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I've said it before and I'll say it again, this years game has been a shambles. Full of bugs and annoying changes. I still play it more than any other game but I find many aspects of the game so frustrating.

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The actual gameplay is the best ever IMO, but yes it has been a shambles. I still have to download my online pass from the PSN store before I can play it every time I turn on my PS3 or it says I am not eligible to play online.

I'm just lucky that my balls never disappeared.

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I'm not so sure, I preferred last years version as there were less exploitable weaknesses in the gameplay.

I've had that issue with the invisible ball a few times now, but I've only noticed it in Seasons and when playing a quick game against a friend, as I play Ultimate Team mostly it doesn't really crop up very often for me. Although next year I don't think I'm going to bother with Ultimate Team, the novelty is wearing off after they've so blatantly cashed in on it so much the greedy ****.

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I had spent the past two weeks on UT just trading to get enough money to start a decent team (and not even particularly great one), and it turns out UT is very, very easy.

Won promotion in every season, won div 1 in every season. This is good :lol:

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Pah, easy for you maybe!

I did get straight promotions to Division 1, but have only played through it twice and didn't get anywhere near the title. I'd like to think I could win it given time, but it takes a while so I mainly just play cup games. I could do with learning some skill moves to give myself an extra edge, but haven't really been bothered to put any practice into that sort of thing.

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Pah, easy for you maybe!

I did get straight promotions to Division 1, but have only played through it twice and didn't get anywhere near the title. I'd like to think I could win it given time, but it takes a while so I mainly just play cup games. I could do with learning some skill moves to give myself an extra edge, but haven't really been bothered to put any practice into that sort of thing.

Ah I've not bothered too much with cups, it's just not as rewarding at least with regards to coins etc, won the gold cup but I can't be bothered to go into all the different squad requirement ones. Will do when I have the money though. I wouldn't bother learning skill moves, I kind of rarely use them. It's more about close control dribbling, making space for yourself.

Currently using a La Liga team



-----Modric----De Marcos---Fabregas


All pretty cheap, aside from Fabregas, Pepe and a CM Modric cost around 20k but, he's probably the best CM the league has to offer, La Liga is full of a lot of slow passing types that don't cut it in UT

Going to try get Benzema, Di Maria, Alba and Pique when I have the money. Also probably going to buy De Rossi as a CM when I can.

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UT is way too easy, especially when you've made the swap from seasons, where the quality is much, much higher.

I pissed Div 1 at the first attempt and I'm currently 5-0-0 in my second season there. Don't think this is enough of a challenge for me :(

The hardest thing I've ever done FIFA related is win the Div 1 title on clubs with VT United, now THAT was a challenge.

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All pretty cheap, aside from Fabregas, Pepe and a CM Modric cost around 20k but, he's probably the best CM the league has to offer, La Liga is full of a lot of slow passing types that don't cut it in UT

Going to try get Benzema, Di Maria, Alba and Pique when I have the money. Also probably going to buy De Rossi as a CM when I can.

I've done the whole La Liga squad thing, sold them all and went for Serie A in the end. Benzema is a beast, but I wouldn't bother with Pique. Go straight for Ramos as Pique is way too slow.

Just bought a pack (with coins) and got an in-form Kompany. Get in!

Congrats mate, how much is he worth then?

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I've given up on buying packs with coins, I just end up with bog average gold players that are worth little or nothing over their quick sale value.

UT does seem easier than Seasons. I would have made straight promotions to Div 1 if they hadn't closed UT when I was winning my promotion match! Pissing Div 2 this time though with almost the same squad.

I've gone for a German/Dortmund/Munich team. Lot's of pace. Lovely.

My PSN user is fightoff_your if anyone wants a game.

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