am planning on getting a season ticket in the Holte for next season but the friend i go with (being from London he's the only one i know!) isn't able to get to every match so he will just come to some of them, is there any way of getting a seat that i know won't be next to other season ticket holders so i can sit next to him when he comes? Never had a season ticket before so im not sure how this works.

Razor, I have a season ticket in the Upper Holte and go by myself for around half of the matches. The rest of them I go with my girlfriend, brother and/or friends etc and it's easy to get seats together. Just ring up the ticket office and when you're booking their ticket(s), ask for your season ticket seat to be moved so you are sat next to your friend(s). They will then either tell you which seat you're in and load it onto your season card, or de-activate your season card and send you a ticket (value £0, "ST exchange") with the others for your seat.

Works well for me; I think it's quite good really. Hope this helps (and saves the General an answer).

And while I'm here: General K, you are a legend!

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General, please get the scouts to watch a lad by the name of Veloso in Portugal. I know you have been told before, but the guy certainly has been in touch with Villa in the past regadrng the likes of Ronaldho and Boswinga when they were young kids. The man in question is going to sign on the forum in the next few days, but I can assure you he was telling me about Boswinga 18 months ago. He lives in Lisbon, but has been a Villa fan for 50 years, Ellis actually invited him to a game once in gratitude of his recommendations, but nothing came of them

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Very interested in your views on the following hat has blighted sport over the other side of the pond:

1. Baseball and Barry Bonds indictment and Balco's steroid use etc

2. Star All-pro Michael Vick and dog fighting

3. New England (ironic) Patriots and filming of practices etc. It has also been suggested they filmed walk through pre-Superbowl! Could they lose their titles?

I know it's not good stuff! But will say I follow both sports and thought Bonds was awesome. (Doh).

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General, a couple of days ago the manager of Cheltenham Town commented that he would like some of our young players on loan next season - are there any plans of a link up with a club lower down the league pyramid to loan some of our players out? Not neccessarily Cheltenham of course. Perhaps one abroad as well?

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Hi General, I often don't post on the site but enjoy reading others comments and views and I am sure that you can understand that at times us Villa fans are a demanding lot, but we appreciate what a great job you, MON and Randy are doing at the Villa. Its been long overdue and its great to see Villa back amongst the top 6 clubs again and its amazing just how much the Villa's profile has risen since Randy has taken over the club.

Even in New Zealand now Villa are starting to make the newspapers and its good to see its for all of the right reasons. Keep on the good work, during the summer and lets build on this season, I have faith in MON and Randy that they want to make the club great again and although at times there may be things that will upset some of us (like ST prices, the possibility of losing our best players to the Big 4 sides), you want the same as the rest of us to make this club great again.

The reason for my post is that my son was playing football on the weekend and had two sides wearing Man U and Spurs strips on other fields. It would be magic to see a Villa kit out there for a change! So I was wondering if the club would be interested in providing a playing strip to my sons under 15 side for this season or next? Is this something the club does or would be interested in considering? Is there a contact person that I could email?



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Thank you so so much for a brilliant season.

Our best for 5 years.

No matter what happens with Barry and players coming in, we're going forward.

See you in Europe next season, we're well on the way to our bright future.

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Echoing the thank you's, General, a pat on the back for absolutely everyone that has anything to do with the club for this season, it's been incredible. You're the link it seems between the fans and the team, so from a a helluva a lot of people that wear the Claret and Blue in their hearts as well as on their backs, THANK YOU! Make sure the whole of the team, staff, your good self and Randy know it please Gen!

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Its been a top season General! 6th place is a very respectable finish in what is the hardest league in the world and shows fantastic progression. Please pass on my thanks to Randy for everything that has happened this season on and off the pitch. Can't wait till August now!

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